[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /build check-rpms

harris41 lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 01:47:31 -0000

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harris41		Tue Feb 26 20:47:31 2002 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/build	check-rpms 
  merging Martin's man page into perl script by using POD
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Index: loncom/build/check-rpms
diff -u loncom/build/check-rpms:1.1 loncom/build/check-rpms:1.2
--- loncom/build/check-rpms:1.1	Sun Feb 24 17:33:45 2002
+++ loncom/build/check-rpms	Tue Feb 26 20:47:31 2002
@@ -3,6 +3,62 @@
 # check-rpms, version 2.1.0
 # Martin Siegert, SFU, siegert@sfu.ca, Feb 02
+=head1 NAME
+check-rpms - compare installed rpms with up-to-date distribution
+I<check-rpms> compares installed RPM packages (listed by the command
+"rpm -qa") on a Linux system with an up-to-date distribution. That
+distribution may either reside in a local directory (possibly NFS
+mounted) or on a ftp server.  If the B<-ftp> option is specified,
+I<check-rpms> retrieves directory listings from the I<ftpserver>'s
+I<directory>/<arch> directories, where <arch> is set to noarch, i386,
+i586, i686, and athlon consecutively. If I<ftpserver/directory> is
+not specified, $FTPSERVER/$FTPUPDATES is used. The $FTPSERVER and
+$FTPUPDATES variables can be set in the configuration file. If
+either of the two is not set, the default server "updates.redhat.com"
+and the default directory "$RHversion/en/os" is used,
+where $RHversion is obtained from the /etc/redhat-release file. If
+run with the B<-ftp> option, all rpm packages that need to be downloaded
+(see the B<--download>, B<--recheck>, and B<--update> options) will
+be downloaded into the directory specified by the B<-d> directory
+option. If that option is omitted the $RPMDIR directory is used.
+The $RPMDIR variable that can be set in the configuration file. If
+$RPMDIR variable is not set either, the default directory
+"/mnt/redhat/RedHat/RPMS" is used.
+If the B<-ftp> is omitted, it is assumed that B<-d> I<directory> specifies
+a local directory that contains up-to-date rpm packages. If B<-d>
+I<directory> is omitted as well, the $RPMDIR directory is used. If
+$RPMDIR is not set, the default directory "/mnt/redhat/Red-
+Hat/RPMS" is used.
+I<check-rpms> uses a lexical sort on the version string and the
+release string of the package in order to decide whether the
+installed package or the package form the distribution is newer.
+I<check-rpms> lists packages of the distribution that are found to be
+newer than the installed packages or, if B<--update> is specified,
+will update the packages using the "rpm -Fvh <list of packages>"
+command. In the latter case I<check-rpms> must be run as root. Fur-
+thermore, the $RPMUSER variable should be set to a non-root user-
+name (see the B<-c> option below). I<check-rpms> will switch to that
+user and run most of the script under that user id.Only the
+final "rpm -Fvh ..." command will be run as root. If $RPMUSER is
+not set, the "nobody" user id will be used. It is recommended to
+set $RPMUSER to an ordinary username (such as yourself). Further-
+more, if a ftp server is used, create the download directory
+(which is specified in the B<-d> directory option or in the $RPMDIR
+variable), change the owner ship of that directory to that user,
+and set the permissions to 700 before running I<check-rpms> with the
+B<--update> option. Note, that B<--update> implies the B<--no-kernel>
+option, i.e., I<check-rpms> refuses to update the kernel directly.
 # ************ WARNING *****************************************************
@@ -33,6 +89,162 @@
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-v> B<--verbose>
+verbose  mode:  prints  additional  progress information on
+standard output
+=item B<-ftp> [I<ftpserver/directory>]
+compare the installed packages with the rpm packages found
+on the ftp server I<ftpserver> in the directories I<directory>/<arch>,
+where arch is set to noarch, i386, i586, i686,
+and athlon consecutively. If I<ftpserver/directory> is not
+specified, the $FTPSERVER and $FTPUPDATES variables are
+checked. These variables can be set in the configuration
+file (see the B<-c> option below). If those variables are not
+set either, the default server "updates.redhat.com" and the
+default directory "$RHversion/en/os" is used, where $RHversion
+is obtained from the I</etc/redhat-release> file.
+=item B<-noftp>
+use  a  local  directory as the source for new rpm packages
+even if the $FTP veriable is set to 1 in the  configuration
+=item B<-d> I<directory> B<--rpm-directory> I<directory>
+if B<-ftp> is specified download all rpm packages that need to
+be downloaded into I<directory>. If B<-ftp> is not specified,
+regard the rpm packages found in I<directory> as an up-to-date
+distribution against which the installed packages are
+compared to.
+=item B<-lm> B<--list-missing>
+list installed packages that do not have an equivalent in
+the up-to-date distribution. This will generate lots of
+output when the comparison is made with the updates directory
+of a ftp server.
+=item B<-lq> B<--list-questionable>
+list packages for which the lexical sort algorithm does not
+give a conclusive result on whether the installed package
+is older than the package in the distribution. These are
+packages that have version and/or release strings that contain
+letters. For example, it is not absolutely clear
+whether the version 1.2.3b is actually newer or older than
+1.2.3. The lexical sort would classify 1.2.3b to be newer
+than 1.2.3; with B<-lq> specified the package would be listed
+in any case. See also B<--recheck> below.
+=item B<-dl> B<--download>
+download packages from the remote ftp server that are found
+to be newer than installed packages into the directory that
+is specified in the B<-d> I<directory> option or in the $RPMDIR
+variable or, if neither of the two are specified, into
+"/mnt/redhat/RedHat/RPMS". If the download directory does
+not exist, I<check-rpms> will create it.
+=item B<-r> B<--recheck>
+Use the "rpm -Uvh --test --nodeps <package>" command to
+check all packages that have letters in their version
+and/or release string; B<--recheck> implies B<--list-questionable>
+(see above). At the time of writing (Feb. 2002) there
+is one known case for which the lexical sort algorithm
+fails to detect a new package: mutt- was released to
+replace mutt-1.2.5i, however, the lexical sort algorithm
+incorrectly classifies mutt-1.2.5i to be  newer  than
+mutt- In this case using the B<--recheck> option is
+essential. In all other cases it is not. It is nevertheless
+probably a good idea to use B<--recheck> at least once in a
+while. B<--recheck> can increase the run-time of I<check-rpms>
+substantially, particularly if a ftp server is used. In
+that case the questionable packages must be downloaded from
+the server into a directory I<directory> (as specified in the
+-d option or the $RPMDIR variable) which will be created,
+if it does not exist.
+=item B<-nk> B<--no-kernel>
+do not list kernel packages. That is, kernel, kernel-smp,
+kernel-enterprise, kernel-BOOT, and kernel-debug will not
+be checked and listed. However, kernel-headers and kernel-source
+will be checked. The B<--update> option (see below)
+implies B<--no-kernel>.
+=item B<--update>
+update all packages that were found to have newer versions.
+For this to work I<check-rpms> must be run as root and a suitable
+$RPMUSER must exist (see DESCRIPTION above). It is
+strongly advisable to do a dry run B<check-rpms -v -lq> before
+running B<check-rpms --update>.
+=item B<-c> I<configurationfile>
+The optional configuration file to use. This file can be
+used to specify the $RPMDIR variable, the $FTP, $FTPSERVER,
+and $FTPUPDATES, variables, and the $RPMUSER variable. An
+example configuration file is given below. If the B<-c> option
+is omitted, I<check-rpms> will use the default configuration
+file I</usr/local/etc/check-rpms.conf>, if it exists.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=over 4
+=item check-rpms
+will 1) check whether /usr/local/etc/check-rpms.conf exists; 2) if
+it does it will read the variables specified in that file, if it
+doesn't exist, $RPMDIR is set to /mnt/redhat/RedHat/RPMS; 3) if
+$RPMDIR is set, this directory will be regarded as the source of
+the up-to-date distribution, unless $FTP is set to 1. In that latter
+case the $FTPSERVER and $FTPUPDATES are used, if those variables are
+set. Otherwise "updates.redhat.com" and "<RHversion>/en/os"
+will be used; 4) the installed packages are compared
+=item check-rpms -v -lq -d /mnt/redhat/7.1/RedHat/RPMS
+will use the distribution in the directory /mnt/redhat/7.1/RedHat/RPMS
+for comparison with the installed packages. The command
+will give more detailed information on its progress and will list
+the packages that need upgrading and in another section it will
+list packages they may need to be upgraded.
+=item check-rpms -v -lq -ftp updates.redhat.com/7.1/en/os
+same as above, but the directories 7.1/en/os/noarch,
+7.1/en/os/i386, 7.1/en/os/i586, 7.1/en/os/i686, and
+7.1/en/os/athlon on updates.redhat.com will be searched for new
+=item check-rpms -v -r --updates
+will use the default location for updated packages (determined as
+indicated in the first example); if a ftp server is used, it will
+download all newer and all packages with letters in the version
+and/or release strings (i.e., "questionable" packages) from that
+ftp server, recheck the questionable packages, and finally update
+all packages that need to be updated.
 if ( $retval == 0 ) {
@@ -61,6 +273,41 @@
+=head1 The Configuration File
+All variables must be defined using perl syntax, i.e., in the form
+$variable = value;
+(do not forget the semicolon at the  end  of  a  line).   Comments
+start with "#" and blank lines may be included as well.
+Example configuration file:
+ # check-rpms configuration file
+ # $RPMDIR is the directory where up-to-date RPMs can be found and/or
+ # rpm packages are downloaded into.
+ $RPMDIR = "/mnt/redhat/RedHat/RPMS";
+ # $RPMUSER is the user name that check-rpms switches to for most of
+ # the script when run as root
+ $RPMUSER = "joe";
+ # $FTPSERVER and $FTPUPDATES are the hostname of a ftp server and the
+ # directory where RPM updates can be found without the <arch> directory.
+ # I.e., $FTPUPDATES should be set to something like pub/7.2, if the RPMs
+ # are located in pub/7.2/i386, pub/7.2/i686, etc.
+ # $FTPSERVER and $FTPUPDATES are used if -ftp is specified or if the following
+ # line is uncommented.
+ # $FTP = 1;
+ $FTPSERVER = "updates.redhat.com";
+ $FTPUPDATES = "7.2/en/os";
 if ( -f $CONF) {
 } else {
@@ -548,3 +795,15 @@
        "                  [-lq | --list-questionable] [-r | --recheck ]\n",
        "                  [-nk | --no-kernel] [--update] [-c configurationfile]\n";
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+rpm(8), ncftpls(1), ncftpget(1)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Martin Siegert, Simon Fraser University, siegert@sfu.ca
