[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /interface lonstatistics.pm

minaeibi lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Mon, 13 May 2002 13:50:45 -0000

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minaeibi		Mon May 13 09:50:45 2002 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/interface	lonstatistics.pm 
  Worked on FIE paper
  Added problem analysis for option response problems.
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="minaeibi-20020513095045.txt"

Index: loncom/interface/lonstatistics.pm
diff -u loncom/interface/lonstatistics.pm:1.14 loncom/interface/lonstatistics.pm:1.15
--- loncom/interface/lonstatistics.pm:1.14	Tue Mar 26 13:11:32 2002
+++ loncom/interface/lonstatistics.pm	Mon May 13 09:50:45 2002
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # (Publication Handler
-# $Id: lonstatistics.pm,v 1.14 2002/03/26 18:11:32 minaeibi Exp $
+# $Id: lonstatistics.pm,v 1.15 2002/05/13 13:50:45 minaeibi Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -27,16 +27,16 @@
 # (Navigate problems for statistical reports
 # YEAR=2001
-# 5/05,7/09,7/25/01,8/11,9/13,9/26,10/5,10/9,10/22,10/26 Behrouz Minaei
+# 5/5,7/9,7/25/1,8/11,9/13,9/26,10/5,10/9,10/22,10/26 Behrouz Minaei
 # 11/1,11/4,11/16,12/14,12/16,12/18,12/20,12/31 Behrouz Minaei
 # YEAR=2002
-# 1/22,2/1,2/6,2/25,3/2,3/6,3/17,3/21,3/22,3/26 Behrouz Minaei
+# 1/22,2/1,2/6,2/25,3/2,3/6,3/17,3/21,3/22,3/26,4/7,5/6,5/12 Behrouz Minaei
 package Apache::lonstatistics; 
-use strict;
+use strict; 
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
 use Apache::lonnet();
 use Apache::lonhomework;
@@ -68,8 +68,6 @@
 my $r;
 my $OpSel1;
 my $OpSel2;
-my $OpSelDis1;
-my $OpSelDis2;
 my $OpSel3;
 my $OpSel4;
 my $GData;
@@ -79,9 +77,332 @@
 my $DiscFlag;
 my $HWN;
 my $P_Order;
+my %foil_to_concept;
+my @Concepts;
+my %ConceptData;
 my %Header = (0,"Homework Sets Order",1,"#Stdnts",2,"Tries",3,"Mod",
-              9,"S.D.",10,"Skew.",11,"D.F.1st",12,"D.F.2nd");#,13,"OpResp");
+              9,"S.D.",10,"Skew.",11,"D.F.1st",12,"D.F.2nd");
+my %Answer = ();
+my @shown;
+sub InitAnalysis {
+    my ($rid, $student)=@_;
+    my ($uname,$udom)=split(/\:/,$student);
+    $rid=~/(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
+    my $symb=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'map_id_'.$1}).'___'.$2.'___'.
+	     &Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'src_'.$rid});
+    my $URI = $hash{'src_'.$rid};
+    my $Answ=&Apache::lonnet::ssi($URI,('grade_target' => 'analyze',
+                                  'grade_username' => $uname,
+                                  'grade_domain' => $udom,
+                                  'grade_courseid' => $cid,
+                                  'grade_symb' => $symb));
+#    my $Answ=&Apache::lonnet::ssi($URI,('grade_target' => 'analyze'));
+    (my $garbage,$Answ)=split(/_HASH_REF__/,$Answ,2);
+    %Answer=();
+    %Answer=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($Answ);
+    my $parts='';
+    foreach my $elm (@{$Answer{"parts"}}) {
+	$parts.="$elm,";
+    }
+    chop($parts);
+    my $conc='';
+    foreach my $elm (@{$Answer{"$parts.concepts"}}) {
+	$conc.="$elm@";
+    }
+    chop($conc);
+    @Concepts=split(/\@/,$conc);
+    my $show='';
+    foreach my $elm (@{$Answer{"$parts.shown"}}) {
+	$show.="$elm@";
+    }
+    chop($show);
+    @shown=split(/\@/,$show);
+#    $r->print("<br> shown:".$show);
+#    $r->rflush();
+    foreach my $concept (@{$Answer{"$parts.concepts"}}) {
+	foreach my $foil (@{$Answer{"$parts.concept.$concept"}}) {
+	    $foil_to_concept{$foil} = $concept;
+	}
+    }
+    return $symb;
+sub Interval {
+    my $symb=shift;
+    my $Int=$ConceptData{"Interval"};
+    my $due = &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.0.duedate',$symb)+1;
+    my $opn = &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.0.opendate',$symb);
+    my $add=int(($due-$opn)/$Int);
+#    $r->print("<br> $opn, to $due add=$add  int=$Int");
+    #$r->rflush();
+    $ConceptData{"Int.0"}=$opn;
+    for (my $i=1;$i<$Int;$i++) {
+	$ConceptData{"Int.$i"}=$opn+$i*$add;
+    }
+    $ConceptData{"Int.$Int"}=$due;     
+    for (my $i=0;$i<$Int;$i++) {
+	for (my $n=0; $n<=$#Concepts; $n++ ) {
+	    my $tmp=$Concepts[$n];
+	    $ConceptData{"$tmp.$i.true"}=0;
+	    $ConceptData{"$tmp.$i.false"}=0;
+	}
+    }
+sub ShowOpGraph {
+    my ($InpStr, $Int_No)=@_;
+    $r->print(<<ENDPOP);
+    <script language="JavaScript">
+    function display(name) {
+	document.forms.displayform.elements.dis.value=name;
+	window.status=name;
+    }
+    function cleardisplay() {
+	document.forms.displayform.elements.dis.value='';
+	window.status='No Concept in particular';
+    }
+    </script>
+    &Create_PrgWin();
+    &Update_PrgWin("Starting to analyze problem");
+    my $rid=substr($InpStr,8);
+    $ConceptData{"Interval"}=$Int_No;
+    &Interval(&InitAnalysis($rid,$students[0]));
+    my $URI = $hash{'src_'.$rid};
+    my $Src = $hash{'title_'.$rid};
+    $Src =~ s/\ /"_"/eg;
+    $r->print('<br><b>'.$URI.'</b>');
+    for (my $n=1; $n<=$#Concepts+1; $n++ ) {
+	my $tmp=$Concepts[$n-1];
+	$tmp =~ s/</" less than "/eg;
+	$r->print("<br><b>Concept $n</b>:$tmp");
+    }
+    $r->rflush();
+    for (my $index=0;$index<=$#students;$index++) {
+	&Update_PrgWin($index);
+	&OpStatus($rid,$students[$index]);
+    }
+    &Close_PrgWin();
+    for (my $k=0; $k<$Int_No; $k++ ) {
+ 	my $data1=''; 
+	my $data2='';
+	&DrawGraph(&AdjustData($k).'+'.$Src.'+'.($k+1));
+    }
+    my $Answ=&Apache::lonnet::ssi($URI);
+    $r->print("<br><b>Here you can see the Problem:</b><br>$Answ");
+sub AdjustData {
+    my $k=shift;
+    my $Max=0;
+    my @data1;
+    my @data2;
+    for (my $n=0; $n<=$#Concepts; $n++ ) {
+	my $tmp=$Concepts[$n];
+	$data1[$n]=$ConceptData{"$tmp.$k.true"};
+	$data2[$n]=$ConceptData{"$tmp.$k.false"};
+	my $Sum=$data1[$n]+$data2[$n];
+	if ( $Max<$Sum ) {$Max=$Sum;}
+    }
+    for (my $n=0; $n<=$#Concepts; $n++ ) {
+	if ($data1[$n]+$data2[$n]<$Max) {
+	    $data2[$n]+=$Max-($data1[$n]+$data2[$n]);
+	}
+    }
+    return join(',',@data1).'+'.
+           join(',',@data2).'+'.
+           $Max.'+'.($#data1+1);
+sub DrawGraph {
+    my $data=shift;
+    my($data1,$data2,$Max,$P_No,$Src,$k)=split(/\+/,$data);
+    my $Str="\n".'<table border=1>'.
+            "\n".'<tr>'.
+	    "\n".'<th> Correct Answers </th>'.
+	    "\n".'<th> Wrong Answers </th>'.
+	    "\n".'<th> From </th>'.
+	    "\n".'<th> To </th>'.
+	    "\n".'</tr>'.
+	    "\n"."<tr>".
+	    "\n"."<td> $data1 </td>".
+            "\n"."<td> $data2 </td>".
+            "\n"."<td> ".localtime($ConceptData{'Int.'.($k-1)})." </td>".
+            "\n"."<td> ".localtime($ConceptData{'Int.'.$k}-1)." </td>".
+            "\n"."</tr></table>";
+    $r->print($Str);
+#    $r->print('<br><b>Correct Answers:</b> '.$data1.
+#              '<br><b>Wrong Answers: </b>'.$data2); 
+#    $r->print('<br><b>From: </b>'.localtime($ConceptData{'Int.'.($k-1)}).
+#              '<br><b>To: </b>'.localtime($ConceptData{"Int.$k"})); 
+#   if ( $Max > 1 ) { 
+#	$Max += (10 - $Max % 10);
+#	$Max = int($Max);
+#   }
+#   else { $Max = 1; }
+    my $Titr=($ConceptData{'Interval'}>1) ? $Src.'_interval_'.$k : $Src;
+    $GData=$Titr.'&'.'Answers'.'&'.$Max.'&'.$P_No.'&'.$data1.'&'.$data2;
+    if($ConceptData{'Interval'}>1){
+	$r->print('<br><IMG src="/cgi-bin/graph.gif?'.$GData.'" />');
+	return;
+    }
+    $r->print('<br>Move your mouse over a bar to find out the concept'); 
+    my $ptr='';
+    $ptr.="\n".'<form method="post" action="" name="displayform"> <input type=text name="dis" size=80> </form>';
+    $ptr.="\n".'<p><img src=/cgi-bin/graph.gif?'.$GData.
+          ' usemap="#Map" border=1>'.
+          "\n".'<map name="Map">';
+    my $gap=12;
+    my $Size=340;
+    my $barsize=($P_No) ? int($Size/$P_No) : 1;
+    for (my $i=0; $i<$P_No; $i++) {
+	my $x1=80+$gap*$i+($i*$barsize);
+	my $x2=$x1+$barsize;
+	my $y1=25;
+	my $y2=350;
+	my $j=$i+1;
+	$ptr.="\n".'<area shape="rect" coords='.$x1.','.$y1.','.$x2.','.$y2.' onMouseOver="display('."'Concept $j: $Concepts[$i]'".'); " href="javascript:alert('."'Concept $j: $Concepts[$i]'".');">';
+    } 
+    $ptr.="\n".'<area shape="default" onMouseOver="cleardisplay(); " href="javascript:alert('.'No Concept  in particular'.');">';
+    $ptr.="\n".'</map></p>';
+    $r->print('<br>'.$ptr.'<br>');
+sub AnalyzeProblem {
+# -------------------------------- Selecting the number of intervals
+    my $OpSel='';
+    my $CurInt = $ENV{'form.interval'};
+    if ($CurInt eq '') {$CurMap = '1';}
+    my $Ptr = '<b>Select number of intervals</b>'."\n".
+       	      '<select name="interval">'."\n";                     	     	     
+    for (my $n=1;$n<=7;$n++) {	          
+	$Ptr .= '<option';
+        if ($CurInt eq $n) {$Ptr .= ' selected';}     
+	$Ptr .= '>'.$n."</option>"."\n";	     
+    }
+    $Ptr .= '</select>'."\n";
+    $r->print( $Ptr );
+    $r->print('<br><b> Option Response Problems in this course:</b><br><br>');
+    my $Str = "\n".'<table border=2>'.
+              "\n".'<tr>'.
+              "\n".'<th> # </th>'.
+	      "\n".'<th> Problem Title </th>'.
+	      "\n".'<th> Resouse </th>'.
+	      "\n".'<th> Address </th>'.
+	      "\n".'</tr>';
+     my $P_No=1;
+     foreach (sort keys %OpResp) {
+	 my $Temp = '<a href="'.$hash{'src_'.$OpResp{$_}}.
+                    '" target="_blank">'.$hash{'title_'.$OpResp{$_}}.'</a>';
+	 $Str .= "\n"."<tr>".
+	         "\n"."<td> $P_No </td>".
+                 "\n"."<td bgcolor=#DDFFDD> ".$Temp." </td>".
+                 "\n"."<td bgcolor=#EEFFCC> ".$hash{'src_'.$OpResp{$_}}." </td>".
+	         "\n"."<td> ".'<input type="submit" name="sort" value="'.'Analyze_'.$OpResp{$_}.'" />'.'</td>'.
+                 "\n"."</tr>";
+	 $P_No++;
+     }
+     $Str .= "\n".'</table>';
+     $Str .= "\n".'</form>';
+     $r->print($Str);
+     $r->rflush();	
+sub Decide {
+    my ($type,$foil,$time)=@_; 
+    my $k=0;
+    while ($time>$ConceptData{'Int.'.($k+1)} && 
+           $k<$ConceptData{'Interval'}) {$k++;}
+    $ConceptData{"$foil_to_concept{$foil}.$k.$type"}++;
+sub OpStatus {
+    my ($rid,$student)=@_;
+    my ($uname,$udom)=split(/\:/,$student);
+    my $code='U';
+    $rid=~/(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
+    my $symb=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'map_id_'.$1}).'___'.$2.'___'.
+	     &Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'src_'.$rid});
+    my %reshash=&Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$cid,$udom,$uname);
+    my @True = ();
+    my @False = ();
+    my $flag=0;
+    @shown=();
+    if ($reshash{'version'}) {
+	for (my $version=1;$version<=$reshash{'version'};$version++) {
+	    my $time=$reshash{"$version:timestamp"};
+	    foreach (sort(split(/\:/,$reshash{$version.':keys'}))) {
+		if (($_=~/\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.submission$/)) {
+		    my $Id1 = $1;
+		    my $Id2 = $2;
+		    my $Resp = $reshash{$_};
+		    my %submission=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($Resp);
+		    foreach (keys %submission) {
+			my $Ansr = $Answer{"$Id1.$Id2.foil.value.$_"};
+			#$r->print("<br>shown: ".join(',',@shown)." size=$#shown");     
+			if ($submission{$_}) {
+			    #if($#shown==-1){
+				#my @str=split(/\&/,$Resp);
+				#my $garb;
+				#for(my $j=0;$j<=$#str;$j++){
+				#    ($shown[$j],$garb)=split(/\=/,$str[$j]);
+				#}
+				##$r->print("<br>shown: ".join(',',@shown)." size=$#shown");     
+			    #}
+			    if ($submission{$_} eq $Ansr) {
+				&Decide("true",$_,$time );
+			    }
+			    else {&Decide("false",$_,$time );}
+			}
+			#else {
+			#    if ($#shown==-1 && $flag==0) {
+			#	$flag++;
+			#	&InitAnalysis($rid,$student);
+			#    }
+			#    my @erl=split(/\:/,$_);
+			#    for (my $i=0;$i<=$#shown; $i++){
+			#	my $Ans=$Answer{"$Id1.$Id2.foil.value.$shown[$i]"};
+			#	if ($erl[$i] eq $Ans) {
+			#	    &Decide("true",$shown[$i],$time);
+			#	}
+			#	else {&Decide("false",$shown[$i],$time);}
+			#    }
+			#}
+		    }
+	        }	  
+	    }
+        }
+    }
 #------- Processing upperlist and lowerlist according to each problem
@@ -113,7 +434,7 @@
 	} while ( $Prb eq $Temp && $nIdx < $Count );
 #	$Proc{$Temp}=($Sum1/$nStud).':'.$nStud;
-#        $r->print("$nIdx) $Temp --> ($nStud) $Proc{$Temp} <br>");
+#       $r->print("$nIdx) $Temp --> ($nStud) $Proc{$Temp} <br>");
@@ -386,24 +707,7 @@
-#    my $c=0;
-#    foreach (sort keys %OpResp) {
-#	$r->print('<br>'.$c.$_.' ====== '.$OpResp{$_});
-#	my $count=$#students+1;
-#	for (my $n=0;$n<1;$n++){
-#	    my ($sname,$sdom)=$students[$n];
-#	    my $Prob=$OpResp{$_};
-##my $userview=&Apache::lonnet::ssi($hash{'src_'.$ResId});
-#		$r->print('<br>'.$Prob.$sname.$sdom.$cid.
-#			  '<br>'.&Apache::loncommon::get_previous_attempt($Prob,$sname,$sdom,$cid));
-#		#$r->print('<br>'.$Prob.$sname. ' *** '.&Apache::lonnet::ssi($hash{'src_'.$Prob})); 
-#	}
-#	$c++;
-#    }
-    #$r->print('Total instances of the problems : '.($p_count*($#students+1)));
+#    $r->print('Total instances of the problems : '.($p_count*($#students+1)));
@@ -447,7 +751,6 @@
 # ------ Dump the Student's DB file and handling the data for statistics table 
 sub ExtractStudentData {
     my $student=shift;
     my ($sname,$sdom) = split( /\:/, $student );
@@ -466,7 +769,7 @@
     my $TotParCr = 0;
     my $Wrongs;
     my %TempHash;
-    my $Version;
+    my $Version; 
     my $LatestVersion;
     my $SecLimit;
     my $MapLimit;
@@ -478,7 +781,8 @@
 	    my $MapId=$1;
 	    my $PrbId=$2;
-            my $Map = &Apache::lonnet::declutter( $hash{'map_id_'.$MapId} );
+            my $MapOrg = $hash{'map_id_'.$MapId};
+            my $Map = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($MapOrg);
             if ( $CurMap ne 'All Maps' ) {
 		my ( $ResMap, $NameMap ) = split(/\=/,$CurMap);
 		if ( $Map ne $ResMap ) { next; }
@@ -501,36 +805,20 @@
                     #my $Part=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($meta,$_.'.part');
+            &Apache::lonnet::declutter( $hash{'src_'.$ResId} );
+	    my $URI = $hash{'src_'.$ResId};
             my $Prob = $Map.'___'.$PrbId.'___'.
-                       &Apache::lonnet::declutter( $hash{'src_'.$ResId} );
+                       &Apache::lonnet::declutter($URI);
             $Tries = 0;
 	    $ParCr = 0;
             $Wrongs = 0;
-  	    $LatestVersion = $result{"version:$Prob"};       
+  	    $LatestVersion = $result{"version:$Prob"};        
 	    if ( $LatestVersion ) {
 		for ( my $Version=1; $Version<=$LatestVersion; $Version++ ) {
 		    my $vkeys = $result{"$Version:keys:$Prob"};
 		    my @keys = split(/\:/,$vkeys);		
 		    foreach my $Key (@keys) {		  
-#			if ($OpResp{$PrOrd}) {
-#			    if (($Key=~/\.(\w+)\.submission$/)) {
-#				my $Resp = $result{"$Version:$Prob:$Key"};
-#				$r->print('<br>'.$Prob.'<br>'.$sname.'<br>'.$PrOrd.'<br>'.$Key.'<br><b>'.$Resp.'</b>'); 
-#				$r->rflush();
-#				my %submission=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($Resp);
-#    my $cb=0;
-#    foreach (sort keys %submission) {
-#	$r->print('<br>'.$cb.')'.$_.' ... '.$submission{$_});
-#	$cb++;
-#    }
-#			    }	  
-#			}
 			if (($Key=~/\.(\w+)\.solved$/) && ($Key!~/^\d+\:/)) {
 			    my $Part = $1;
 			    $Tries = $result{"$Version:$Prob:resource.$Part.tries"};
@@ -575,7 +863,7 @@
 			$DisF = sprintf( "%.4f", $Fac );
 		    else {$DisF = $Fac;}
-#		    $DisF .= '+'.$TempHash{"$part.Time"};
+#		    $DisF .= '+'.$TempHash{"$part.Time"};33333333
 		    $TimeTot += $TempHash{"$part.Time"};
 		    $Dis .= $TempHash{$part.'.PrOrd'}.'='.$DisF.'+'.$Yes;
 		    $ptr .= "&$TempHash{$part.'.Tries'}".
@@ -656,7 +944,7 @@
 			   foreach my $K(split(/\,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($meta,'packages'))) {
 			       if ($K=~/^optionresponse\_($Part)\_(\w+)$/) {
-				   $OpResp{$P_Order+1}=$frid;
+				   $OpResp{$P_Order}=$frid;
@@ -680,7 +968,7 @@
 			   foreach (split(/\,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($meta,'packages'))) {
 			       if ($_=~/^optionresponse\_($Part)\_(\w+)$/) {
-				   $OpResp{$P_Order+1}=$rid;
+				   $OpResp{$P_Order}=$rid;
@@ -709,7 +997,8 @@
-sub Build_Statistics {
+sub Create_PrgWin {
+#----------- Create progress
@@ -724,15 +1013,29 @@
-# ---------------------------- Gathering the Data of students' tries
-    my $index;
-    for ($index=0;$index<=$#students;$index++) {
+sub Update_PrgWin {
 #----------- update progress
-        $r->print('<script>popwin.document.popremain.remaining.value="'.
-                  'Computing '.($index+1).'/'.($#students+1).': '.
-                  $students[$index].'";</script>');
-        $r->rflush();
+    my $index = shift;
+    $r->print('<script>popwin.document.popremain.remaining.value="'.
+              'Computing '.($index+1).'/'.($#students+1).': '.
+              $students[$index].'";</script>');
+    $r->rflush();
+sub Close_PrgWin {
+#--------------------- close Progress Line
+    $r->print('<script>popwin.close()</script>');
+    $r->rflush(); 
+sub Build_Statistics {
+    &Create_PrgWin();
+# ---------------------------- Gathering the Data of students' tries
+    for (my $index=0;$index<=$#students;$index++) {
+	&Update_PrgWin($index);
@@ -790,7 +1093,7 @@
 	    $Temp = '<a href="'.$hash{'src_'.$ResId}.
                 '" target="_blank">'.$hash{'title_'.$ResId}.$Dummy.'</a>';
 	    my $res = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'src_'.$ResId});
 	    my $urlres=$res;
@@ -840,7 +1143,7 @@
 		    $Skewness += $Dif*$Dif*$Dif;
 		$Skewness /= $StdNo;
-	    $Skewness /= $StdDev*$StdDev*$StdDev;
+		$Skewness /= $StdDev*$StdDev*$StdDev;
 #--------------------- Compute the Discrimination Factors
@@ -857,10 +1160,11 @@
 	    my $SD = sprintf( "%.1f", $StdDev );
 	    my $DoD = sprintf( "%.2f", $DoDiff );
 	    my $Sk = sprintf( "%.1f", $Skewness );
-	    my $join = $PrOrd.'&'.$Temp.'&'.$StdNo.'&'.
+	    my $join = $lpr[$i].'&'.$Temp.'&'.$StdNo.'&'.
-		       $SD.'&'.$Sk.'&'.$_D1.'&'.$_D2.'&'.$Prob;
+		       $SD.'&'.$Sk.'&'.$_D1.'&'.$_D2.'&'.
+                       $Prob;
@@ -874,9 +1178,7 @@
-#--------------------- close Progress Line
-    $r->print('<script>popwin.close()</script>');
-    $r->rflush(); 
+    &Close_PrgWin();
 sub Cache_Statistics {
@@ -947,12 +1249,6 @@
                "\n".'<td bgcolor="#DDFFDD"> '.$Sk.'</td>'.
                "\n".'<td bgcolor="#FFDDFF"> '.$_D1.'</td>'.
 	       "\n".'<td bgcolor="#FFDDFF"> '.$_D2.'</td>';
-#    if( $OpResp{$PrOrd} ) {
-#	$Ptr.='<td>'.'<input type="submit" name="OpResp" value="'."View_$PrOrd".'" />'.'</td>';
-#    }   
-#    else {
-#	$Ptr.='<td> -------- </td>';
-#    }
     $r->print("\n".$Ptr.'</tr>' );
@@ -986,11 +1282,15 @@
 		$data .= $inf.',';
+	    if ( $Max > 1 ) { 
+		$Max += (10 - $Max % 10);
+		$Max = int($Max);
+	    }
+	    else { $Max = 1; }
 	    my $Course = $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.description'};
 	    $Course =~ s/\ /"_"/eg;
 	else {
 	    $r->print("Unable to tie hash to db file");
@@ -1011,6 +1311,7 @@
   undef %GraphDat;
   undef %DiscFac;
   undef %OpResp;
+  undef %ConceptData;
   undef $CurMap;
   undef $CurSec;
   undef $CurStu;
@@ -1052,6 +1353,9 @@
                      ( ($Status eq 'Active') ) ) { $active=0; }
 		if ( ($Status eq 'Expired') && 
                      ($end == 0 || $now < $end) ) { $active=0; }
+#		$Status = 'Any';
+#end new
 		if ($active) {
 		    my $thisindex=$#students+1;
@@ -1062,7 +1366,8 @@
 		    #         ':environment:lastname&generation&firstname&middlename',
 		    #         &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($sname,$sdom));
 		    my $ssec=&usection($sdom,$sname,$cid,$Status);
-		    if ($ssec==-1) {next;}
+#		    if ($ssec==-1 ) {next;}
+		    if ($ssec==-1 || $ssec eq 'adm' ) {next;}
 		    $ssec=($ssec) ? $ssec : '(none)';
 		    #$ssec=(int($ssec)) ? int($ssec) : $ssec;
@@ -1086,64 +1391,87 @@
 #	$r->print('<br>'.$c.')'.$_.' ... '.$mapsort{$_});
 #	$c++;
 #    }
+#	my $c=1;
+#	foreach (sort keys %OpResp) {
+#	    $r->print('<br>'.$c.')'.$_.' ... '.$OpResp{$_}.' ... '.$hash{'src_'.$OpResp{$_}});
+#	    $c++;
+#	}
 # ------------------------------------------------------------- End render page 
     else {
 	$r->print('<h3>Undefined course sequence</h3>');
-    &MapSecOptions();
+sub Title {
+    $r->print('<html><head><title>LON-CAPA Statistics</title></head>');
+    $r->print('<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">'.
+              '<script>window.focus(); window.width=500;window.height=500;</script>'.
+              '<img align=right src=/adm/lonIcons/lonlogos.gif>');
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Course title
+    $r->print('<h1> Course : "'.
+              $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.
+              '.description'}.'"</h1><h2>'.localtime().'</h2>');
+# ------------------------------- This is going to take a while, produce output
+    $r->rflush();	
+sub CreateForm {
+    $r->print("\n".'<form name=stat method=post action="/adm/statistics" >');
+    my $content = $ENV{'form.sort'};
+    if ($content eq '' || $content eq 'Return to Menu') {
+	my $Ptr = '<h3>';
+	$Ptr .= '<input type=submit name=sort value="Problem Stats"/>';
+	$Ptr .= '<br><br>';
+	$Ptr .= '<input type=submit name=sort value="Problem Analysis"/>';
+	$Ptr .= '<br><br>';
+	$Ptr .= '<input type=submit name=sort value="Student Assessment"/>';
+	$Ptr .= '</h3>';
+	$r->print( $Ptr );
+    }
+    else {
+	if ( $content eq 'Student Assessment' || 
+	     $content eq 'Create Student Report' ) {
+	    &MapSecOptions();
+	    &StudentOptions();
+	    &StudentReport($CurStu,$StuBox{"$CurStu"});
+	}
+	elsif ( $content eq 'Problem Analysis' ) {
+	    &AnalyzeProblem();
+	}
+	else {
+	    &MapSecOptions();
+	    &PreStatTable();
+	}
+    }
 sub Menu {
+    &initial();
+    &Title();
+    &ClassList();
     my $InpStr = $ENV{'form.sort'};
-    if ( $InpStr eq 'DoDiff Graph' || $InpStr eq '%Wrong Graph' ) {      
+    if ($InpStr=~/^Analyze\_/) {
+	&ShowOpGraph($InpStr,$ENV{'form.interval'});
+    }
+    #elsif ($InpStr=~/^View\_/) {
+#	&ShowStG();
+ #   }
+    elsif ( $InpStr eq 'DoDiff Graph' || $InpStr eq '%Wrong Graph' ) {      
     	$r->print('<IMG src="/cgi-bin/graph.gif?'.$GData.'" />');
     else {
-	$r->print('<html><head><title>LON-CAPA Statistics</title></head>');
-        $r->print('<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">'.
-                  '<script>window.focus(); window.width=500;window.height=500; </script>'.
-                  '<img align=right src=/adm/lonIcons/lonlogos.gif>');
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Course title
-        $r->print('<h1> Course : "'.
-                  $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.
-                  '.description'}.'"</h1><h2>'.localtime().'</h2>');
-# ------------------------------- This is going to take a while, produce output
-        $r->rflush();	
-	$r->print("\n".'<form name=stat method=post action="/adm/statistics" >');
-	my $content = $ENV{'form.sort'};
-	if ($content eq '' || $content eq 'Return to Menu') {
-	    my $Ptr = '<h3>';
-	    $Ptr .= '<input type=submit name=sort value="Problem Evaluation"/>';
-	    $Ptr .= '<br><br>';
-	    $Ptr .= '<input type=submit name=sort value="Student Assessment"/>';
-	    $Ptr .= '</h3>';
-	    $r->print( $Ptr );
-      	}
-	else {
-	    &initial();
-	    &ClassList();
-	    if ( $content eq 'Student Assessment' || 
-                    $content eq 'Create Student Report' ) {
-		&StudentOptions();
-		&StudentReport($CurStu,$StuBox{"$CurStu"});
-	    }
-	    else {
-		&PreStatTable();
-	    }
-	}
-	$r->print("\n".'</form>'.
-                  "\n".'</body>'.
-                  "\n".'</html>');
-	$r->rflush();
+	&CreateForm();
+	$r->print("\n".'</form>');
+    $r->print("\n".'</body>'.
+	      "\n".'</html>');
+    $r->rflush();
 sub StudentOptions {
@@ -1169,6 +1497,7 @@
 sub GetStatus {
@@ -1290,6 +1619,3 @@
