[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /sharrison/autocpan make_build_cpan_rpms.pl

harris41 lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 20:09:58 -0000

harris41		Mon Aug 19 16:09:58 2002 EDT

  Added files:                 
    /modules/sharrison/autocpan	make_build_cpan_rpms.pl 
  One more step along the long road of BUG #642.
  Creates RPMs that have standard CPAN build mechanisms
  (perl Makefile.PL; make; make PREFIX=TempBinaryLoc install);
  as well as allowing for custom compilations to be prescribed
  inside loncom/build/system_dependencies/cpanbuild/.

Index: modules/sharrison/autocpan/make_build_cpan_rpms.pl
+++ modules/sharrison/autocpan/make_build_cpan_rpms.pl
# make_build_cpan_rpms.pl - compiles cpan source contents as RPMs

# Scott Harrison, sharrison@users.sourceforge.net, 2002
# $Id: make_build_cpan_rpms.pl,v 1.1 2002/08/19 20:09:58 harris41 Exp $

# I am not using the CPAN.pm module because I do not want to introduce
# a software dependency.  There would also be the multiple versions of
# CPAN.pm on existing RH6.* and RH7.* machines to account for.

# This helps automatically compile CPAN packages for automated installation,
# uninstallation, and management on a RedHat system.  This script is
# structured to allow conditional incorporation of specialized build
# commands and patches.

# Temporary directory.
my $sdir="tmpbuildrpms/usr/local/cpanbuild/";

use RPM::Make;

# Get download location ready.
# `rm -Rf $sdir`;
`install -d $sdir`;

# Loop through and process the different cpan distributions.
    next if /^\#/;
    next unless /\S/;
    my ($dname,$dversion) = split(/\s+/);
    my $tag = "cpanbuild-$dname";
    $tag =~ s/\-/\_/g;
     (-e "../../../loncom/build/system_dependencies/cpanbuild/$dname.commands")
        print(OUT '#!/bin/sh'."\n");
        print(OUT 'cd /usr/local/cpansrc/'.$dname.'; '.
	      'perl Makefile.PL; make; '.
	      'make PREFIX="TempBinaryLoc/usr" install'."\n");
        print(OUT '#!/bin/sh'."\n");
        print(OUT 'cd /usr/local/cpansrc/'.$dname.';');
	`cat ../../../loncom/build/system_dependencies/cpanbuild/$dname.commands >> tmpbuildrpms/usr/local/cpanbuild/$dname`;
	print(OUT 'cd /usr/local/cpansrc/'.$dname.';'.
	      'make PREFIX="TempBinaryLoc/usr" install'."\n");

    # Try and make an RPM.
    print "Vee shall try and make an RPM ya...\n";
    my @filelist = ("tmpbuildrpms/usr/local/cpanbuild/$dname");
    my %metadata =
		  'vendor'=>'CPAN build commands for LON-CAPA',
		  'requires'=>[('PreReq: setup',
				'PreReq: passwd',
				'PreReq: util-linux'
		  'description'=>'This package is generated by a script. '.                             'This implements build commands for the '.$tag.' software package',
               'pre'=>'echo "Installing CPAN building commands into /usr/local/cpanbuild/.  This only helps builds the source of a CPAN distribution.  This will not yet add functionality to your system."',
    my %doc;
    my %conf;
    my %confnoreplace;
    my $version = $dversion;
    my $release = 1;
    my $arch = "i386";
    my $buildloc = "TempBuildLoc";
    my $pathprefix = "tmpbuildrpms";
