[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /interface lonnavmaps.pm

bowersj2 lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Thu, 06 Feb 2003 22:58:12 -0000

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bowersj2		Thu Feb  6 17:58:12 2003 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/interface	lonnavmaps.pm 
  Now on the new nav maps. Having some unaccountable problems with the 
  anchor jumping; the anchor prints, the script to jump to it prints,
  the jump doesn't happen. :-( Otherwise it seems to work.
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Index: loncom/interface/lonnavmaps.pm
diff -u loncom/interface/lonnavmaps.pm:1.138 loncom/interface/lonnavmaps.pm:1.139
--- loncom/interface/lonnavmaps.pm:1.138	Thu Feb  6 16:26:21 2003
+++ loncom/interface/lonnavmaps.pm	Thu Feb  6 17:58:12 2003
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Navigate Maps Handler
-# $Id: lonnavmaps.pm,v 1.138 2003/02/06 21:26:21 bowersj2 Exp $
+# $Id: lonnavmaps.pm,v 1.139 2003/02/06 22:58:12 bowersj2 Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -252,17 +252,7 @@
         return OK;
-    # Grab a resource object so we have access to the constants; this
-    # is technically not proper, but should be harmless
-    my $res = $navmap->firstResource();
-    # These are some data tables, which make it easy to change some of
-    # of the specific visualization parameters if desired.
-    my %condenseStatuses =
-        ( $res->NETWORK_FAILURE    => 1,
-          $res->NOTHING_SET        => 1,
-          $res->CORRECT            => 1 );
+    my $res = "Apache::lonnavmaps::resource";
     my %filterHash;
     # Figure out what we're not displaying
@@ -272,10 +262,6 @@
-    # Is this a new-style course? If so, we want to suppress showing the top-level
-    # maps in their own folders, in favor of "inlining" them.
-    my $topResource = $navmap->getById("0.0");
     # Begin the HTML table
     # four cols: resource + indent, chat+feedback, icon, text string
     $r->print('<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">' ."\n");
@@ -284,7 +270,7 @@
     # instead of uris. The changes to this and the main rendering
     # loop should be obvious.
     # Here's a simple example of the iterator.
-    # Preprocess the map: Look for current URL, force inlined maps to display
+    # Preprocess the map: Look for current URL, open necessary maps
     my $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 1);
     my $found = 0;
@@ -354,359 +340,13 @@
         $curRes = $mapIterator->next();
-    undef $res; # so we don't accidentally use it later
-    my $indentLevel = 0;
-    my $indentString = "<img src='/adm/lonIcons/whitespace1.gif' width='25' height='1' alt='' border='0' />";
-    my $isNewBranch = 0;
-    my $now = time();
-    my $in24Hours = $now + 24 * 60 * 60;
-    my $displayedHereMarker = 0;
-    my $displayedJumpMarker = 0;
-    # We know the first thing is a BEGIN_MAP (see "$self->{STARTED}"
-    # code in iterator->next), so ignore the first one
-    $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, \%filterHash,
-                                           $condition);
-    $mapIterator->next();
-    $curRes = $mapIterator->next();
-    $depth = 1;
-    my @backgroundColors = ("#FFFFFF", "#F6F6F6");
-    my $rowNum = 0;
-    $counter = 0;
-    while ($depth > 0) {
-        if ($curRes == $mapIterator->BEGIN_MAP() ||
-            $curRes == $mapIterator->BEGIN_BRANCH()) {
-            $indentLevel++;
-        }
-        if ($curRes == $mapIterator->END_MAP() ||
-            $curRes == $mapIterator->END_BRANCH()) {
-            $indentLevel--;
-        }
-        if ($curRes == $mapIterator->BEGIN_BRANCH()) {
-            $isNewBranch = 1;
-        }
-        if ($curRes == $mapIterator->BEGIN_MAP()) { $depth++; }
-        if ($curRes == $mapIterator->END_MAP()) { $depth--; }
-        if (ref($curRes)) { $counter++; }
-        if (ref($curRes)) {
-            my $deltalevel = $isNewBranch? 1 : 0; # reserves space for branch icon
-            if ($indentLevel - $deltalevel < 0) {
-                # If this would be at a negative depth (top-level maps in
-                # new-style courses, we want to suppress their title display)
-                # then ignore it.
-                $curRes = $mapIterator->next();
-                next;
-            }
-            # Step one: Decide which parts to show
-            my @parts = @{$curRes->parts()};
-            my $multipart = scalar(@parts) > 1;
-            my $condensed = 0;
-            if ($curRes->is_problem()) {
-                # Is it multipart?
-                if ($multipart) {
-                    # If it's multipart, see if part 0 is "open"
-                    # if it is, display all parts, if it isn't,
-                    # just display first
-                    if (!$curRes->opendate("0")) {
-                        # no parts are open, display as one part
-                        @parts = ("0");
-                        $condensed = 1;
-                    } else {
-                        # Otherwise, only display part 0 if we want to 
-                        # attach feedback or email information to it
-                        if ($curRes->hasDiscussion() || $curRes->getFeedback()) {
-                            # Is this right? I think this will toss it
-                            # if it DOES have discussion, not if it doesn't?
-                            # - Jeremy (yes, commenting on his own code)
-                            shift @parts;
-                        } else {
-                            # Now, we decide whether to condense the
-                            # parts due to similarity
-                            my $status = $curRes->status($parts[1]);
-                            my $due = $curRes->duedate($parts[1]);
-                            my $open = $curRes->opendate($parts[1]);
-                            my $statusAllSame = 1;
-                            my $dueAllSame = 1;
-                            my $openAllSame = 1;
-                            for (my $i = 2; $i < scalar(@parts); $i++) {
-                                if ($curRes->status($parts[$i]) != $status){
-                                    $statusAllSame = 0;
-                                }
-                                if ($curRes->duedate($parts[$i]) != $due ) {
-                                    $dueAllSame = 0;
-                                }
-                                if ($curRes->opendate($parts[$i]) != $open) {
-                                    $openAllSame = 0;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            # $*allSame is true if all the statuses were
-                            # the same. Now, if they are all the same and
-                            # match one of the statuses to condense, or they
-                            # are all open with the same due date, or they are
-                            # all OPEN_LATER with the same open date, display the
-                            # status of the first non-zero part (to get the 'correct'
-                            # status right, since 0 is never 'correct' or 'open').
-                            if (($statusAllSame && defined($condenseStatuses{$status})) ||
-                                ($dueAllSame && $status == $curRes->OPEN && $statusAllSame)||
-                                ($openAllSame && $status == $curRes->OPEN_LATER && $statusAllSame) ){
-                                @parts = ($parts[1]);
-                                $condensed = 1;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                $parts[0] = "0"; # this is to get past foreach loop below
-                 # you can consider a non-problem resource as a resource
-                  # with only one part without loss, and it simplifies the looping
-            }
-            # Is it a multipart problem with a single part, now in 
-            # @parts with "0" filtered out? If so, 'forget' it's a multi-part
-            # problem and treat it like a single-part problem.
-            if ( scalar(@parts) == 1 ) {
-                $multipart = 0;
-            }
-            # Display one part, in event of network error.
-            # If this is a single part, we can at least show the correct
-            # status, but if it's multipart, we're lost, since we can't
-            # retreive the metadata to count the parts
-            if ($curRes->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) {
-                @parts = ("0");
-            }
-            # Step Two: Print the actual data.
-            # For each part we intend to display...
-            foreach my $part (@parts) {
-                my $nonLinkedText = ""; # unlinked stuff after title
-                my $stack = $mapIterator->getStack();
-                my $src = getLinkForResource($stack);
-                # Pass the correct symb on the querystring, so the
-                # remote will figure out where we are if we click a link
-                my $srcHasQuestion = $src =~ /\?/;
-                my $link = $src.
-                    ($srcHasQuestion?'&':'?') .
-                    'symb='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($curRes->symb()).
-                    '"';
-                my $title = $curRes->compTitle();
-                if ($src=~/^\/uploaded\//) {
-		    $nonLinkedText=$title;
-                    $title='';
-                }
-                my $partLabel = "";
-                my $newBranchText = "";
-                # If this is a new branch, label it so
-                if ($isNewBranch) {
-                    $newBranchText = "<img src=\"/adm/lonIcons/branch.gif\" border=\"0\">";
-                    $isNewBranch = 0;
-                }
-                # links to open and close the folders
-                my $linkopen = "<a href=\"$link\">";
-                my $linkclose = "</a>";
-                my $icon = "<img src=\"/adm/lonIcons/html.gif\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" />";
-                if ($curRes->is_problem()) { 
-                    if ($part eq "0" || $condensed) {
-                        $icon = '<img src="/adm/lonIcons/problem.gif" alt="" border=\"0\" />'; 
-                    } else {
-                        $icon = $indentString;
-                    }
-                }
-                # Display the correct icon, link to open or shut map
-                if ($curRes->is_map()) { 
-                    my $mapId = $curRes->map_pc();
-                    my $nowOpen = (!defined($filterHash{$mapId}));
-                    if ($condition) {$nowOpen = !$nowOpen;}
-                    $icon = $nowOpen ?
-                        "navmap.folder.closed.gif" : "navmap.folder.open.gif";
-                    $icon = "<img src=\"/adm/lonIcons/$icon\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" />";
-                    $linkopen = "<a href=\"/adm/navmaps?filter=";
-                    $linkopen .= ($nowOpen xor $condition) ? 
-                        addToFilter(\%filterHash, $mapId) :
-                        removeFromFilter(\%filterHash, $mapId);
-                    $linkopen .= "&condition=$condition&$queryAdd" . 
-                        "&hereType=$hereType&here=" . 
-                        Apache::lonnet::escape($here) . "&jumpType=".SYMB()."&" .
-                        "jump=" . Apache::lonnet::escape($curRes->symb()) ."\">";
-                    $linkclose = "</a>";
-                }
-                my $color;
-                if ($curRes->is_problem()) {
-                    $color = $colormap{$curRes->status};
-                    if (dueInLessThen24Hours($curRes, $part) ||
-                        lastTry($curRes, $part)) {
-                        $color = $hurryUpColor;
-                    }
-                }
-                if ($curRes->randomout()) {
-                    $nonLinkedText .= ' <i>(hidden)</i> ';
-                }
-                $rowNum++;
-                my $backgroundColor = $backgroundColors[$rowNum % scalar(@backgroundColors)];
-                # FIRST COL: The resource indentation, branch icon, name, and anchor
-                $r->print("  <tr bgcolor=\"$backgroundColor\"><td align=\"left\" valign=\"center\">\n");
-                # Print the anchor if necessary
-                if ($counter == $currentJumpIndex - $currentJumpDelta ) {
-                    $r->print('<a name="curloc" />');
-                    $displayedJumpMarker = 1;
-                }
-                # print indentation
-                for (my $i = 0; $i < $indentLevel - $deltalevel; $i++) {
-                    $r->print($indentString);
-                }
-                $r->print("  ${newBranchText}${linkopen}$icon${linkclose}\n");
-                my $curMarkerBegin = "";
-                my $curMarkerEnd = "";
-                # Is this the current resource?
-                if (!$displayedHereMarker && 
-                    (($hereType == SYMB() && $curRes->symb eq $here) ||
-                    ($hereType == URL() && $curRes->src eq $here))) {
-                    $curMarkerBegin = '<font color="red" size="+2">&gt; </font>';
-                    $curMarkerEnd = '<font color="red" size="+2"> &lt;</font>';
-                    $displayedHereMarker = 1;
-                }
-                if ($curRes->is_problem() && $part ne "0" && !$condensed) { 
-                    $partLabel = " (Part $part)"; 
-                    $title = "";
-                }
-                if ($multipart && $condensed) {
-                    $nonLinkedText .= ' (' . $curRes->countParts() . ' parts)';
-                }
-                $r->print("  $curMarkerBegin<a href=\"$link\">$title$partLabel</a> $curMarkerEnd $nonLinkedText");
-                #if ($curRes->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) {
-                #    $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic ("Navmap_Host_Down",
-                #                              '<font size="-1">Host down</font>'));
-                #    }
-                $r->print("</td>\n");
-                # SECOND COL: Is there text, feedback, errors??
-                my $discussionHTML = ""; my $feedbackHTML = ""; my $errorHTML = "";
-                if ($curRes->hasDiscussion()) {
-                    $discussionHTML = $linkopen .
-                        '<img border="0" src="/adm/lonMisc/chat.gif" />' .
-                        $linkclose;
-                }
-                if ($curRes->getFeedback()) {
-                    my $feedback = $curRes->getFeedback();
-                    foreach (split(/\,/, $feedback)) {
-                        if ($_) {
-                            $feedbackHTML .= '&nbsp;<a href="/adm/email?display='
-                                . &Apache::lonnet::escape($_) . '">'
-                                . '<img src="/adm/lonMisc/feedback.gif" '
-                                . 'border="0" /></a>';
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                if ($curRes->getErrors()) {
-                    my $errors = $curRes->getErrors();
-                    foreach (split(/,/, $errors)) {
-                        if ($_) {
-                            $errorHTML .= '&nbsp;<a href="/adm/email?display='
-                                . &Apache::lonnet::escape($_) . '">'
-                                . '<img src="/adm/lonMisc/bomb.gif" '
-                                . 'border="0" /></a>';
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                $r->print("<td width=\"75\" align=\"left\" valign=\"center\">$discussionHTML$feedbackHTML$errorHTML&nbsp;</td>");
-                # Is this the first displayed part of a multi-part problem
-                # that has not been condensed, so we should suppress these two
-                # columns so we don't display useless status info about part
-                # "0"?
-                my $firstDisplayed = !$condensed && $multipart && $part eq "0";
-                # THIRD COL: Problem status icon
-                if ($curRes->is_problem() &&
-                    !$firstDisplayed) {
-                    my $icon = $statusIconMap{$curRes->status($part)};
-                    my $alt = $iconAltTags{$icon};
-                    if ($icon) {
-                        $r->print("<td width=\"30\" valign=\"center\" width=\"50\" align=\"right\">$linkopen<img width=\"25\" height=\"25\" src=\"/adm/lonIcons/$icon\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$alt\" />$linkclose</td>\n");
-                    } else {
-                        $r->print("<td width=\"30\">&nbsp;</td>\n");
-                    }
-                } else { # not problem, no icon
-                    $r->print("<td width=\"30\">&nbsp;</td>\n");
-                }
-                # FOURTH COL: Text description
-                $r->print("<td align=\"right\" valign=\"center\">\n");
-                if ($curRes->kind() eq "res" &&
-                    $curRes->is_problem() &&
-                    !$firstDisplayed) {
-                    $r->print ("<font color=\"$color\"><b>") if ($color);
-                    $r->print (getDescription($curRes, $part));
-                    $r->print ("</b></font>") if ($color);
-                }
-                if ($curRes->is_map() && advancedUser() && $curRes->randompick()) {
-                    $r->print('(randomly select ' . $curRes->randompick() .')');
-                }
-                $r->print("&nbsp;</td></tr>\n");
-                if (!($counter % 20)) { $r->rflush(); }
-                if ($counter == 2) { $r->rflush(); }
-            }
-        }
-        $curRes = $mapIterator->next();
-    }
-    $r->print("</table>");
-    # Print out the part that jumps to #curloc if it exists
-    if ($displayedJumpMarker) {
-        $r->print('<script>location += "#curloc";</script>');
-    }
     # renderer call
     $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, \%filterHash, 0);
     my $render = render({ 'cols' => [0,1,2,3], 'iterator' => $mapIterator,
                           'url' => '/adm/navmaps', 
-                          'queryString' => 'alreadyHere=1' });
-    $r->print('|' . $render . '|');
+                          'queryString' => 'alreadyHere=1',
+                          'currentJumpIndex' => $currentJumpIndex});
+    $r->print($render);
@@ -1036,6 +676,10 @@
 =item * B<url>: The url the folders will link to, which should be the current page. Required if the resource info column is shown.
+=item * B<currentJumpIndex>: Describes the currently-open row number to cause the browser to jump to, because the user just opened that folder.
+=item * B<r>: The standard Apache response object. If you pass this to the render, it will use it to flush the table every 20 rows and handle the rendering itself.
 =head2 Additional Info
@@ -1113,7 +757,7 @@
             . $params->{'hereType'} . '&here=' .
             &Apache::lonnet::escape($params->{'here'}) . 
             '&jumpType=' . SYMB() . '&jump=' .
-            &Apache::lonnet::escape($params->{$resource->symb()}) . "'>";
+            &Apache::lonnet::escape($resource->symb()) . "'>";
     if ($resource->randomout()) {
@@ -1288,9 +932,15 @@
     my $jumpToSymb = $args->{'jumpToSymb'};
     my $hereURL = $args->{'hereURL'};
     my $hereSymb = $args->{'hereSymb'};
+    # keeps track of when the current resource is found,
+    # so we can back up a few and put the anchor above the
+    # current resource
+    my $currentJumpIndex = setDefault($args->{'currentJumpIndex'}, 0);    
+    my $currentJumpDelta = 2; # change this to change how many resources are displayed
+                             # before the current resource when using #current
+    my $r = $args->{'r'};
-    #if (defined($jumpToURL)) {
-    #    $args->{'jumpType'} = 
     # End parameter setting
@@ -1302,11 +952,6 @@
           $res->NOTHING_SET        => 1,
           $res->CORRECT            => 1 );
     my @backgroundColors = ("#FFFFFF", "#F6F6F6");
-    my $currentJumpIndex = 0; # keeps track of when the current resource is found,
-                             # so we can back up a few and put the anchor above the
-                             # current resource
-    my $currentJumpDelta = 2; # change this to change how many resources are displayed
-                             # before the current resource when using #current
     # Shared variables
     $args->{'counter'} = 0; # counts the rows
@@ -1449,35 +1094,40 @@
             # Now, display each column.
             foreach my $col (@$cols) {
+                my $colHTML = '';
+                if (ref($col)) {
+                    $colHTML .= &$col($curRes, $part, $args);
+                } else {
+                    $colHTML .= &{$preparedColumns[$col]}($curRes, $part, $args);
+                }
                 # If this is the first column and it's time to print
                 # the anchor, do so
                 if ($col == $cols->[0] && 
                     $args->{'counter'} == $args->{'currentJumpIndex'} - 
-                    $args->{'currentJumpDelta'}) {
-                    $result .= '<a name="curloc" />';
+                    $currentJumpDelta) {
+                    # Jam the anchor after the <td> tag;
+                    # necessary for valid HTML (which Mozilla requires)
+                    $colHTML =~ s/\>/\>\<a name="curloc" \/\>/;
                     $displayedJumpMarker = 1;
-                if (ref($col)) {
-                    $result .= &$col($curRes, $part, $args);
-                } else {
-                    $result .= &{$preparedColumns[$col]}($curRes, $part, $args);
-                }
+                $result .= $colHTML . "\n";
-            $result .= "  </tr>\n";
+            $result .= "    </tr>\n";
+        }
+        if ($r && $rownum % 20 == 0) {
+            $r->print($result);
+            $result = "";
+            $r->rflush();
         $curRes = $it->next();
     # Print out the part that jumps to #curloc if it exists
-    if ($args->{"displayedJumpMarker"}) {
-        $result .= "<script>location += "#curloc";</script>\n";
+    if ($displayedJumpMarker) {
+        $result .= "<script>location += \"#curloc\";</script>\n";
     $result .= "</table>";
