[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: modules /matthew/newrat Conditional.js DisplayManager.js HR.js Item.js Page.js Parameter.js Resource.js Sequence.js assembler.pl footer.html overview.js test.js

matthew lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 18:46:53 -0000

This is a MIME encoded message

Content-Type: text/plain

matthew		Tue Mar 19 13:46:53 2002 EDT

  Added files:                 
    /modules/matthew/newrat	Conditional.js DisplayManager.js HR.js 
                           	Item.js Page.js Parameter.js Resource.js 
                           	Sequence.js assembler.pl footer.html 
                           	overview.js test.js 
  Initial check in of work on a new resource assembly tool.
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="matthew-20020319134653.txt"

Index: modules/matthew/newrat/Conditional.js
+++ modules/matthew/newrat/Conditional.js
// Conditional.js
// $Id: Conditional.js,v 1.1 2002/03/19 18:46:53 matthew Exp $
// Child of Item.js
// A Conditional is a file in the lon-capa system.
// A Conditional has parameters and links associated with it.

function Conditional_load(text) {}
function Conditional_save()     {}

function Conditional_draw() {
    var result = '';
    var mode = 'other';
    if (mode == 'icon') {
    } else if (mode == 'edit') {
    } else if (mode == 'normal') {
        result += '<table bgcolor="#7777cc" width="100%">';
        result += '<tr><td colspan="2">Conditional</td></tr>';
        result += '<tr><td>Condition:</td><td>'+this.condition+'</td></tr>';
        result += '</table><br \>';
    } else if (mode == 'full') {
        result += '<table bgcolor="#7777cc" width="100%">';
        result += '<tr><td colspan="2">Conditional</td></tr>';
        result += '<tr><td>Condition:</td><td>'+this.condition+'</td></tr>';
        result+='<tr><td valign="top" >Parameters:</td><td>';
        for (var i=0; i<this.parms.length; i++) {
            if (this.parms[i] != null) {
                result += this.parms[i].draw() + "<br />";
        result += '</td></tr>';
        result += '</table><br \>';
    } else {
    return result;

function Conditional_undo() {}
function Conditional_redo() {}

function Conditional_set_cond(condition) { this.condition=condition; }
function Conditional_get_cond(condition) { return this.condition;    }

function Conditional(condition) {
    this.parms = new Array();
    this.set_cond = Conditional_set_cond;
    this.get_cond = Conditional_get_cond;
    if (arguments.length >= 1) { this.set_cond(condition);}
    else                       { this.set_cond('');   }
    // Required methods
    this.draw = Conditional_draw;
    this.load = Conditional_load;
    this.save = Conditional_save;
    this.undo = Conditional_undo;
    this.redo = Conditional_redo;
Conditional.prototype = new Item();

Index: modules/matthew/newrat/DisplayManager.js
+++ modules/matthew/newrat/DisplayManager.js
// First attempt at getting these damned objects to display themselves
// $Id: DisplayManager.js,v 1.1 2002/03/19 18:46:53 matthew Exp $
// Open debugging window

var debugging = true;
if (debugging) {
    var debuggingWindow = window.open('','Debugging Window','width=400,height=300',true);

function output(text) {
    if (debugging) {
output("<html><head><title>Debugging Window</title></head>");
output("<body><hr /><pre>");

// IconPatterns holds the file extensions we have icons for.  Changes to 
// the contents of /html/adm/lonIcons need to be reflected here.
var IconPatterns = new Array(

Index: modules/matthew/newrat/HR.js
+++ modules/matthew/newrat/HR.js
// HR.js
// $Id: HR.js,v 1.1 2002/03/19 18:46:53 matthew Exp $
// Child of Item.js
// A HR is a horizontal rule which can be held inside a page.

function HR_load(text) { }
function HR_save()     { }

function HR_draw(mode) {
    var result = '';
    if (mode == 'icon') {
    } else if (mode == 'edit') {
    } else if (mode == 'normal') {
        result += '<table bgcolor="#00cc00" width="100%">';
        result += '<tr><td>Horizontal Rule</td></tr>';
        result += '</table><br \>';
    } else if (mode == 'full') {
        result += '<table bgcolor="#cc8888" width="100%">';
        result += '<tr><td>Horizontal Rule</td></tr>';
        result += '<tr><td valign="top" >Parameters:</td><td>';
        for (var i=0; i<this.parms.length; i++) {
            if (this.parms[i] != null) {
                result += this.parms[i].draw(mode) + "<br />";
        result += '</td></tr>';
        result += '</table><br \>';
    } else {
    return result;

function HR_undo() { }
function HR_redo() { }

function HR(id) {
    this.parms = new Array(); // Probably unnecessary, but what the hell.
    if (arguments.length >= 1) { 
    // Required methods
    this.draw = HR_draw;
    this.load = HR_load;
    this.save = HR_save;
    this.undo = HR_undo;
    this.redo = HR_redo;
HR.prototype = new Item();

Index: modules/matthew/newrat/Item.js
+++ modules/matthew/newrat/Item.js
// Item.js
// $Id: Item.js,v 1.1 2002/03/19 18:46:53 matthew Exp $
// The base item for a resource, sequence, link, page, rule, etc
//   Essentially, everything that can be held in a sequence or page is
//   an Item.

function Item_draw() { }
function Item_get_icon()  { return this.icon; }
function Item_set_type(t) { this.type = t; }
function Item_set_id(i)   { this.id   = i; }
function Item_get_id()    { return this.id;   }
function Item_get_type()  { return this.type; }

function Item_add_parm(t,n,v,o) {
    if (arguments.length == 1) { // Assume we've been given a parameter
    } else if(arguments.length==4) {
        this.parms[this.parms.length]=new Parameter(t,n,v,o);

function Item_remove_parm(n) {
    for (var i = 0; i<this.parms.length; i++) {
        if (this.parms[i] != null) {
            if (this.parms[i].is_this_you(n)) {
                delete this.parms[i];

function Item_change_parm(t,n,v,o) {
    if (n == '') { return; } // User must specify a name
    var index = -1;
    for (var i = 0; i<this.parms.length; i++) {
        if (this.parms[i] != null) {
            if (this.parms[i].is_this_you(n)) {
                index = i;
    if (index < 0) { return; } // Invalid name specified
    if (t != null) { this.parms[index].set_type(t);  }
    if (v != null) { this.parms[index].set_value(v); }
    if (o != null) { this.parms[index].set_owner(o); }

function Item() {
    // internal data
    this.icon  = 'unknown.gif';
    this.type  = 'item';
    this.id    = null;
    this.parms = null; // Each child must allocate their own.
    // methods
    this.set_type = Item_set_type;
    this.set_id   = Item_set_id;
    this.get_id   = Item_get_id;
    this.get_type = Item_get_type;
    this.add_parm = Item_add_parm;
    this.remove_parm = Item_remove_parm;
    this.change_parm = Item_change_parm;
    // "virtual" methods (must be overridden by descendents)
    this.draw = Item_draw;
    this.load = null;
    this.save = null;
    this.undo = null;
    this.redo = null;

Index: modules/matthew/newrat/Page.js
+++ modules/matthew/newrat/Page.js
// Page.js
// $Id: Page.js,v 1.1 2002/03/19 18:46:53 matthew Exp $
// Child of Item.js
// A Page is a file in the lon-capa system.  A Page contains items.
// The page object cannot be a child of a sequence as they are not 
// guaranteed to use the same storage mechanism.

function Page_load(text) {}
function Page_save()     {}

function Page_draw() {
    var result = '';
    var mode = 'other';
    if (mode == 'icon') {
    } else if (mode == 'detailed') {
    } else if (mode == 'edit') {
    } else {
        result += '<table bgcolor="#00cc00" >';
        result += '<tr><td rowspan="2">Page</td></tr>';
        result += '<tr><td>Title:</td><td>'+this.Title+'</td></tr>';
        result += '<tr><td>URL:</td><td>'+this.url+'</td></tr>';
        result += '</table>';
    return result;

function Page_undo() {}
function Page_redo() {}

function Page_set_title(t) { this.Title=t; }
function Page_get_title()  { return this.Title; }
function Page_set_url(u)   { this.url = u;}      
function Page_get_url()    { return this.url; }  

function Page_draw_contents(mode) {
    // Call the item.draw() method of each of the contained items
    // Should I return an array or an html string???
    // We'll do an html string at first.
    var result = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < this.contents.length; i++) {
        if (this.contents[i]) { 
            result += this.contents[i].draw();
    return result;

function Page_append(item) {
    // Add (item) to the end of the contained items
    var index = this.contents.length;

function Page_indexof(id) {
    var index = 0;
    while(index < this.contents.length) {
        if (this.contents[index] != null ) {
            if (this.contents[index].get_id() == id) { break; }
    return index;

function Page_insert(item,id) {
    // Insert (item) behind item (id).  If (id == null) then insert at head;
    // Find the index of the one we want...
    var index;
    if (id == null ) {
        index = 0;
    } else {
        index = this.get_indexof(id);
        index++; // Hmmm?
    // Move the others forward
    var current = this.contents.length;
    // move all items at index and above forward 1
    while(current > index) {
    // Finally, assign the new value

function Page_remove(id) {
    // Find the index of the one we want.
    var index = this.get_indexof(id);
    delete this.contents[index];   // This should delete the item from memory,
                                   // but our array indicies don't change.

function Page() {
    // We have an item, now make it a sequence
    this.Title = '';
    this.url   = '';
    this.parms = new Array();
    this.set_title = Page_set_title;
    this.get_title = Page_get_title;
    this.set_url   = Page_set_url;
    this.get_url   = Page_get_url;
    // Required methods
    this.draw = Page_draw;
    this.load = Page_load;
    this.save = Page_save;
    this.undo = Page_undo;
    this.redo = Page_redo;
    // Container specific methods
    this.contents = new Array();
    this.draw_contents = Page_draw_contents;
    this.append        = Page_append;
    this.remove        = Page_remove;
    this.insert        = Page_insert;
    this.get_indexof   = Page_indexof;
Page.prototype = new Item();

Index: modules/matthew/newrat/Parameter.js
+++ modules/matthew/newrat/Parameter.js
// Parameter.js
// $Id: Parameter.js,v 1.1 2002/03/19 18:46:53 matthew Exp $
// A parameter is simply a name, value, and type associated with an id.

function Parameter_draw(mode) {
    var result = '';
    if (mode == 'icon') {
    } else if (mode == 'edit') {
    } else if ((mode == 'normal') || mode=='full') {
        result+='<table bgcolor="#bbbbbb" width="100%">';
        result+='<tr><td>type: </td><td width="90%">'+this.get_type();
        result+='<tr><td>name: </td><td>' + this.get_name()  + '</td></tr>';
        result+='<tr><td>value:</td><td>' + this.get_value() + '</td></tr>';
    } else {
    return result;

function Parameter_load() {}
function Parameter_save() {}
function Parameter_undo() {}
function Parameter_redo() {}

function Parameter_set_owner(o) { this.owner = o;    }
function Parameter_get_owner()  { return this.owner; }
function Parameter_set_type(t)  { this.type = t;     }
function Parameter_get_type()   { return this.type;  }
function Parameter_set_name(n)  { this.name = n;     }
function Parameter_get_name()   { return this.name;  }
function Parameter_set_value(v) { this.value = v;    }
function Parameter_get_value()  { return this.value; }

function Parameter_is_this_you(name) {
    if (this.name == name ) { 
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

function Parameter(type,name,value,owner) {
    // internal data
    this.type  = '';
    this.name  = '';
    this.value = '';
    this.owner = '';
    if (arguments.length > 0) { this.type  = type; }
    if (arguments.length > 1) { this.name  = name; }
    if (arguments.length > 2) { this.value = value; }
    if (arguments.length > 3) { this.owner = owner; }
    // This may not work...
    // if (arguments.length == 2) { this.owner = caller.get_id() };
    // methods
    this.set_type  = Parameter_set_type;
    this.get_type  = Parameter_get_type;
    this.set_name  = Parameter_set_name;
    this.get_name  = Parameter_get_name;
    this.set_value = Parameter_set_value;
    this.get_value = Parameter_get_value;
    this.is_this_you = Parameter_is_this_you;
    // "virtual" methods (must be overridden by descendents)
    this.draw = Parameter_draw;
    this.load = Parameter_load;
    this.save = Parameter_save;
    this.undo = Parameter_undo;
    this.redo = Parameter_redo;

Index: modules/matthew/newrat/Resource.js
+++ modules/matthew/newrat/Resource.js
// Resource.js
// $Id: Resource.js,v 1.1 2002/03/19 18:46:53 matthew Exp $
// Child of Item.js
// A Resource is a file in the lon-capa system.
// A Resource has parameters and links associated with it.

function Resource_load() {}
function Resource_save() {}
function Resource_undo() {}
function Resource_redo() {}

function Resource_draw(mode) {
    var result = '';
    if (mode == 'icon') {
    } else if (mode == 'edit') {
    } else if (mode == 'normal') {
        result+='<table bgcolor="#00cc00" width="100%" >';
        result+='<tr><td colspan="2">Resource</td></tr>';
        result+='<tr><td>Title:</td><td width="100%">'+this.Title+'</td></tr>';
        result+='</table><br \>';

    } else if (mode == 'full') {
        result+='<table bgcolor="#00cc00" width="100%" >';
        result+='<tr><td colspan="2">Resource</td></tr>';
        result+='<tr><td>Title:</td><td width="100%">'+this.Title+'</td></tr>';
        result+='<tr><td valign="top" >Parameters:</td><td>';
        for (var i=0; i<this.parms.length; i++) {
            if (this.parms[i] != null) {
                result += this.parms[i].draw(mode) + "<br />";
        result+='</table><br \>';
    } else {
    return result;

function Resource_set_title(t) { this.Title=t;      }
function Resource_get_title()  { return this.Title; }
function Resource_get_url()    { return this.url;   }  
function Resource_set_url(u)   { 
    this.url = u;
    // Figure out the icon we need.
    this.icon = 'unknown.gif';
    // Hmmm, have to test everyone we know?  
    var pattern;
    for (var i = 0; i< IconPatterns.length; i++) {
        pattern = new RegExp('\.'+IconPatterns[i]+'$');
        if (pattern.test(this.url)) {
             this.icon = IconPatterns[i]+'.gif';
             break;  // Escape from the for loop

function Resource(title,url) {
    this.set_title = Resource_set_title;
    this.get_title = Resource_get_title;
    this.set_url   = Resource_set_url;
    this.get_url   = Resource_get_url;
    this.parms = new Array();
    this.title = '';
    this.url   = '';
    if (arguments.length > 0) { this.set_title(title);}
    if (arguments.length > 1) { this.set_url(url); }
    // Required methods
    this.draw = Resource_draw;
    this.load = Resource_load;
    this.save = Resource_save;
    this.undo = Resource_undo;
    this.redo = Resource_redo;
Resource.prototype = new Item();

Index: modules/matthew/newrat/Sequence.js
+++ modules/matthew/newrat/Sequence.js
// Sequence.js
// $Id: Sequence.js,v 1.1 2002/03/19 18:46:53 matthew Exp $
// Child of Item.js
// A Sequence is a file in the lon-capa system.  A Sequence contains items.

function Sequence_load(text) {}
function Sequence_save()     {}

function Sequence_draw(mode) {
    var result = '';
    if (mode == 'icon') {
    } else if (mode == 'edit') {
    } else if (mode == 'normal') {
        result += '<table bgcolor="#00cc00" >';
        result += '<tr><td rowspan="2">Sequence</td></tr>';
        result += '<tr><td>Title:</td><td>'+this.Title+'</td></tr>';
        result += '<tr><td>URL:</td><td>'+this.url+'</td></tr>';
        result += '</table>';
    } else if (mode == 'full') {
        result+='<table bgcolor="#00cc00" width="100%" >';
        result+='<tr><td colspan="2">Parameter</td></tr>';
        result+='<tr><td>Title:</td><td width="100%">'+this.Title+'</td></tr>';
        result+='<tr><td valign="top" >Parameters:</td><td>';
        for (var i=0; i<this.parms.length; i++) {
            if (this.parms[i] != null) {
                result += this.parms[i].draw() + "<br />";
        result += '</td></tr>';
        result += '</table><br \>';
    } else {
    return result;

function Sequence_undo() {}
function Sequence_redo() {}

function Sequence_set_title(t) { this.Title=t; }
function Sequence_get_title()  { return this.Title; }
function Sequence_set_url(u)   { this.url = u;}      
function Sequence_get_url()    { return this.url; }  

function Sequence_draw_contents(mode) {
    // Call the item.draw() method of each of the contained items
    // Should I return an array or an html string???
    // We'll do an html string at first.
    var result = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < this.contents.length; i++) {
        if (this.contents[i]) { 
            result += this.contents[i].draw(mode);
    return result;

function Sequence_append(item) {
    // Add (item) to the end of the contained items
    var index = this.contents.length;

function Sequence_indexof(id) {
    var index = 0;
    while(index < this.contents.length) {
        if (this.contents[index] != null ) {
            if (this.contents[index].get_id() == id) { break; }
    return index;

function Sequence_insert(item,id) {
    // Insert (item) behind item (id).  If (id == null) then insert at head;
    // Find the index of the one we want...
    var index;
    if (id == null ) {
        index = 0;
    } else {
        index = this.get_indexof(id);
        index++; // Hmmm?
    // Move the others forward
    var current = this.contents.length;
    // move all items at index and above forward 1
    while(current > index) {
    // Finally, assign the new value

function Sequence_remove(id) {
    // Find the index of the one we want.
    var index = this.get_indexof(id);
    delete this.contents[index];   // This should delete the item from memory,
                                   // but our array indicies don't change.

function Sequence_moveup(id) {
    var index = this.get_indexof(id);
    if (index == 0) { return; } // We're definately at the top!
    // find the previous non-empty slot in the array
    var newindex = index-1;
    while ((this.contents[newindex] == null) &&
           (newindex >= 0)) { 
        newindex --; 
    if (newindex < 0) { return; }; // Only empty space between us and the top!
    // Make the swap
    var tmp = this.contents[index];
    this.contents[index]    = this.contents[newindex];
    this.contents[newindex] = tmp;

function Sequence_movedown(id) {
    var index = this.get_indexof(id);
    if (index == (this.contents.length - 1)) { return; } // At the bottom
    // find the next non-empty slot in the array
    var newindex = index+1;
    while ((this.contents[newindex] == null ) &&
           (newindex <= this.contents.length)) { 
        newindex ++; 
    if (newindex == this.contents.length) { 
        // Only empty slots between us and the bottom
    tmp = this.contents[index];
    this.contents[index]    = this.contents[newindex];
    this.contents[newindex] = tmp;

function Sequence_add_parm_to(t,n,v,id) {
    var index = this.get_indexof(id);    
    if ((index < 0) || (index>= this.contents.length)) { return; }

function Sequence() {
    // We have an item, now make it a sequence
    this.Title = '';
    this.url   = '';
    this.parms = new Array();
    this.set_title = Sequence_set_title;
    this.get_title = Sequence_get_title;
    this.set_url   = Sequence_set_url;
    this.get_url   = Sequence_get_url;
    // Required methods
    this.draw = Sequence_draw;
    this.load = Sequence_load;
    this.save = Sequence_save;
    this.undo = Sequence_undo;
    this.redo = Sequence_redo;
    // Container specific methods
    this.contents = new Array();
    this.draw_contents = Sequence_draw_contents;
    this.append        = Sequence_append;
    this.remove        = Sequence_remove;
    this.insert        = Sequence_insert;
    this.get_indexof   = Sequence_indexof;
    this.moveup        = Sequence_moveup;
    this.movedown      = Sequence_movedown;
    this.add_parm_to   = Sequence_add_parm_to;
Sequence.prototype = new Item();

Index: modules/matthew/newrat/assembler.pl
+++ modules/matthew/newrat/assembler.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: assembler.pl,v 1.1 2002/03/19 18:46:53 matthew Exp $
$outfile = "simple_rat.html";

@Infiles = qw/

push (@Infiles,"test.js");

push (@Infiles,"footer.html");

open OUT, ">$outfile" || die "Unable to write file\n";
print OUT <<"END";

foreach (@Infiles) {
    open IN, $_ || die "Unable to read $_\n";
    while (<IN>) {
        print OUT $_;
    close IN;

close OUT;

Index: modules/matthew/newrat/footer.html
+++ modules/matthew/newrat/footer.html
<!-- $Id: footer.html,v 1.1 2002/03/19 18:46:53 matthew Exp $ -->
<title>Simple Resource Assembly Tool</title>

Index: modules/matthew/newrat/overview.js
+++ modules/matthew/newrat/overview.js
// This document provides an overview of the new rat object hierarchy.
// $Id: overview.js,v 1.1 2002/03/19 18:46:53 matthew Exp $
// The management of the display of the sequences is done by the 
// DisplayManager object.
// The items which can be displayed are:
//    sequences
//    pages
//    conditionals
//    links
//    resources
//    rules (horizontal lines, like the <hr> tag) (only in pages)
// Sequences can contain all of the other types
// pages can contain only resources, links, and rules (no sub-pages)
// It is probably the case that sequences and pages should be descendents 
// of a subclass that defines the interface functions they should provide.
// This will allow us to add other containment types in the future.
// The base class is:
// Item:
//    type
//    id
//    set_type()
//    get_type()
//    set_id()
//    get_id()
//    --------------------- methods below this line must be overridden
//    set_parm()
//    get_parm()
//    get_icon()
//    draw()
//    load()
//    save()
//    undo()
//    redo()
// Sequences and pages, since they can contain other Items,
// have the following additional methods:
//    draw_contents()
//    load_contents()
//    save_contents()
//    undo_contents()
//    redo_contents()
//    remove()
//    moveup()
//    movedown()
//    link()
// conditionals may need to be a part of a resource... or a link...
// I'm not sure.  This is a bit confusing.....
// resources, sequences, pages, and rules have no need to know where they lay
// in a containing sequence or page.
// Each Item must have a unique ID assigned to it.  Once it is assigned, it 
// should not be changed, so facilities have to be made to deal with this...
// The display manager will communicate to a container the display mode:
//    icon
//    detailed
//    detailed_edit
// The display manager should take care of the window creation and layout
// (different window (frame) layouts should be available to the user at
// some point in the future).  There should be a "file browser" window
// which allows users to add files to their sequence.  At first this can
// take the form of an 'append' button, but ideally we should allow the 
// user to insert files.
// Of course, the file browser should be available from the 'edit' button/link
// of the resource editing stuff.
// The display manager will provide hooks for the edit, status, and info 
// windows.  Using these hooks, items must:
//    a) describe themselves briefly (status window)
//    b) descrive themselves verbosely (info window)
//    c) set up themselves to be edited (edit window)
//        This means providing an edit window and taking the edited
//        information and changing their own state.
// Each Item must keep track of its internal state - no changes to internal
// parameters will be made without calling the objects methods which will
// keep track of the latest changes.
// Resources, links, and conditionals must be editable.
// Resources will have parameters that can be edited, as well as a title
// and a url.
// Links can be made between two resources (specified by ID or selection
// (handled somehow by the display manager)), or deleted
// A resource can be linked to more than one other resource.
// Conditionals, it seems, will be a part of links (since the conditions 
// control travel between resources).

Index: modules/matthew/newrat/test.js
+++ modules/matthew/newrat/test.js
// test.js - javascript testing file for new rat objects
// $Id: test.js,v 1.1 2002/03/19 18:46:53 matthew Exp $
// Create a fake sequence...
var Seq = new Sequence();
for (var i=0; i<15; i++) {
    output("Creating Resource: "+i);
    var tmp = new Resource("Resource " +i,"/dev/null");

output("Creating extra resource");
tmp = new Resource("Insurgent Resource","/simple.gif");
output("Inserting extra resource");

output("Removing Resource");

output("Creating extra resource");
tmp = new Resource("Insurgent Resource","/sample.gif");
output("Inserting extra resource");

output("Creating hr");
tmp = new HR(38);
output("Inserting hr");

output("moving hr up from 4...");
output("moving hr up from 3...");
output("moving hr up from 2...");
output("moving hr up from 1...");
output("moving hr up from 0...(once)");
output("moving hr up from 0...(twice)");
output("moving hr up from 0...(three times)");
output("moving hr down a lot");

output("Creating conditional");
tmp = new Conditional('pigs fly');
output("Inserting conditional");

output("Adding Parameters");
Seq.add_parm_to('creature','fish'     ,'halibut'             ,2);
Seq.add_parm_to('creature','mammal'   ,'bear'                ,2);

