[LON-CAPA-announce] New Release Version 0.5.1
Guy Albertelli II
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 15:41:23 -0400 (EDT)
New Version 0.5.1
Notable Bugfixes:
- CHRT properly updates
- STAT works as expected
- Multipart problems prentending studenta can get Part 0 correct
- multiple printing issues fixed
- <import> problems getting parms correctly now
- simple RAT bugfixes
To install this update:
1) Please have 0.5 installed.
2) Make sure you have dvips installed
For Readht 7.3 this is in the RPM
For Redhat 7.2 this is in the RPM
For Redhat 6.2 this is in the RPM
2) Download the new LON-CAPA tarball from
wget http://install.lon-capa.org/versions/loncapa-0.5.1.tar.gz
and untar it
tar xzvf loncapa-0.5.1.tar.gz
3) Run the UPDATE script as root
cd loncapa-0.5.1
4) restart the system services
/etc/rc.d/init.d/loncontrol stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/loncontrol start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start
1) Many questions are answered at http://help.lon-capa.org
2) Defects reports, and enhancements requests can be entered at
3) Mailing lists can be joined and left at http://mail.lon-capa.org
---- Complete list of fixes
Things to fix in a new stable
- part 0 problems in spreadsheet
- backport lonnet 1.274
- backport lonparmset 1.65
- printing issues
- optionresponse 1.46
- caparesponse 1.53-5
- structuretags 1.104-9
- randomlabel 1.35/6
- STAT works as expected
- backport mydesk.tab 1.29
- <import> not retrieving settings
- backport lonnet 1.276,7
- cusr errors
- loncreateuser 1.42
- backport lonnet 1.272
- fixed backport of loncreateuser 1.42
- <library> editability
- insertlist.tab 1.29
- structuretags 1.104-9
- more printing
- lonxml (Comment/tex symbol fixes) 1.188/9
- londefdef 1.86
- simple rat fix
- lonratedt backport 1.33
- after editing, can't hit publish in either RAT
- browser issue
- <library> tag editing disfunctional
- structuretags 1.110
- navmaps, not looking at finish sequences
- lonnavmaps backport 1.44
- lonpage.pm 1.45
- chrt screwups
- loncoursedata 1.21-9
- lonstudentassessment 1.9-11
- backport lonnet 1.275
- lonstatistics 1.47 + backport 1.50
- lonproblemstatistics 1.31-2
- lond connections
- backport lond 1.93
- <randomlist> prints properl
- structuretags.pm 1.111
- prining sequences with blanks in them fails
- lonprintout.pm 1.53 backport
- RAT fixes
- backport lonratedt 1.34 part of
- more printing fixes
- lonxml 1.190-2
- caparesponse 1.56-7
- printing from CSTR broke
- structuretags.pm 1.112
- text gets big when printed
- londefdef 1.87
- SUBM get correct status info now
- grades.pm 1.47
- spreadsheet caching errors
- lonspreadsheet external patch from Matthew
- menu fxes, to enable ->CTR functionality, and to fix location having symbs
- backport menu.html 1.67 and 1.69
- some tags aren't always checking for target tex when they should
- structuretags.pm 1.113
Guy Albertelli