[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: doc /homework lonchart.test_procedure

stredwic lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Fri, 28 Jun 2002 17:35:00 -0000

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stredwic		Fri Jun 28 13:35:00 2002 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /doc/homework	lonchart.test_procedure 
  Updated this document to include testing of pages, reuse of the same 
  .problem, sorting, and the student active status.  Also to fix a couple
  of typos in the last submission.  This document corresponds to the class
  created by Jason Stredwick called Chart Test on the 103 domain on machine
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Index: doc/homework/lonchart.test_procedure
diff -u doc/homework/lonchart.test_procedure:1.1 doc/homework/lonchart.test_procedure:1.2
--- doc/homework/lonchart.test_procedure:1.1	Thu Jun 27 15:07:42 2002
+++ doc/homework/lonchart.test_procedure	Fri Jun 28 13:35:00 2002
@@ -3,53 +3,116 @@
         The procedure will show the validity of the lonchart code.  A course 
 called Chart Test was created to test the possible scenarios due to course 
 creation.  Next a series of false students will take the course.  Each student 
-will perform differently.  The number of students will be directly correlated 
+will perform differently.  The number of students will be relate directly to
 the number of grade related tests required.  The combination of these two sets 
 of tests will ensure the proper output of lonchart.
         The course was designed to test the following: problems in the top 
 level sequence, problems in a sequece separated by a subsequence, problems with
-parts, and the correctness of a single problem resource in general.  The course
-is laid out beginning with a top sequence containing in order, start, problem, 
-sequence, problem, and finish resources.  The subsequence contains two 
-problems.  The first problem is a general problem containing a simple numeric 
-response.  The second problem contains two parts.  
-        The chart output should contain two columns.  The first should have two
-problems in it and the second should have three.  The headings for these 
-columns should be the title of the sequences in which they lie.
+parts, reuse of the same problem, using a page, and the correctness of a single
+problem resource in general.  The course is laid out beginning with a top 
+sequence containing in order, start, problem, sequence, problem, page, problem,
+and finish resources.  The subsequence contains two problems.  The first 
+problem is a general problem containing a simple numeric response.  The second 
+problem contains two parts.  The page contains three problems with two parts, 
+but all three problems are the same.
+        The chart output should contain three columns.  The first should have 
+three problems in it, the second should have three, and the third should have 
+six problems.  The headings for these columns should be the title of the 
+sequences in which they lie.
         The following table outlines a series of students and their performance
-on homework1 sequence.  Each row in the table represents a student in the 
+on the homework sets.  Each row in the table represents a student in the 
 course.  The combinations of results will test the possible outcomes lonchart 
 will handle.  When the table specifies just correct, it means on the first try.
-For the problems in the top sequence, they will all be correct on first try 
-except for student number two, who didn't  didn't log in.
-        problem 1       problem 2 part1         part2
-1.      correct(1 try)          correct         correct
-2.      skip                    skip            skip
-3.      12 tries                correct         skip
-4.      correct(2 tries)        skip            correct
-5.      +                       correct after   correct first time
-                                  skip first
-6.      -                       correct first   correct after skip first
-                                  time
-7.      .                       .               correct
-8.      x                       correct         .
-9.      correct second try      .               .
-          after correct by
-          override on first
-          try
+Homework 2 student responses:
+username        problem 1                     problem 2 
+                                        part1           part2
+armadilla       correct                 correct         correct
+Bean            skip                    skip            skip
+cat             correct(12 tries)       correct         skip
+dog             correct(2 tries)        skip            correct
+elephant        correct by override     correct after   correct first time
+                                          skip first
+flamingo        incorrect by override   correct first   correct after skip 
+                                          time            first time
+gnat            incorrect               incorrect       correct
+hippo           excused                 correct         incorrect
+iguana          correct second try      incorrect       incorrect
+                  after correct by
+                  override on first
+                  try
+        For the problems in the top sequence, they will all be correct on first
+try, except for bean, who didn't log in.  Also, cat will get problem two and 
+three correct on the second try and iguana will be incorrect for problem one. 
+        All the problems will be correct on the first try for Homework 3, 
+except for the dog which will be correct with the following tries: 121131, and 
+cat which will be incorrect on problem one part two, incorrect on problem two 
+part two, and correct with two tries on problem one part one.
 Expected output:
-student         top             homework 1      totals
-1               11      2       111     3       5/5
-3               11      2       *1      2       4/5
-4               11      2       2 1     2       4/5
-5               11      2       +?1     ?       ?/5
-6               11      2       -1?     ?       ?/5
-7               11      2       ..1     1       3/5
-8               11      2       x1.     1       3/4
-9               11      2       ?..     ?       ?/5
+User Name       Homework 1      Homework 2   Homework 3   Total Solved/
+                                                          Total Problems
+armadillo       111      3      111      3   111111   6   12 / 12
+cat             122      3      *1       2   2.1.11   6   9 / 12
+dog             111      3      2 1      2   121131   4   11 / 12
+elephant        111      3      +11      2   111111   6   11 / 12
+flamingo        111      3      -11      2   111111   6   11 / 12
+gnat            111      3      ..1      1   111111   6   10 / 12
+hippo           111      3      x1.      1   111111   6   10 / 11
+iguana          .11      3      +..      1   111111   6   10 / 12
+Expect output for student information:
+User Name   Domain   Section   PID         Full Name                         
+armadillo   103      1                     armadillo, a a
+bean        103      1                     Bean, b b
+cat         103      1                     cat, c c
+dog         103      1                     dog, d d
+elephant    103      1                     elephant, e e
+flamingo    103      1                     flamingo, f f
+gnat        103      1                     gnat, g g
+hippo       103      1         a123332     Hippopatumous II, h h
+iguana      103      1         144         iguana, i i
+jason       103                a33377721   Stredwick fourth, Jason Michael
+        One function of lonchart is to sort students by either username, 
+section, or last name.  Once you have downloaded the students for this class,
+either when no cache exists or recalculate button has been pressed, sort can 
+occur.  Begin by selecting sort by section followed by last name then 
+username.  The results for each will be listed below.  For the sake of space,
+the grade all the information will be left off except for the username.  
+The data below will show the correct username order for each of the sortings.
+If you want to check for the whole line to be correct, use the above to tables
+by matching them to the appropriate username.
+Sort by section:        Sort by last name:      Sort by username:
+armadillo               bean                    armadillo
+bean                    hippo                   bean
+cat                     jason                   cat
+dog                     armadillo               dog
+elephant                cat                     elephant
+flamingo                dog                     flamingo
+gnat                    elephant                gnat
+hippo                   flamingo                hippo
+iguana                  gnat                    iguana
+jason                   iguana                  jason
+        The last piece of functionality is the student status.  It allows
+the list of students to include/exclude based on the selection of Active,
+Expired, or Any type of student.  The list of students so far have been 
+active only.  To see who is expired, select expired followed by one of the
+sorting buttons or the recalculate button.  There will only be one user, dunk.
+Select the Any option, and redisplay the list of students again.  This time 
+all the students including dunk are displayed.
+        This concludes the test of lonchart.  Deviations from the expected 
+output show incorrectness in the code.  Please change the expected output for
+new formats, conceptual changes, or feature additions.
