[LON-CAPA-announce] New Version 0.4
Guy Albertelli II
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 16:18:43 -0400 (EDT)
Major improvements:
- printing should support many more resources (.pages, ones with images)
- new simpler map creation tool
- image labels on <randomlabel>
- more templates
- CSV upload of grades
- anaylze problems
- MANY bugfixes
To install this new version:
1) To properly print you will need to have the perl Image::Magick rotines installed
For Redhat 6.2:
Get and install these RPMS:
For Redhat 7.2:
Get and install these RPMS:
For Redhat 7.3:
Get and install these RPMS:
Otherwise contact Guy at guy@albertelli.com to get the proper rpms.
2) Download the new tarball from
and untar it
tar xzvf loncapa.tar.gz
3) Run the UPDATE script as root
cd loncapa
4) restart the system services
/etc/rc.d/init.d/loncontrol stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/loncontrol start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start
1) Many questions are answered at http://help.lon-capa.org
2) Defects reports, and enhancements requests can be entered at
3) Mailing lists can be joined and left at http://mail.lon-capa.org
4) There is a security problem with Apache that was installed, and
there has been seen a worm that exploits this issue. Please
update Apache to the latest security release for your system.
This webpage has links to all Rpms that need to be updated for
Redhat systems
----Detailed Updates
- fixed checking of mc style Stringresponse questions
- GLabel.class - improved version handles images on images correctly
- added tutorial
- updates from GUTS conference added
- new demo class added
- guts document in html added
lchtmldir - handles creation of authors, and filesstem auth people well
BUG 259
lonc - new config files read, USR1 properly clears counters and
dead children, BUG 129
loncron - runs more quickly, CHECKOUTTOKENS cleaned less regulary,
typos, new config files read BUGS 129, 240
lond - reads new config files, handles user creation better,
lonsearcat works better BUGS 121, 129
lonsql - POD, map -> foreach, query activity logs,
query bugs fixed, BUGS 121, 129
lonacc.pm - verify symbs, implement private resources BUG 279,488
lonauth.pm - don't resize/move on Linux BUG 54
lonlogin.pm - adding interface information
lonroles.pm - fixed domain listing for non students,
use caching homeserver call, BUG 458
Makefile - many improvements
loncaparestoreconfigurations - loncapa.conf BG 436
lpml_parse.pl - bugfixes
make_domain_coordinator.pl - asks for password
sqltest.pl - loks at new conf files, BUG 428
clusterstatus.pl - new conf files BUG 129
graph.gif - bug fixes, size and colors revised
thumbnail.gif - added
default_homework.pl - prettyprint handles 0 exponenet well, BUG 485
grades.pm - CVS upload, extensive visual cleanups,
start on handgrading of responses, internal cleanups,
verify receipts, BUGS 42, 236, 435, 526
imageresponse.pm - BUG 238
inputtags.pm - BUG 494
lonhomework.pm - save/view/ buttons renamed, automatic timeout,
BUG 188
optionresponse.pm - printing bug fixed, BUGS 238, 541
radiobuttonresponse.pm - showed incorrect number of foils, BUG 238
randomlabel.pm - supports image labels, BUG 67
response.pm - BUG 238
structuretags.pm - printing support improved, BUGS 188, 238 , 474
menu.html - clock added, handles versioned resources,
BUGS 227, 291, 439, 461
groupsort.pm - works with map imported resources, and the mouse,
BUG 331
lonchart.pm - reworked internals, column headers, show subset
of resources, interuptable without causing
'unable to hash' errors, BUGS 218, 484, 497, 522
loncommon.pm - CSV functions, documentation, javascript genration,
internal cleanups
loncommunicate.pm - spurious error mail gone, internal logic cleanup
loncreateuser.pm - check mau in the correct domain
londropadd.pm - moved CSV functions to loncommon, show classlist
lonfeedback.pm - BUG 90
lonindexer.pm - clears Only and Omit, added title display, handles
HTML titles, BUGS 487, 524
lonmenu.pm - resizing works better, BGUG 468
lonmsg.pm - improved display of critical messages, BUG 509
lonnavmaps.pm - random map support, BUG 150
lonparmset.pm - course wide style file, disallow discussion for
some users, support auto <hr /> ing, BUG 123,532
lonprintout.pm - should support many more resources, better name
for pdf file, supports images
lonsearchcat.pm - significant internal improvements, supports
domain restrictions, handles untitled
resources, revamped interface, more responsive
to user, POD
lonstatistics.pm - internal updates, analyze optionresponse
problems, bugfixes, BUG 480
lontest.pm - more info, and prettier BUG 527
printout.pl - dynamic eps generation
about.html - added version info, names added and fixed
lonnet.pm - random resource support, support aliases, query
activity logs, handles domain and prive restrictions
correctly, EXT can access query_string, faster with
down connections, better detection of resources on
map, EXT supports users looking at other users, symb
cleaning and verification, parameter caching
actually works, BUGS 121, 200, 240, 305, 458,
461, 476, 488
loncfile.pm - cleaner, handles internal style users BUG 259
londiff.pm - BUG 90
lonpubdir.pm - status clors back, URL in browser should be
the same as URL being worked on. BUG 498
lonpublisher.pm - no more blank lines at the end, creates
<allow>s for image labels in randomlabel
BUGS 90, 517
lonretrieve.pm - BUG 90
londefdef.pm - suport printing images, early start on exam
printing, supports high entities to be unencoded
in tth output, added <th>, BUG 68
lonplot.pm - access to set samples command, BUG 519
lonxml.pm - browse/search links work again, default class
stylefile, register only pages on map, bugfixes,
BUGS 68, 76, 461, 495, 532, 571
run.pm - $i was being overwritten, timeout checking, protect
output, BUGS 471, 494
scripttag.pm - answers allowed outside of CSTR, BUG 228
lonpageflip.pm - handles empty start resources better
lonpage.pm - printing works for most resources,
embeds <hr /> between reources, BUGS 123,165
lonratedt.pm - added Simple RAT (mouse), BUG 466
lonratparams.pm - code cleanup, typos fixed, BUG 90
lonratsrv.pm - delete blank <param>, handles instrnal users
BUG 569
lonsequence.pm - displays sequences outside of course, handles
blank resources better, BUG 175
lonuserstate.pm - may support randomized maps, BUGS 150,305,500
code.html - escpaes characters, import from maps, bugfixes,
save without layout, BUGS 463, 464, 487
parameter.html - support string parameters now
Configuration.pm - added
access.conf removed, contents moved to
loncapa.conf/loncapa_apache.conf BUG 129
installation routine now better about querying about machine and
prompting user to configure machine
startup.pl - loads more modules, uses less memory
added - Plot.problem, RandomLabelExample.problem, SimpleFormula.problem
removed - SimpleStringResponse.problem, formula.problem
HTML files
added - [0-9].gif, colon.gif, nothumb.gif, slash.gif
(clock/thumbnail images)