[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /build/system_dependencies perltest.pl

harris41 lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 16:52:41 -0000

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Content-Type: text/plain

harris41		Wed Aug 14 12:52:41 2002 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/build/system_dependencies	perltest.pl 
  BUG 69 FIX.  Operates in three different output modes (html;
   synopsis, for ./TEST; and statusreport, for explicit invocation).
  Total overhaul of code.  Much documentation added.  Much modularization.
  Greatly improved module file to distribution name relationship.  Dependent on
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="harris41-20020814125241.txt"

Index: loncom/build/system_dependencies/perltest.pl
diff -u loncom/build/system_dependencies/perltest.pl:1.5 loncom/build/system_dependencies/perltest.pl:1.6
--- loncom/build/system_dependencies/perltest.pl:1.5	Sat May  4 17:59:42 2002
+++ loncom/build/system_dependencies/perltest.pl	Wed Aug 14 12:52:41 2002
@@ -1,307 +1,610 @@
-# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
+# perltest.pl - script to test the status of perl modules on a LON-CAPA system
-# Testing to see if all needed perl components are on
-# a system
+# $Id: perltest.pl,v 1.6 2002/08/14 16:52:41 harris41 Exp $
+=head1 NAME
+B<perltest.pl> - Test status of perl modules installed on a LON-CAPA system.
+# Written to help LON-CAPA (The LearningOnline Network with CAPA)
 # YEAR=2001
 # 9/30 Scott Harrison
-# I wish there were a more straightforward way to do this.  But I can't
-# seem to find the right internals in the perl programming language.
-# Also, this program is only a "modest" effort to LOOK and see whether
+# YEAR 2002 and onwards
+# Scott Harrison, sharrison@users.sourceforge.net
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+perl perltest.pl [MODE]
+This script is located inside the LON-CAPA source code tree.
+This script is invoked by test-related targets inside
+This script is also used as a CGI script and is installed
+at the file location of F</home/httpd/html/lon-status/perltest.pl>.
+MODE, when left blank, the output defaults to 'statusreport' mode.
+Except however, if $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} exists, in which case
+'html' mode is safely assumed.
+Here is a complete list of MODEs.
+=over 4
+=item html
+A web page detailing the status of CPAN distributions on a LON-CAPA server
+(as well as methods for resolution).
+=item synopsis
+Plain-text output which just summarizes the status of
+expected CPAN distributions on a system.  (This is what a
+user sees when running the ./TEST command.)
+=item statusreport
+Plain-text output which provides a detailed status report of
+CPAN distributions on a LON-CAPA server (as well as methods
+for resolution).
+This program tests the status of perl modules installed on a LON-CAPA system.
+As with the other LON-CAPA test scripts, when reasonable, I try
+to avoid importing functionality from other LON-CAPA modules so as to
+avoid indirectly testing software dependencies.
+The script is organized into the following sections.
+=over 4
+=item 1.
+Process version information of this file.
+=item 2.
+Determine output mode for the script.
+=item 3.
+Output header information.
+=item 4.
+Make sure the perl version is suitably high.
+=item 5.
+Make sure we have the find command.
+=item 6.
+Scan for all the perl modules present on the filesystem.
+=item 7.
+Read in cpan_distributions.txt.
+=item 8.
+Loop through all of the needed CPAN distributions and probe the system.
+=item 9
+Output a report (dependent on output mode).
+=item 10
+B<vers_cmp> - compare two version numbers and see which is greater.
+B<have_vers> - syntax check the version number and call B<vers_cmp>.
+=head1 STATUS
+Ratings: 1=horrible 2=poor 3=fair 4=good 5=excellent
+=over 4
+=item Organization
+=item Functionality
+=item Has it been tested?
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Scott Harrison, sharrison@users.sourceforge.net, 2001, 2002
+This software is distributed under the General Public License,
+version 2, June 1991 (which is the same terms as LON-CAPA).
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# =================================== Process version information of this file.
+my $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.6 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
+# ========================== Determine the mode that this script should run in.
+my $mode;
+$mode=shift(@ARGV) if @ARGV;
+unless ( $mode )
+  {
+    $mode = 'statusreport';
+  }
+if ( defined($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) )
+  {
+    $mode = 'html';
+  }
+# ================================================== Output header information.
+my $hostname = `hostname`; chomp($hostname);
+my $date = `date`; chomp($date);
+# --- html mode blurb
+if ($mode eq "html") {
+    print(<<END);
+Content-type: text/html
+<title>CPAN perl status report; $hostname; $date</title>
+<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
+<h1>CPAN perl status report</h1>
+print('Running perltest.pl, version '.$VERSION.'.'."\n");
+print('(Test status of perl modules installed on a LON-CAPA system).'."\n");
+# This program is only a "modest" effort to LOOK and see whether
 # necessary perl system dependencies are present.  I do not yet
 # try to actually run tests against each needed perl module.
+# Eventually, all modules will be version-checked, and reasonable
+# testing implemented.
+# ================================ Make sure the perl version is suitably high.
+print('Checking version of perl'."\n");
+print(`perl --version`);
+unless (eval("require 5.005"))
+  {
+    die('**** ERROR **** DEPENDENCY FAILURE: require perl version >= 5.005.'.
+	"\n".'Do you even have perl installed on your system?'."\n");
+  }
+  {
+    print('Perl >= 5.005...okay'."\n");
+  }
+# ========================================= Make sure we have the find command.
+my $ret = system("find --version 1>/dev/null");
+if ($ret)
+  {
+    die('**** ERROR **** DEPENDENCY FAILURE: perltest.pl requires the GNU '.
+	"'find'".' utility.'."\n");
+  }
+  {
+    print('find command exists...okay'."\n");
+  }
+# ==================== Scan for all the perl modules present on the filesystem.
+print('Scanning for perl modules...'."\n");
+my $big_module_string; # All the modules glued together in a string.
+my $number_of_modules = 0; # The total number of modules available in system.
+# --- Build a pattern matching string.
+foreach my $inc (@INC)
+  {
+    my @m = `find $inc -maxdepth 2000 -type f -name '*.pm'`;
+    foreach my $module (@m)
+      {
+	$big_module_string .= $module;
+	$number_of_modules++;
+      }
+  }
+# --- Notify user of the number of modules.
+print('There are '.$number_of_modules.
+      ' perl modules present on your filesystem.'."\n");
+my %dist_module_hash; # Relate the distributions to their VersionFrom modules.
+my %module_name_on_filesystem; # Relate module name to filesystem syntax.
+my %dist_dev_version_hash; # Expected development version of CPAN distribution.
+my %dist_stable_version_hash; # Expected stable version of CPAN distribution.
+my %module_dev_version_hash; # development version of versionfrom_module.
+my %module_stable_version_hash; # stable version of versionfrom_module.
+# ============================================= Read in cpan_distributions.txt.
+# A brief description of CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network):
+# CPAN software is not released as separate perl modules.
+# CPAN software is released as "distributions" (also called "dists").
+# Each distribution consists of multiple perl modules.
+# For instance, the dist HTML-Tree (http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-Tree/)
+# consists of the modules HTML::AsSubs, HTML::Element, HTML::Element::traverse,
+# HTML::Parse, HTML::TreeBuilder, and HTML::Tree.
+# Most (but not all) distributions have versions which are defined
+# by one of their modules.  For the syntax of cpan_distributions.txt,
+# please read the comments inside cpan_distributions.txt.
+# Open cpan_distributions.txt.
+open(IN,'<cpan_distributions.txt') or
+    die('**** ERROR **** Cannot find cpan_distributions.txt'."\n");
+while(<IN>) # Loop through the lines.
+  {
+    next if /^\#/; # Ignore commented lines.
+    next unless /\S/; # Ignore blank lines.
+    chomp; # Get rid of the newline at the end of the line.
+    # Parse the line.
+    my ($dist_name,$dist_dev_version,$dist_stable_version,$versionfrom_info) =
+	split(/\s+/); # Parse apart the line fields.
+    $versionfrom_info =~ /^(.*)\((.*)\)$/; # Parse apart the versionfrom info.
+    my ($version_module,$version_match) = ($1,$2); # Parse vals into variables.
+    # Calculate DevVersion and StableVersion for the VersionFrom module.
+    my $module_dev_version;
+    my $module_stable_version;
+    if ($version_match eq "*") # There is a dist=module version relationship.
+      {
+	$module_dev_version = $dist_dev_version; # module=dist.
+	$module_stable_version = $dist_stable_version; # module=dist.
+      }
+    else # There is not a dist=module version relationship.
+      {
+	($module_dev_version,$module_stable_version) = 
+	    split(/\,/,$version_match); # module set to customized settings.
+      }
+    $dist_module_hash{$dist_name} = $version_module; # The big dist index.
+    # What the module "looks like" on the filesystem.
+    my $version_modulefs = $version_module;
+    $version_modulefs =~ s!::!/!g; $version_modulefs.='.pm';
+    $modulefs_hash{$version_module} = $version_modulefs;
+    # Indexing the expected versions.
+    $module_dev_version_hash{$version_module} = $module_dev_version;
+    $module_stable_version_hash{$version_module} = $module_stable_version;
+    $dist_dev_version_hash{$dist_name} = $dist_dev_version;
+    $dist_stable_version_hash{$dist_name} = $dist_stable_version;
+  }
+# "MISSING"  means that no module is present inside the include path.
+# "OUTDATED" means that a module is present inside the include path but is
+#            an earlier version than expected.
+# "VERYOKAY" means that the module version is an exact match for the expected
+#            version.
+# "OKAY"     means that the module version is more recent than the expected
+#            version, so things are "probably" okay....  It is still possible
+#            that LON-CAPA is incompatible with the newer distribution version
+#            (corresponding to the module version).
+my @dev_missing;
+my @dev_outdated;
+my @dev_okay;
+my @dev_veryokay;
+my @stable_missing;
+my @stable_outdated;
+my @stable_okay;
+my @stable_veryokay;
+# ===== Loop through all of the needed CPAN distributions and probe the system.
+foreach my $dist (keys %dist_module_hash)
+  {
+    my $module = $dist_module_hash{$dist};
+    my $fs = $modulefs_hash{$module};
+    my $fsflag = 0;
+    if ($big_module_string =~ /$fs/)
+      {
+        $fsflag = 1;
+      }
+    my ($vok,$vstr);
+    ($vok,$vstr) = have_vers($module,$module_dev_version_hash{$module});
+    # print "fsflag: $fsflag, vok: $vok, vstr: $vstr, fs: $fs\n";
+    if ($fsflag and !$vok and $vstr=~/not found/)
+      {
+	push(@dev_missing,'MISSING  '.$dist.' (want distribution version '.
+	     $dist_dev_version_hash{$dist}.') ?'."\n");
+	# The question mark indicates there was a pattern match in the
+	# big_module_string which would be unexpected.
+	# There is no usual reason to tell the normal LON-CAPA user about this
+	# question mark.  This is just source code magic.
+      }
+    elsif (!$fsflag and !$vok and $vstr=~/not found/)
+      {
+	push(@dev_missing,'MISSING  '.$dist.' (want distribution version '.
+	     $dist_dev_version_hash{$dist}.')'."\n");
+      }
+    elsif ($fsflag and !$vok and $vstr!~/not found/)
+      {
+	push(@dev_outdated,'OUTDATED '.$dist.' wanted module: v'.
+	     $module_dev_version_hash{$module}.'; '.$vstr.' (VERSION_FROM is '.
+	     $fs.') want dist version '.$dist_dev_version_hash{$dist}.'.'.
+	     "\n");
+      }
+    elsif ($fsflag)
+      {
+	$vstr=~/found v(.*)/;
+	my $vc=$1;
+	if ($vc eq $module_dev_version_hash{$module})
+          {
+	    push(@dev_veryokay,'VERYOKAY '.$dist.' wanted: v'.
+		 $module_dev_version_hash{$module}.'; '.$vstr.
+		 ' (VERSION_FROM is '.$fs.') want dist version '.
+		 $dist_dev_version_hash{$dist}."\n");
+	  }
+	else
+          {
+	    push(@dev_okay,'OKAY     '.$dist.' wanted: v'.
+		  $module_dev_version_hash{$module}.'; '.$vstr.
+		  ' (VERSION_FROM is '.$fs.').'."\n");
+	  }
+      }
+    ($vok,$vstr) = have_vers($module,$module_stable_version_hash{$module});
+    if ($fsflag and !$vok and $vstr=~/not found/)
+      {
+	push(@stable_missing,'MISSING  '.$dist.' (want distribution version '.
+	     $dist_stable_version_hash{$dist}.') ?'."\n");
+	# The question mark indicates there was a pattern match in the
+	# big_module_string which would be unexpected.
+	# There is no usual reason to tell the normal LON-CAPA user about this
+	# question mark.  This is just source code magic.
+      }
+    elsif (!$fsflag and !$vok and $vstr=~/not found/)
+      {
+	push(@stable_missing,'MISSING  '.$dist.' (want distribution version '.
+	     $dist_stable_version_hash{$dist}.')'."\n");
+      }
+    elsif ($fsflag and !$vok and $vstr!~/not found/)
+      {
+	push(@stable_outdated,'OUTDATED '.$dist.' wanted module: v'.
+	     $module_stable_version_hash{$module}.'; '.$vstr.
+	     ' (VERSION_FROM is '.$fs.') want dist version '.
+	     $dist_stable_version_hash{$dist}.'.'."\n");
+      }
+    elsif ($fsflag)
+      {
+	$vstr=~/found v(.*)/;
+	my $vc=$1;
+	if ($vc eq $module_stable_version_hash{$module})
+          {
+	    push(@stable_veryokay,'VERYOKAY '.$dist.' wanted: v'.
+		 $module_stable_version_hash{$module}.'; '.$vstr.
+		 ' (VERSION_FROM is '.$fs.') want dist version '.
+		 $dist_stable_version_hash{$dist}."\n");
+	  }
+	else
+          {
+	    push(@stable_okay,'OKAY     '.$dist.' wanted: v'.
+		  $module_stable_version_hash{$module}.'; '.$vstr.
+		  ' (VERSION_FROM is '.$fs.').'."\n");
+	  }
+      }
+  }
-# --------------------------------- Make sure the perl version is suitably high
-my $ret=system("find --version 1>/dev/null");
-if ($]<5.005) {
-    die "DEPENDENCY FAILURE: LON-CAPA requires perl version >= 5.005.\n";
-# ------------------------------------------ Make sure we have the find command
-my $ret=system("find --version 1>/dev/null");
-if ($ret) {
-    die "DEPENDENCY FAILURE: A test program requires the GNU ".
-	"'find' utility.\n";
-# ----------------------------------------- Read in all the system perl modules
-print "Scanning for perl modules...\n";
-my $modules; 
-foreach my $inc (@INC) {
-    my @m=`find $inc -type f -name '*.pm'`;
-    foreach my $mod (@m) {
-	$modules.=$mod;
-    }
-# --------------- Seeing if dependencies are in our "full" list of perl modules
-my %dependencies=qw(
-		    GD/Barcode.pm 1
-		    GD/Barcode/COOP2of5.pm 1
-		    GD/Barcode/Code39.pm 1
-		    GD/Barcode/EAN13.pm 1
-		    GD/Barcode/EAN8.pm 1
-		    GD/Barcode/IATA2of5.pm 1
-		    GD/Barcode/ITF.pm 1
-		    GD/Barcode/Industrial2of5.pm 1
-		    GD/Barcode/Matrix2of5.pm 1
-		    GD/Barcode/NW7.pm 1
-		    GD/Barcode/UPCA.pm 1
-		    GD/Barcode/UPCE.pm 1
-		    IO/Dir.pm 1
-		    IO/Poll.pm 1
-		    IO/Socket/INET.pm 1
-		    IO/Socket/UNIX.pm 1
-		    Algorithm/Diff.pm 1
-		    Algorithm/DiffOld.pm 1
-		    Bundle/LWP.pm 1
-		    File/Listing.pm 1
-		    HTML/AsSubs.pm 1
-		    HTML/Element.pm 1
-		    HTML/Element/traverse.pm 1
-		    HTML/Form.pm 1
-		    HTML/Parse.pm 1
-		    HTML/Tagset.pm 1
-		    HTML/Tree.pm 1
-		    HTML/TreeBuilder.pm 1
-		    HTTP/Cookies.pm 1
-		    HTTP/Daemon.pm 1
-		    HTTP/Date.pm 1
-		    HTTP/Headers.pm 1
-		    HTTP/Headers/Auth.pm 1
-		    HTTP/Headers/ETag.pm 1
-		    HTTP/Headers/Util.pm 1
-		    HTTP/Message.pm 1
-		    HTTP/Negotiate.pm 1
-		    HTTP/Request.pm 1
-		    HTTP/Request/Common.pm 1
-		    HTTP/Response.pm 1
-		    HTTP/Status.pm 1
-		    LWP.pm 1
-		    LWP/Authen/Basic.pm 1
-		    LWP/Authen/Digest.pm 1
-		    LWP/Debug.pm 1
-		    LWP/MediaTypes.pm 1
-		    LWP/MemberMixin.pm 1
-		    LWP/Protocol.pm 1
-		    LWP/Protocol/data.pm 1
-		    LWP/Protocol/file.pm 1
-		    LWP/Protocol/ftp.pm 1
-		    LWP/Protocol/gopher.pm 1
-		    LWP/Protocol/http.pm 1
-		    LWP/Protocol/https.pm 1
-		    LWP/Protocol/mailto.pm 1
-		    LWP/Protocol/nntp.pm 1
-		    LWP/RobotUA.pm 1
-		    LWP/Simple.pm 1
-		    LWP/UserAgent.pm 1
-		    MIME/Body.pm 1
-		    MIME/Decoder.pm 1
-		    MIME/Decoder/Base64.pm 1
-		    MIME/Decoder/Binary.pm 1
-		    MIME/Decoder/Gzip64.pm 1
-		    MIME/Decoder/NBit.pm 1
-		    MIME/Decoder/QuotedPrint.pm 1
-		    MIME/Decoder/UU.pm 1
-		    MIME/Entity.pm 1
-		    MIME/Field/ConTraEnc.pm 1
-		    MIME/Field/ContDisp.pm 1
-		    MIME/Field/ContType.pm 1
-		    MIME/Field/ParamVal.pm 1
-		    MIME/Head.pm 1
-		    MIME/Parser.pm 1
-		    MIME/Parser/Filer.pm 1
-		    MIME/Parser/Reader.pm 1
-		    MIME/Parser/Results.pm 1
-		    MIME/Tools.pm 1
-		    MIME/Words.pm 1
-		    Net/Cmd.pm 1
-		    Net/Config.pm 1
-		    Net/Domain.pm 1
-		    Net/FTP.pm 1
-		    Net/FTP/A.pm 1
-		    Net/FTP/E.pm 1
-		    Net/FTP/I.pm 1
-		    Net/FTP/L.pm 1
-		    Net/FTP/dataconn.pm 1
-		    Net/NNTP.pm 1
-		    Net/Netrc.pm 1
-		    Net/PH.pm 1
-		    Net/POP3.pm 1
-		    Net/SMTP.pm 1
-		    Net/SNPP.pm 1
-		    Net/Time.pm 1
-		    Text/Query.pm 1
-		    Text/Query/Advanced.pm 1
-		    Text/Query/Build.pm 1
-		    Text/Query/BuildAdvancedString.pm 1
-		    Text/Query/BuildSimpleString.pm 1
-		    Text/Query/Optimize.pm 1
-		    Text/Query/Parse.pm 1
-		    Text/Query/ParseAdvanced.pm 1
-		    Text/Query/ParseSimple.pm 1
-		    Text/Query/Simple.pm 1
-		    Text/Query/Solve.pm 1
-		    Text/Query/SolveAdvancedString.pm 1
-		    Text/Query/SolveSimpleString.pm 1
-		    URI.pm 1
-		    URI/Escape.pm 1
-		    URI/Heuristic.pm 1
-		    URI/URL.pm 1
-		    URI/WithBase.pm 1
-		    URI/_foreign.pm 1
-		    URI/_generic.pm 1
-		    URI/_login.pm 1
-		    URI/_query.pm 1
-		    URI/_segment.pm 1
-		    URI/_server.pm 1
-		    URI/_userpass.pm 1
-		    URI/data.pm 1
-		    URI/file.pm 1
-		    URI/file/Base.pm 1
-		    URI/file/FAT.pm 1
-		    URI/file/Mac.pm 1
-		    URI/file/OS2.pm 1
-		    URI/file/QNX.pm 1
-		    URI/file/Unix.pm 1
-		    URI/file/Win32.pm 1
-		    URI/ftp.pm 1
-		    URI/gopher.pm 1
-		    URI/http.pm 1
-		    URI/https.pm 1
-		    URI/ldap.pm 1
-		    URI/mailto.pm 1
-		    URI/news.pm 1
-		    URI/nntp.pm 1
-		    URI/pop.pm 1
-		    URI/rlogin.pm 1
-		    URI/rsync.pm 1
-		    URI/snews.pm 1
-		    URI/telnet.pm 1
-		    WWW/RobotRules.pm 1
-		    WWW/RobotRules/AnyDBM_File.pm 1
-		    Authen/Krb4.pm 1
-		    Bundle/DBD/mysql.pm 1
-		    Bundle/DBI.pm 1
-		    Crypt/DES.pm 1
-		    Crypt/IDEA.pm 1
-		    DBD/ExampleP.pm 1
-		    DBD/NullP.pm 1
-		    DBD/Proxy.pm 1
-		    DBD/Sponge.pm 1
-		    DBD/mysql.pm 1
-		    DBI.pm 1
-		    DBI/DBD.pm 1
-		    DBI/FAQ.pm 1
-		    DBI/Format.pm 1
-		    DBI/ProxyServer.pm 1
-		    DBI/Shell.pm 1
-		    DBI/W32ODBC.pm 1
-		    Digest.pm 1
-		    HTML/Entities.pm 1
-		    HTML/Filter.pm 1
-		    HTML/HeadParser.pm 1
-		    HTML/LinkExtor.pm 1
-		    HTML/Parser.pm 1
-		    HTML/TokeParser.pm 1
-		    MIME/Base64.pm 1
-		    MIME/QuotedPrint.pm 1
-		    Math/Cephes.pm 1
-		    Math/Cephes/Complex.pm 1
-		    Math/Cephes/Fraction.pm 1
-		    Mysql.pm 1
-		    Mysql/Statement.pm 1
-		    Safe/Hole.pm 1
-		    Win32/DBIODBC.pm 1
-		    Algorithm/Diff.pm 1
-		    Apache/Constants.pm 1
-		    Apache/File.pm 1
-		    capa.pm 1
-		    CGI.pm 1
-		    CGI/Cookie.pm 1
-		    Crypt/DES.pm 1
-		    DBI.pm 1
-		    Fcntl.pm 1
-		    File/Copy.pm 1
-		    FileHandle.pm 1
-		    GDBM_File.pm 1
-		    HTML/TokeParser.pm 1
-		    HTML/TreeBuilder.pm 1
-		    HTTP/Headers.pm 1
-		    IO/Socket.pm 1
-		    LWP/UserAgent.pm 1
-		    Math/Cephes.pm 1
-		    Math/Random.pm 1
-		    Opcode.pm 1
-		    POSIX.pm 1
-		    Safe.pm 1
-		    Safe/Hole.pm 1
-		    Socket.pm 1
-		    strict.pm 1
-		    Text/Query.pm 1
-		    tth.pm 1
-		    vars.pm 1
-		    );
-my $errorflag=0;
-foreach my $dep (keys %dependencies) {
-    unless ($modules=~/$dep/) {
-	print "MISSING $dep\n";
-	$errorflag++;
-    }
+# ========================================================== The stable report.
+print('**** STABLE REPORT (what a production server should worry about)'."\n");
+if (@stable_missing) {
+    print('There are '.scalar(@stable_missing).' CPAN distributions missing '.
+	  'from this LON-CAPA system.'."\n");
+else {
+    print('All perl modules needed by LON-CAPA appear to be present.'."\n");
+if (@stable_outdated) {
+    print(scalar(@stable_outdated).' CPAN distributions are out-dated '.
+	  'on this LON-CAPA system.'."\n");
+if (@stable_veryokay) {
+    print(scalar(@stable_veryokay).' CPAN distributions are an exact match '.
+	  '(based on version number).'."\n");
+#    print @stable_veryokay;
+if (@stable_okay) {
+    print(scalar(@stable_okay).' CPAN dists have a version number '.
+	  'higher than expected'.
+	  ' (probably okay).'. "\n");
-unless ($errorflag) {
-    print "All perl modules needed by LON-CAPA appear to be present.\n";
+# ===================================================== The development report.
+print('**** DEVELOPMENT REPORT (do not worry about this unless you are a'.
+      ' coder)'."\n");
+if (@dev_missing) {
+    print('There are '.scalar(@dev_missing).' CPAN distributions missing '.
+	  'from this LON-CAPA system.'."\n");
 else {
-    print "You are missing perl modules on your system.\n";
-    if (-e '/etc/redhat-release') {
-	$RHversion = (split /\s/, `cat /etc/redhat-release`)[4];
-	if ($RHversion=~/^7\./) {
-	    print(<<END);
-Please visit: http://install.lon-capa.org/3.1/latestRPMS/
-Download an RPM looking like: LON-CAPA-systemperl-*.*-rh72.i386.rpm
-Upgrade: rpm -Uvh --force LON-CAPA-systemperl-*.*-rh72.i386.rpm
-(Note that you will need to replace the '*' asterisks with
-the most up to date version number present within the latestRPMS
-	}
-        elsif ($RHversion=~/^6\./) {
-	    print(<<END);
-Please visit: http://install.lon-capa.org/3.1/latestRPMS/
-Download an RPM looking like: LON-CAPA-systemperl-*.*-1.i386.rpm
-Upgrade: rpm -Uvh --force LON-CAPA-systemperl-*.*-1.i386.rpm
-(Note that you will need to replace the '*' asterisks with
-the most up to date version number present within the latestRPMS
-        }
-        else {
-	    print(<<END);
-You are running a version of RedHat that appears to be neither
-version 6.* or version 7.*.
-Please consult CVS:doc/otherfiles/perl_modules.txt for a detailed
-description of all the perl modules that should be on your system.
-You may also want to look at the contents of this script
-You can retrieve needed perl modules from http://www.cpan.org/.
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-	print(<<END);
-You appear to be running a non-RedHat system.  Please consult
-CVS:doc/otherfiles/perl_modules.txt for a detailed description of
-all the perl modules that should be on your system.  You
-may also want to look at the contents of this script
-You can retrieve needed perl modules from http://www.cpan.org/.
+    print('All perl modules needed by LON-CAPA appear to be present.'."\n");
+if (@dev_outdated) {
+    print(scalar(@dev_outdated).' CPAN distributions are out-dated '.
+	  'on this LON-CAPA system.'."\n");
+if (@dev_veryokay) {
+    print(scalar(@dev_veryokay).' CPAN distributions are an exact match '.
+	  '(based on version number).'."\n");
+#    print @dev_veryokay;
+if (@dev_okay) {
+    print(scalar(@stable_okay).' CPAN dists have a version number '.
+	  'higher than expected'.
+	  ' (probably okay).'. "\n");
+if ($mode eq 'synopsis') {
+    print("\n".'**** NOTE ****'."\n".
+	  'After everything completes, please view the CPAN_STATUS_REPORT'.
+	  ' file for more '."\n".'information on resolving your perl modules.'.
+	  "\n");
+    print('* HIT RETURN WHEN READY TO CONTINUE *'."\n");
+    my $returnkey=<>;
+else {
+    print("\n".'DETAILED STATUS REPORT'."\n"); # Header of status report.
+    # Print advisory notices.
+    print("\n".'(Consult loncapa/doc/otherfiles/perl_modules.txt for '.
+	  'information on'."\n".
+	  ' manual build instructions.)'."\n");
+    print("\n".'(**** IMPORTANT NOTICE **** HTML-Parser needs to be patched '.
+	  "\n".' as described in loncapa/doc/otherfiles/perl_modules.txt)'.
+	  "\n");
+    print("\n".'For manual installation of CPAN distributions, visit'."\n".
+	  'http://search.cpan.org/dist/DistName'."\n".
+	  'where DistName is something like "HTML-Parser" or "libwww-perl".'.
+	  "\n");
+    print("\n".'For automatic installation of CPAN distributions, visit'."\n".
+	  'http://install.lon-capa.org/resources/cpanauto/DistName.bin'."\n".
+	  'where DistName.bin is something like "HTML-Parser.bin" or '.
+	  '"libwww-perl.bin".'."\n");
+    # Print detailed report of stable.
+    print("\n".'STABLE (DETAILED REPORT)'."\n");
+    print @stable_missing;
+    print @stable_outdated;
+    print @stable_veryokay;
+    print @stable_okay;
+    print("\n".'DEVELOPMENT (DETAILED REPORT)'."\n");
+    print @dev_missing;
+    print @dev_outdated;
+    print @dev_veryokay;
+    print @dev_okay;
+if ($mode eq "html") {
+    print(<<END);
-    }
-exit $errorflag;
+# ================================================================ Subroutines.
+# Note that "vers_cmp" and "have_vers" are adapted from a bugzilla version 2.16
+# "checksetup.pl" script.
+# ------------ vers_cmp : compare two version numbers and see which is greater.
+# vers_cmp is adapted from Sort::Versions 1.3 1996/07/11 13:37:00 kjahds,
+# which is not included with Perl by default, hence the need to copy it here.
+# Seems silly to require it when this is the only place we need it...
+sub vers_cmp
+  {
+    if (@_ < 2) { die "not enough parameters for vers_cmp" }
+    if (@_ > 2) { die "too many parameters for vers_cmp" }
+    my ($a, $b) = @_;
+    my (@A) = ($a =~ /(\.|\d+|[^\.\d]+)/g);
+    my (@B) = ($b =~ /(\.|\d+|[^\.\d]+)/g);
+    my ($A,$B);
+    while (@A and @B)
+      {
+        $A = shift @A;
+        $B = shift @B;
+        if ($A eq "." and $B eq ".")
+          {
+            next;
+          }
+        elsif ( $A eq "." )
+          {
+            return -1;
+          }
+        elsif ( $B eq "." )
+          {
+            return 1;
+          }
+        elsif ($A =~ /^\d+$/ and $B =~ /^\d+$/)
+          {
+            return $A <=> $B if $A <=> $B;
+          }
+        else
+          {
+            $A = uc $A;
+            $B = uc $B;
+            return $A cmp $B if $A cmp $B;
+          }
+      }
+    @A <=> @B;
+  }
+# --------------- have_vers: syntax check the version number and call vers_cmp.
+# This was originally clipped from the libnet Makefile.PL, adapted here to
+# use the above vers_cmp routine for accurate version checking.
+sub have_vers
+  {
+    my ($pkg, $wanted) = @_;
+    my ($msg, $vnum, $vstr);
+    no strict 'refs';
+    # printf("Checking for %15s %-9s ", $pkg, !$wanted?'(any)':"(v$wanted)");
+    eval { my $p; ($p = $pkg . ".pm") =~ s!::!/!g; require $p; };
+    $vnum = ${"${pkg}::VERSION"} || ${"${pkg}::Version"} || 0;
+    $vnum = -1 if $@;
+    if ($vnum eq "-1") # string compare just in case it's non-numeric
+      {
+        $vstr = "not found";
+      }
+    elsif (vers_cmp($vnum,"0") > -1)
+      {
+        $vstr = "found v$vnum";
+      }
+    else
+      {
+        $vstr = "found unknown version";
+      }
+    my $vok = (vers_cmp($vnum,$wanted) > -1);
+    # print ((($vok) ? "ok: " : " "), "$vstr\n");
+    return ($vok,$vstr);
+  }
