[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /minaeibi makeall.pl
Tue, 15 Oct 2002 12:49:08 -0000
minaeibi Tue Oct 15 08:49:08 2002 EDT
Added files:
/modules/minaeibi makeall.pl
To extracty all the things from activity log
Index: modules/minaeibi/makeall.pl
+++ modules/minaeibi/makeall.pl
use strict;
sub main {
my $file=$ARGV[0];
my $me=$ARGV[1];
print "Using $file.log\n";
print "Using $me data logged data\n";
open(LOGID, "<$file.log");
open(RESID, "<$file.res");
open(STDID, "<$file.grds");
my $line;
my $resCount=0;
my @allaccess;
my %resource=();
my %student=();
# Fetch the students' grades into hash
while ($line=<STDID>) {
my ($stdid,$std_grade)=split(':',$line);
# Fetch the resources' resources into hash
while ($line=<RESID>) {
my ($resid,$res_name)=split(':',$line);
# if (($res_name=~/\.(problem)$/) && ($resid=~/^RES\_(\w+)$/)) {
# }
while ($line=<LOGID>) {
my $count=scalar @allaccess-1;
for(my $n=0; $n<$count; $n++) {
my ($time,$who,$res,$post,$stat)=split(':',$allaccess[$n]);
# if ($res=~/^RES\_(\w+)$/) {
# if ($resource{$res}) {
$student{$who} .= '&'.$time.':'.$res.':'.$post.':'.$stat;
print("$n / $count) ".localtime($time)." $who -> $res : $post : $stat");
# }
foreach my $key (keys %student) {
my %fhash=();
my %shash=();
my %submit=();
my $tries=0;
my $solved=0;
my $first=0;
my @s_data = split(/\&/,$student{$key});
my $count=scalar @s_data-1;
for (my $n=1; $n<$count; $n++) {
my ($time,$res,$post,$stat)=split(':',$s_data[$n]);
$stat=substr($stat,0,length($stat)-1); #if ($stat eq 'SUBMIT') {
# $submit{"$res"} .= "$time:";
# }
if ($post eq 'POST') {
$submit{"$res"} .= "$time:";
if ($post eq 'CSTORE') {
$fhash{$res} += 1;
if ( $stat eq 'SOLVED' ) {
if(($fhash{$res}) == 1 ) {
} else {
my $spent=0;
my $tillS=0;
foreach my $tres (keys %submit) {
my @rtime = split(/\:/,$submit{$tres});
my $tcount=scalar @rtime - 1;
my $diff=$rtime[$tcount]-$rtime[0];
$spent += $diff;
if ($shash{$tres}==1) {
$tillS += $diff;
$spent = sprintf( "%.2f", $spent/(3600 * $resCount) );
$tillS = sprintf( "%.2f", $tillS/(3600 * $resCount) );
print "Student ( $key ) tries = $tries solved = $solved first = $first tillSlvd = $tillS spent = $spent Grade = $s_data[0]";