Of our two access servers, only one appears to be allowing mapping to the library server. The one with issues (ndsua1) returns:<br><br>The following problems occurred:<br>Map not loaded: The file <tt>/home/httpd/html/userfiles/ndsu/1H214826f5d894a41ndsul1/default.sequence</tt> does not exist.<br>
<br>Much like Lars, I clone the courses from the previous semester, and I can find the previous hash on ndsua2, in fact, it's listed in the Course Environment:<br><br>/ndsu/2B66911d60f49493bndsul1<br><br>and<br><br>drwxr-x--- 6 www www 4096 Jun 24 09:32 2B66911d60f49493bndsul1<br>
<br>(on ndsua2).<br><br>The hash that ndsua1 can't find is located on ndsua2, so I attempted scp'ing the information over to ndsua1, matched the www:www ownership, and still nothing.<br><br>This 'inaccessibility' exists for all courses I've created recently. Courses were created by logging in to the library server and cloning a previous course.<br>
<br>Thank you,<br><br>Paul<br>