[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /gerd/newlanguage compilelang.pl compilelang.pl~ intermediate.tab iso639.htm~ language.tab~

www lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Sun, 04 May 2003 18:56:45 -0000

This is a MIME encoded message

Content-Type: text/plain

www		Sun May  4 14:56:45 2003 EDT

  Added files:                 
    /modules/gerd/newlanguage	intermediate.tab 

  Removed files:               
    /modules/gerd/newlanguage	compilelang.pl~ iso639.htm~ language.tab~ 

  Modified files:              
    /modules/gerd/newlanguage	compilelang.pl 
  Should not have CVS'd the ~ files
  New intermediate format iso639 compliant language.tab, need to add countries 
  (en-US, en-GB) to be country standards compliant.
  LON-CAPA language ("seniso", etc) becomes unique internal key
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="www-20030504145645.txt"

Index: modules/gerd/newlanguage/compilelang.pl
diff -u modules/gerd/newlanguage/compilelang.pl:1.1 modules/gerd/newlanguage/compilelang.pl:1.2
--- modules/gerd/newlanguage/compilelang.pl:1.1	Sat May  3 21:34:35 2003
+++ modules/gerd/newlanguage/compilelang.pl	Sun May  4 14:56:45 2003
@@ -42,12 +42,12 @@
     foreach (keys %language) {
 	if ($language{$_} eq $lang) {
-            print $_.'&'.$two{$lang}.'&'.$three{$lang}.'&'.$encoding{$_}.'&'.$lang."\n";
+            print $_."\t".$two{$lang}."\t".$three{$lang}."\t".$encoding{$_}."\t".$lang."\n";
             delete $language{$_};
     unless ($foundlccode) {
-	print 's'.$three{$lang}.'iso'.'&'.$two{$lang}.'&'.$three{$lang}.'&'.'ISO'.'&'.$lang."\n";
+	print 's'.$three{$lang}.'iso'."\t".$two{$lang}."\t".$three{$lang}."\t".'ISO'."\t".$lang."\n";

Index: modules/gerd/newlanguage/intermediate.tab
+++ modules/gerd/newlanguage/intermediate.tab
sscoiso		sco	ISO	Scots
sinaiso	ia	ina	ISO	Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)
schbiso		chb	ISO	Chibcha
slatiso	la	lat	ISO	Latin
sisiso	is	ice/isl	ISO	Icelandic
setwin	et	est	Windows	Estonian
setiso	et	est	ISO	Estonian
ssndiso	sd	snd	ISO	Sindhi
scpeiso		cpe	ISO	Creoles and Pidgins, English-based (Other)
sachiso		ach	ISO	Acoli
ssiniso	si	sin	ISO	Singhalese
schmiso		chm	ISO	Mari
skuaiso		kua	ISO	Kuanyama
sinciso		inc	ISO	Indic (Other)
sptiso	pt	por	ISO	Portuguese
scebiso		ceb	ISO	Cebuano
shiniso	hi	hin	ISO	Hindi
sdiviso		div	ISO	Divehi
sbejiso		bej	ISO	Beja
skhaiso		kha	ISO	Khasi
smaniso		man	ISO	Mandingo
smoniso	mn	mon	ISO	Mongolian
skaaiso		kaa	ISO	Kara-Kalpak
sekaiso		eka	ISO	Ekajuk
stsiiso		tsi	ISO	Tsimshian
siroiso		iro	ISO	Iroquoian languages
sgujiso	gu	guj	ISO	Gujarati
samhiso	am	amh	ISO	Amharic
stibiso	bo	bod/tib	ISO	Tibetan
skruiso		kru	ISO	Kurukh
scppiso		cpp	ISO	Creoles and Pidgins, Portuguese-based (Other)
schoiso		cho	ISO	Choctaw
spaniso	pa	pan	ISO	Panjabi
skabiso		kab	ISO	Kabyle
sfaniso		fan	ISO	Fang
sburiso	my	bur/mya	ISO	Burmese
stmhiso		tmh	ISO	Tamashek
skasiso	ks	kas	ISO	Kashmiri
sfiuiso		fiu	ISO	Finno-Ugrian (Other)
sakkiso		akk	ISO	Akkadian
snauiso	na	nau	ISO	Nauru
skaniso	kn	kan	ISO	Kannada
sbaqiso	eu	baq/eus	ISO	Basque
ssogiso		sog	ISO	Sogdian
sduaiso		dua	ISO	Duala
ssukiso		suk	ISO	Sukuma
sdumiso		dum	ISO	Dutch, Middle (ca. 1050-1350)
sbiniso		bin	ISO	Bini
swariso		war	ISO	Waray
skhoiso		kho	ISO	Khotanese
sgemiso		gem	ISO	Germanic (Other)
snyoiso		nyo	ISO	Nyoro
stumiso		tum	ISO	Tumbuka
stemiso		tem	ISO	Timne
smisiso		mis	ISO	Miscellaneous (Other)
shimiso		him	ISO	Himachali
ssotiso	st	sot	ISO	Sotho, Southern
sswaiso	sw	swa	ISO	Swahili
snoniso		non	ISO	Norse, Old
sleziso		lez	ISO	Lezghian
smgaiso		mga	ISO	Irish, Middle (900 - 1200)
sfoniso		fon	ISO	Fon
ssomiso	so	som	ISO	Somali
srowin	ro	ron/rum	Windows	Romanian
sroiso	ro	ron/rum	ISO	Romanian
sasmiso	as	asm	ISO	Assamese
ssadiso		sad	ISO	Sandawe
siriiso	ga	gai/iri	ISO	Irish
sbadiso		bad	ISO	Banda
saleiso		ale	ISO	Aleut
stgkiso	tg	tgk	ISO	Tajik
sluniso		lun	ISO	Lunda
smnoiso		mno	ISO	Manobo languages
sfaoiso	fo	fao	ISO	Faroese
ssagiso	sg	sag	ISO	Sango
slamiso		lam	ISO	Lamba
spauiso		pau	ISO	Palauan
smakiso		mak	ISO	Makasar
sineiso		ine	ISO	-     Interlingue
sduiso	nl	dut/nla	ISO	Dutch
sineiso		ine	ISO	Indo-European (Other)
snepiso	ne	nep	ISO	Nepali
sceliso		cel	ISO	Celtic (Other)
sadaiso		ada	ISO	Adangme
swoliso	wo	wol	ISO	Wolof
struiso		tru	ISO	Truk
ssyriso		syr	ISO	Syriac
sgayiso		gay	ISO	Gayo
sslaiso		sla	ISO	Slavic (Other)
sdeliso		del	ISO	Delaware
stigiso		tig	ISO	Tigre
sossiso		oss	ISO	Ossetic
sotaiso		ota	ISO	Turkish, Ottoman (1500 - 1928)
skpeiso		kpe	ISO	Kpelle
ssmoiso	sm	smo	ISO	Samoan
srohiso	rm	roh	ISO	Rhaeto-Romance
sbaliso		bal	ISO	Baluchi
snnoiso		nno	ISO	Norwegian (Nynorsk)
sssaiso		ssa	ISO	Nilo-Saharan (Other)
sakaiso		aka	ISO	Akan
sazeiso	az	aze	ISO	Azerbaijani
styviso		tyv	ISO	Tuvinian
sspiso	es	esl/spa	ISO	Spanish
sluoiso		luo	ISO	Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)
scauiso		cau	ISO	Caucasian (Other)
smohiso		moh	ISO	Mohawk
smariso	mr	mar	ISO	Marathi
smaciso	mk	mac/mak	ISO	Macedonian
snewiso		new	ISO	Newari
scatiso	ca	cat	ISO	Catalan
smaoiso	mi	mao/mri	ISO	Maori
smapiso		map	ISO	Austronesian (Other)
ssusiso		sus	ISO	Susu
skiriso	ky	kir	ISO	Kirghiz
sathiso		ath	ISO	Athapascan languages
saariso	aa	aar	ISO	Afar
svaiiso		vai	ISO	Vai
spusiso	ps	pus	ISO	Pushto
sphniso		phn	ISO	Phoenician
sdzoiso	dz	dzo	ISO	Dzongkha
skauiso		kau	ISO	Kanuri
shauiso	ha	hau	ISO	Hausa
skroiso		kro	ISO	Kru
snahiso		nah	ISO	Aztec
sblaiso		bla	ISO	Siksika
slugiso		lug	ISO	Ganda
sabkiso	ab	abk	ISO	Abkhazian
ssswiso		ssw	ISO	Swazi
sskiso	sk	slk/slo	ISO	Slovak
sskwin	sk	slk/slo	Windows	Slovak
sbakiso	ba	bak	ISO	Bashkir
sefiiso		efi	ISO	Efik
ssahiso		sah	ISO	Yakut
ssliso	sl	slv	ISO	Slovenian
sslwin	sl	slv	Windows	Slovenian
soriiso	or	ori	ISO	Oriya
sariso	ar	ara	ISO	Arabic
sarwin	ar	ara	Windows	Arabic
skuriso	ku	kur	ISO	Kurdish
sglgiso	gl	glg	ISO	Gallegan
ssrriso		srr	ISO	Serer
ssrdiso		srd	ISO	Sardinian
speriso	fa	fas/per	ISO	Persian
sromiso		rom	ISO	Romany
sgmhiso		gmh	ISO	German, Middle High (ca. 1050-1500)
sbemiso		bem	ISO	Bemba
sipkiso	ik	ipk	ISO	Inupiak
sbntiso		bnt	ISO	Bantu (Other)
stwiiso	tw	twi	ISO	Twi
spaliso		pal	ISO	Pahlavi
sumbiso		umb	ISO	Umbundu
ssaliso		sal	ISO	Salishan languages
slaoiso	lo	lao	ISO	Lao
sndoiso		ndo	ISO	Ndongo
spraiso		pra	ISO	Prakrit languages
sdoiiso		doi	ISO	Dogri
schyiso		chy	ISO	Cheyenne
sveniso		ven	ISO	Venda
ssemiso		sem	ISO	Semitic (Other)
smiciso		mic	ISO	Micmac
sbaiiso		bai	ISO	Bamileke languages
szapiso		zap	ISO	Zapotec
smuniso		mun	ISO	Munda languages
sijoiso		ijo	ISO	Ijo
sbikiso		bik	ISO	Bikol
sgaeiso		gae/gdh	ISO	Gaelic (Scots)
schuiso		chu	ISO	Church Slavic
sdaiso	da	dan	ISO	Danish
skhiiso		khi	ISO	Khoisan (Other)
sbhoiso		bho	ISO	Bhojpuri
stiriso	ti	tir	ISO	Tigrinya
sscriso	sh	scr	ISO	Serbo-Croatian
smaiiso		mai	ISO	Maithili
speoiso		peo	ISO	Persian, Old (ca 600 - 400 B.C.)
skaliso	kl	kal	ISO	Greenlandic
safhiso		afh	ISO	Afrihili
schniso		chn	ISO	Chinook jargon
skusiso		kus	ISO	Kusaie
sheriso		her	ISO	Herero
snsoiso		nso	ISO	Sotho, Northern
skoniso		kon	ISO	Kongo
skhmiso	km	khm	ISO	Khmer
sproiso		pro	ISO	Provencal, Old (to 1500)
seweiso		ewe	ISO	Ewe
sbuliso	bg	bul	ISO	Bulgarian
sgeoiso	ka	geo/kat	ISO	Georgian
szeniso		zen	ISO	Zenaga
sjpriso		jpr	ISO	Judeo-Persian
sdakiso		dak	ISO	Dakota
saveiso		ave	ISO	Avestan
surdiso	ur	urd	ISO	Urdu
ssamiso		sam	ISO	Samaritan Aramaic
smosiso		mos	ISO	Mossi
scaiiso		cai	ISO	Central American Indian (Other)
stgliso	tl	tgl	ISO	Tagalog
segyiso		egy	ISO	Egyptian (Ancient)
ssnaiso	sn	sna	ISO	Shona
ssoniso		son	ISO	Songhai
swakiso		wak	ISO	Wakashan languages
smoliso	mo	mol	ISO	Moldavian
siloiso		ilo	ISO	Iloko
shawiso		haw	ISO	Hawaiian
sdyuiso		dyu	ISO	Dyula
szuliso	zu	zul	ISO	Zulu
sociiso	oc	oci	ISO	Langue d'Oc (post 1500)
sindiso	id	ind	ISO	Indonesian
snyaiso		nya	ISO	Nyanja
skoeuc	ko	kor	ISO	Korean
smuliso		mul	ISO	Multiple languages
shiliso		hil	ISO	Hiligaynon
smyniso		myn	ISO	Mayan languages
stiviso		tiv	ISO	Tivi
safaiso		afa	ISO	Afro-Asiatic (Other)
szhaiso	za	zha	ISO	Zhuang
stutiso		tut	ISO	Altaic (Other)
sroaiso		roa	ISO	Romance (Other)
skamiso		kam	ISO	Kamba
snbliso		nbl	ISO	Ndebele, South
sojiiso		oji	ISO	Ojibwa
sdraiso		dra	ISO	Dravidian (Other)
skiniso	rw	kin	ISO	Kinyarwanda
snoiso	no	nor	ISO	Norwegian
sbeliso	be	bel	ISO	Byelorussian
suzbiso	uz	uzb	ISO	Uzbek
sfriso	fr	fra/fre	ISO	French
smltiso	ml	mlt	ISO	Maltese
stsoiso	ts	tso	ISO	Tsonga
sshniso		shn	ISO	Shan
sbuaiso		bua	ISO	Buriat
scopiso		cop	ISO	Coptic
selxiso		elx	ISO	Elamite
skaziso	kk	kaz	ISO	Kazakh
scswin	cs	ces/cze	Windows	Czech
scsiso	cs	ces/cze	ISO	Czech
sgotiso		got	ISO	Gothic
sotoiso		oto	ISO	Otomian languages
seskiso		esk	ISO	Eskimo (Other)
sibaiso		iba	ISO	Iban
stsniso	tn	tsn	ISO	Tswana
steriso		ter	ISO	Tereno
ssgaiso		sga	ISO	Irish, Old (to 900)
statiso	tt	tat	ISO	Tatar
spagiso		pag	ISO	Pangasinan
schriso		chr	ISO	Cherokee
ssioiso		sio	ISO	Siouan languages
skawiso		kaw	ISO	Kawi
squeiso	qu	que	ISO	Quechua
salgiso		alg	ISO	Algonquian languages
slubiso		lub	ISO	Luba-Katanga
smayiso	ms	may/msa	ISO	Malay
stogiso	to	tog	ISO	Tonga (Nyasa)
sartiso		art	ISO	Artificial (Other)
ssviso	sv	sve/swe	ISO	Swedish
siboiso		ibo	ISO	Igbo
szuniso		zun	ISO	Zuni
scusiso		cus	ISO	Cushitic (Other)
sfroiso		fro	ISO	French, Old (842- ca. 1400)
sluiiso		lui	ISO	Luiseno
screiso		cre	ISO	Cree
sfiiso	fi	fin	ISO	Finnish
ssswiso	ss	ssw	ISO	Siswant
sbugiso		bug	ISO	Buginese
syidiso	yi	yid	ISO	Yiddish
skomiso		kom	ISO	Komi
sweliso	cy	cym/wel	ISO	Welsh
sarmiso	hy	arm/hye	ISO	Armenian
smusiso		mus	ISO	Creek
schviso		chv	ISO	Chuvash
sjaviso		jav/jaw	ISO	jv/jw Javanese
scheiso		che	ISO	Chechen
scpfiso		cpf	ISO	Creoles and Pidgins, French-based (Other)
sepoiso	eo	epo	ISO	Esperanto
slahiso		lah	ISO	Lahnda
sfijiso	fj	fij	ISO	Fijian
slvwin	lv	lav	Windows	Latvian
slviso	lv	lav	ISO	Latvian
sarciso		arc	ISO	Aramaic
spaaiso		paa	ISO	Papuan-Australian (Other)
sbihiso	bh	bih	ISO	Bihari
sgeziso		gez	ISO	Geez
smeniso		men	ISO	Mende
smwriso		mwr	ISO	Marwari
sarniso		arn	ISO	Araucanian
sewoiso		ewo	ISO	Ewondo
smkhiso		mkh	ISO	Mon-Kmer (Other)
stoniso		ton	ISO	Tonga (Tonga Islands)
spapiso		pap	ISO	Papiamento
sukriso	uk	ukr	ISO	Ukrainian
sniuiso		niu	ISO	Niuean
sjasjis	ja	jpn	SJIS	Japanese
sjaeuc	ja	jpn	EUC	Japanese
smaliso		mal	ISO	Malayalam
salbiso	sq	alb/sqi	ISO	Albanian
sangiso		ang	ISO	English, Old (ca. 450-1100)
sgoniso		gon	ISO	Gondi
svotiso		vot	ISO	Votic
sfryiso	fy	fry	ISO	Frisian
sgohiso		goh	ISO	German, Old High (ca. 750-1050)
shuiso	hu	hun	ISO	Hungarian
shuwin	hu	hun	Windows	Hungarian
ssuniso	su	sun	ISO	Sudanese
sloliso		lol	ISO	Mongo
sbreiso	be	bre	ISO	Breton
skikiso		kik	ISO	Kikuyu
safriso	af	afr	ISO	Afrikaans
stahiso		tah	ISO	Tahitian
skariso		kar	ISO	Karen
sormiso	om	orm	ISO	Oromo
schbig5	zh	chi/zho	BIG5	Chinese
scheuc	zh	chi/zho	GB	Chinese
svoliso	vo	vol	ISO	Volapük
sgrniso	gn	grn	ISO	Guarani
sgrciso		grc	ISO	Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
stamiso	ta	tam	ISO	Tamil
scrpiso		crp	ISO	Creoles and Pidgins (Other)
shmoiso		hmo	ISO	Hiri Motu
sltziso		ltz	ISO	Letzeburgesch
swaliso		wal	ISO	Walamo
swasiso		was	ISO	Washo
skumiso		kum	ISO	Kumyk
scosiso	co	cos	ISO	Corsican
sgriso	el	ell/gre	ISO	Greek, Modern (1453-)
sgrwin	el	ell/gre	Windows	Greek, Modern (1453-)
sbisiso	bi	bis	ISO	Bislama
sfatiso		fat	ISO	Fanti
skutiso		kut	ISO	Kutenai
sfuliso		ful	ISO	Fulah
sarpiso		arp	ISO	Arapaho
spliiso		pli	ISO	Pali
saymiso	ay	aym	ISO	Aymara
smlgiso	mg	mlg	ISO	Malagasy
sndeiso		nde	ISO	Ndebele, North
sminiso		min	ISO	Minangkabau
sikuiso	iu	iku	ISO	Inuktitut
sberiso		ber	ISO	Berber (Other)
smaxiso		max	ISO	Manx
sfrmiso		frm	ISO	French, Middle (ca. 1400-1600)
smahiso		mah	ISO	Marshall
ssmiiso		smi	ISO	Sami languages
senmiso		enm	ISO	English, Middle (ca. 1100-1500)
stukiso	tk	tuk	ISO	Turkmen
ssriso	sr		ISO	Serbian
sbeniso	bn	ben	ISO	Bengali
sltiso	lt	lit	ISO	Lithuanian
sltwin	lt	lit	Windows	Lithuanian
sruiso	ru	rus	ISO	Russian
sruwin	ru	rus	Windows	Russian
srukoi	ru	rus	KOI	Russian
seniso	en	eng	ISO	English
scrwin	hr		Windows	Croatian
scriso	hr		ISO	Croatian
snaviso		nav	ISO	Navajo
stliiso		tli	ISO	Tlingit
smadiso		mad	ISO	Madurese
shupiso		hup	ISO	Hupa
sitiso	it	ita	ISO	Italian
ssaniso	sa	san	ISO	Sanskrit
sawaiso		awa	ISO	Awadhi
schaiso		cha	ISO	Chamorro
sladiso		lad	ISO	Ladino
sbaniso		ban	ISO	Balinese
snaiiso		nai	ISO	North American Indian (Other)
sbamiso		bam	ISO	Bambara
sapaiso		apa	ISO	Apache languages
sbasiso		bas	ISO	Basa
sliniso	ln	lin	ISO	Lingala
scoriso		cor	ISO	Cornish
sbatiso		bat	ISO	Baltic (Other)
sniciso		nic	ISO	Niger-Kordofanian (Other)
scadiso		cad	ISO	Caddo
syaoiso		yao	ISO	Yao
syapiso		yap	ISO	Yap
sloziso		loz	ISO	Lozi
sgiliso		gil	ISO	Gilbertese
snymiso		nym	ISO	Nyamwezi
sarwiso		arw	ISO	Arawak
scariso		car	ISO	Carib
suigiso	ug	uig	ISO	Uighur
srajiso		raj	ISO	Rajasthani
sgaaiso	Ga	gaa	ISO	Ga
sgeiso	de	deu/ger	ISO	German
steliso	te	tel	ISO	Telugu
spliso	pl	pol	ISO	Polish
splwin	pl	pol	Windows	Polish
skokiso		kok	ISO	Konkani
smasiso		mas	ISO	Masai
spamiso		pam	ISO	Pampanga
snyniso		nyn	ISO	Nyankole
schgiso		chg	ISO	Chagatai
sundiso		und	ISO	Undetermined
sponiso		pon	ISO	Ponape
siraiso		ira	ISO	Iranian (Other)
sthaiso	th	tha	ISO	Thai
ssuxiso		sux	ISO	Sumerian
syoriso	yo	yor	ISO	Yoruba
snubiso		nub	ISO	Nubian languages
saceiso		ace	ISO	Achinese
sugaiso		uga	ISO	Ugaritic
svieiso	vi	vie	ISO	Vietnamese
sdiniso		din	ISO	Dinka
sseliso		sel	ISO	Selkup
sjrbiso		jrb	ISO	Judeo-Arabic
sweniso		wen	ISO	Sorbian languages
ssidiso		sid	ISO	Sidamo
striso	tr	tur	ISO	Turkish
strwin	tr	tur	Windows	Turkish
snziiso		nzi	ISO	Nzima
savaiso		ava	ISO	Avaric
sbraiso		bra	ISO	Braj
srariso		rar	ISO	Rarotongan
smniiso		mni	ISO	Manipuri
ssitiso		sit	ISO	Sino-Tibetan (Other)
sruniso	rn	run	ISO	Rundi
shebiso	he	heb	ISO	Hebrew
shebwin	he	heb	Windows	Hebrew
sxhoiso	xh	xho	ISO	Xhosa
ssaiiso		sai	ISO	South American Indian (Other)
sosaiso		osa	ISO	Osage
sgrbiso		grb	ISO	Grebo
skaciso		kac	ISO	Kachin
smagiso		mag	ISO	Magahi
shaiiso		hai	ISO	Haida
notxxx 				Not applicable
notset 				Not set
