[LON-CAPA-announce] Invitation for CCLI Grant Porposal
Helen Keefe
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:57:18 -0500
This is an invitation for you to collaborate with us on the CCLI grant proposal.
Some of you are familiar with this proposal from an earlier email sent
by Gerd. For those of you who have responded, thank you for your interest.
The proposal is included further down in the body of this email.
I will be co-ordinating efforts in creation of the proposal in the
following ways:
* we will create a matrix of people's interests and act as a
clearing house to form collaborations.
* we will provide assistance in the individual collaborations'
proposal writing to formulate overarching assessment and evaluation
* we will assist collaborations in any other way we can, and
are looking forward to comments and suggestions regarding the software
infrastructure, etc.
Please send your responses to helen@lon-capa.org. I look forward to
hearing from each of you!
Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI)
Educational Materials Development and National Dissemination Tracks
* Estimated Number of Awards: 100
* Anticipated Funding Amount: Approximately $24 million in FY2003,
pending availability of funding.
June 6, 2002 EMD
The Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) program seeks
to improve the quality of Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) education for all students and targets activities
affecting learning environments, course content, curricula, and
educational practices.
1. Educational Materials Development (CCLI-EMD)
The objective of the CCLI-EMD track is to support the development of
educational materials that incorporate practices that are effective in
improving learning of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics by
undergraduates with diverse backgrounds and career aspirations. Projects
are expected to address national needs and/or opportunities in
undergraduate STEM education and to produce innovative materials of a
quality and significance appropriate for national distribution, adoption,
adaptation, and implementation. Projects to develop new materials may be
particularly appropriate for incorporating technology, global
perspectives, and innovative pedagogy to enhance learning of science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Because it is the aim of the EMD program track to foster the development
of materials that have the potential of being used by and impacting the
largest number and diversity of students enrolled at different types of
institutions, it is recommended that the individuals involved in
materials development demonstrate a knowledge of the needs and
background of such students, and involve faculty as appropriate from
diverse institutions.
Full Development
A full development project is expected to produce and evaluate
significant new educational materials and pedagogical practices, and to
promote their dissemination and effective implementation nationally.
The outcomes expected of the funded projects include all of the following:
* The full development of innovative materials that incorporate
effective teaching and learning strategies, and that are based upon
prior experience with a prototype;
* A credible evaluation of the effectiveness of the materials or
practices at different types of institutions serving students with
diverse backgrounds and career goals;
* Faculty at test sites and other potential users who are prepared to
use the materials or practice;
* Dissemination of information about the developed materials; and
* Self-sustaining national distribution (for example, distribution
through a commercial publisher or discipline-based professional
The Project Description portion of the proposal should describe the plans
to achieve these outcomes.
The proposal may include a request for funds to conduct workshops or
other forms of faculty development to enhance the impact of materials and
products developed by the project.
Coalitions between Two-Year Colleges and
Four-Year Colleges/Universities: In addition to individual submissions
by colleges and universities, in FY03 the Educational Materials
Development track also encourages proposals from two-year colleges in
collaboration with four-year colleges/universities. The goal is to
encourage faculty members from different institutions to jointly design,
develop, and test innovative educational materials for the lower-division
undergraduate courses, particularly those for which students seek
transfer credit. It is hoped that meeting this goal will foster
sustainable relationships by leveraging the strengths of all involved institutions.
These proposals may be submitted by either a two- or four-year
institution but must involve both two- and four-year faculty in the
design, development, and testing of materials. If appropriate,
activities leading to seamless articulation between two- and four-year
institutions may be included.
NSF also encourages submission of jointly developed
full proposals that build on either "proof-of-concept" coalition
activities or other prior work.
Helen Keefe
LON-CAPA/ ITR Project Manager
Laboratory for Instructional Technology in Education
111 North Kedzie Labs
East Lansing, MI 48824
E-mail: helen@lon-capa.org
Web: http://www.lite.msu.edu/
Phone: 517-432-9867
Fax: 517-432-5653