[LON-CAPA-admin] Heavy Load copying between courses

Lucas, Mark lucasm at ohio.edu
Fri Jan 8 11:35:38 EST 2021


I have a colleague who is currently copying material between courses on LON-CAPA.
When copying several folders at once (4) with significant materials in the course,
he is running into significant load and time issues.  Copying a folder at a time
behaves as expected.

Is this a known performance issue?

Attached is a graph of the load. A copy started at 9PM last night took until
3AM this morning and very little actually copied (Just the homework folders).

I’m trying to sort out whether this is an issue with how the copies are done or whether it
is a configuration issue on my end.

Mark Lucas 								email: lucasm at ohio.edu
252D Clippinger Lab						phone: (740)597-2984
Department of Physics and Astronomy			fax: (740)593-0433
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701

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