[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /felicia radioprobs.pl

albertel lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 21:47:15 -0000

albertel		Wed Sep 11 17:47:15 2002 EDT

  Added files:                 
    /modules/felicia	radioprobs.pl 
  - Felicia's script to generate LON-CAPA radio response problems from a question file and
     answer key file.
  - Might be nice to be able to run this in CSTR on an uploaded file to create many new radiobutton problems

Index: modules/felicia/radioprobs.pl
+++ modules/felicia/radioprobs.pl

# Script to generate LON-CAPA radio response problems from a question file and
# answer key file.  The script was originally written for ADV 2?? course and
# MSU.  The script is ran with:
#     perl makeradio.pl [PROBLEM_FILE] [ANSWER_FILE] [PROB_DIR]
# [PROBLEM_FILE] and [ANSWER_FILE] are formatted with the following 
# characteristics:
#    -[PROBLEM_FILE] was tab dileminated with the format:
#        [tab]43.[tab]question-text[newline]
#        [tab]A.[tab]foil-text[newline]
#        [tab]B.[tab]foil-text[newline]
#        ...
#        [tab]44.[tab]question-text[newline]
#    -[ANSWER_FILE] was tab dileminated with the format:
#        [tab]43.[tab]A
#        [tab]44.[tab]B
#     Where A is the answer to 43 and B is the answer to 44.
# A file is created into [PROB-DIR] with the name prob-0043.problem (using the
# example above). 
#     Created by:  Felicia Berryman
#                  felicia@lon-capa.org
#                  LITE Lab; Michigan State University
#     Originally completed:  Sept 7, 2002
#     Last Modified:  -----
# Crappiness that can be improved:
#     -written explicity for the format given above - more flexibilty such as:
#         *ability to replace [tab] delimination with user specified one.
#     -foils are recoginized by line beginning with [tab] then A or B or ... J.
#     -answer key file must be in the same order as the problem file
#     -does not check if prob-0043 exists, just automatically overwrites.
#         *should prompt user if files should be overwritten or ability to 
#          specify this option on the command line, for example --safe

use strict;

# Check for proper command line specifications:
unless ($#ARGV == 2) {
  die( "\nCorrect command usage:  
        perl makeradio.pl [PROBLEM_FILE] [ANSWER_FILE] [PROB_DIR]\n\n" );

my $probfile = $ARGV[0]; # user supplied [PROBLEM_FILE]

my $ansfile = $ARGV[1];  # user supplied [ANSWER_FILE]

my $probdir = $ARGV[2];  # user supplied directory where new radio response 
                         # questions are to be created

my @question=(); # Holds input from $probfile and $ansfile.
                 # @question is an array of monster hashes that stores all
                 # elements necessary to create the radio response problems

my $index = -1;  # indexes question while reading $probfile and $ansfile

# Read input from $probfile and input data into @question.
open( READ_PROB, "<$probfile")
    or die( "Cannot open $probfile for reading: $!" );
while( <READ_PROB> ) {
    my @dummy_string = split( /\t/, $_ );
    next if (@dummy_string < 3); # skip blank line
    if ( $dummy_string[1] =~ /\d/ ) {
	$index++;  # increment $index for each question number recognized.  
                   # reason why $index begins at -1.
	my $temp = $dummy_string[1];
	$question[$index]->{'number'}=$temp; #save question number for filename
	$question[$index]->{'text'} = $dummy_string[2]; #save question text
    elsif ( $dummy_string[1] =~ /A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J/ )  {
	my $temp = $dummy_string[1];
	chop($temp);  # foil letter
	# save foil text with foil letter as hash key.
	$question[$index]->{'foils'}->{$temp}->{'ftext'} = $dummy_string[2];
	# specify all foils as "false" for now.
	$question[$index]->{'foils'}->{$temp}->{'answer'} = "false";
close( READ_PROB ) or die( "Cannot close $probfile: $!" );

# Read input from $ansfile and input data into @question.
$index=0;  # reset index to begin at 0;
open( READ_ANS, "<$ansfile")
    or die( "Cannot open $ansfile for reading: $!" );
while( <READ_ANS> ) {
    my @dummy_string = split( /\t/, $_ );
    next if (@dummy_string < 3); # skip blank lines
    if ( $dummy_string[1] =~ /\d/ ) {
	my $temp = $dummy_string[1];
	# check if answer file is listed in the same order as the question file
	unless ( $temp == $question[$index]->{'number'} ) {
	    die( "$ansfile does not correspond in order to $probfile" );
    if ( $dummy_string[2] =~ /A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J/ ) {	
	my $temp = $dummy_string[2]; # letter corresponding to correct foil
	# specify the appropriate foil as "true".
	$question[$index]->{'foils'}->{$temp}->{'answer'} = "true";
close( READ_ANS ) or die( "Cannot close $ansfile: !" );

# Create .problem files with data from @question
for( my $i = 0; $i<=$#question; $i++ )  {
    my $prob = sprintf("%04u",$question[$i]->{'number'});
    $prob = "prob-".$prob.".problem\n";

    open( PROB, ">$probdir/$prob" )
	or die ( "Cannot create $prob.  Check if $probdir exists or is
                  writable.\n  Error: $!" );
    print( PROB "<problem>\n\n\n" );
    print( PROB "<!--   Autogenerated LON-CAPA problem       -->\n" );
    print( PROB "<!--   Autogeneration script written by:    -->\n" ); 
    print( PROB "<!--   F. Berryman, felicia\@lon-capa.org    -->\n\n\n");
    print( PROB "<startouttext />".($question[$i]->{'text'})."<endouttext />" );
    print( PROB "\n\n<radiobuttonresponse max=\"10\">\n\n\t<foilgroup>\n\n" );
    foreach my $key (keys( %{$question[$i]->{'foils'}} )) {
	print( PROB "<foil name=\"foil".($key)."\" value=\"" );
	print( PROB ($question[$i]->{'foils'}->{$key}->{'answer'})."\">" );
	print( PROB "<startouttext />" );
	print( PROB "$question[$i]->{'foils'}->{$key}->{'ftext'}" );
	print( PROB "<endouttext />\n</foil>\n\n" );
    print( PROB "\t</foilgroup>\n\n</radiobuttonresponse>\n\n</problem>" );

    close( PROB ) or die( "Cannot close $probdir/$prob" );