[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: nsdl / README

harris41 lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Sat, 20 Jul 2002 17:24:50 -0000

harris41		Sat Jul 20 13:24:50 2002 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /nsdl	README 
  clarifying different parts of the documentation
Index: nsdl/README
diff -u nsdl/README:1.3 nsdl/README:1.4
--- nsdl/README:1.3	Sun Jul 14 04:06:13 2002
+++ nsdl/README	Sat Jul 20 13:24:50 2002
@@ -26,8 +26,17 @@
 Important files
-The stylesheets for carrying out the metadata conversion are
-nsdl/lib/stylesheets/*.xsl  .
+To get a good overview on the metadata conversion, I recommend
+you look at the nsdl/prototypes/metadata_convert.pl script
+(perldoc -f metadata_convert.pl).  Among other things, this
+provides a list regarding the crosswalk possibilities of
+LON-CAPA to&from IEEE-LOM and LON-CAPA to&from Dublin Core.
+Currenty, the four stylesheets for carrying out the metadata conversion are:
+* nsdl/lib/stylesheets/dcnsdl_to_loncapa.xsl
+* nsdl/lib/stylesheets/lomnsdl_to_loncapa.xsl
+* nsdl/lib/stylesheets/loncapa_to_dcnsdl.xsl
+* nsdl/lib/stylesheets/loncapa_to_lomnsdl.xsl
 The Apache web handler modules are defined in the directory:
 nsdl/lib/perl/Apache/  .
@@ -35,8 +44,9 @@
 The Apache configuration file (see below also) is
 nsdl/conf/nsdl.conf  .
-The source-to-target is defined by nsdl/build/gatewayfiles.lpml
+The source-to-target information is defined by nsdl/build/gatewayfiles.lpml
 (an XML file defines how the software is "rendered" onto the system).
+gatewayfiles.lpml is used in many locations inside nsdl/build/Makefile.
 And, there are other files.
@@ -73,8 +83,8 @@
                        place more importance on the exhaustive IEEE LOM
                        standard rather than the weaker Dublin Core standard.
                        In the future, to get to Dublin Core, it might make
-                       sense to convert LON-CAPA to IEEE LOM and *then*
-                       go to IEEE LOM metadata standard.
+                       sense to first convert LON-CAPA to IEEE LOM and *then*
+                       go to the Dublin Core metadata standard.
 * ISSUE: Set hierarchies
   PROBLEM: Asking for ListIdentifiers from LON-CAPA will return a really long
            list that represents a "jumbled" repository.  Currently,