[LON-CAPA-admin] How to delete a class?
Lucas, Mark
lucasm at ohio.edu
Sun Aug 23 11:39:20 EDT 2020
I don’t know if anyone else has replied.
There are two options:
(1) As you stated, the Hot List will allow you to have the most recent courses at the top.
You can make certain roles “sticky” (I do this for the current semester courses).
You can also adjust the number of roles (up to 9). Decreasing will get rid of courses
for which you haven’t “checked the box” to keep them in your Hot List.
(2) The domain coordinator can easily add or subtract roles to any user. (The exception is
co-author roles to existing authoring spaces. This takes a little more work.)
Officially the options are “Revoke”, “Reenable”, and “Delete” for each role (“Reenable” only
shows if the role has been “Revoked”.
Let me know if this makes sense.
> On Aug 12, 2020, at 7:21 PM, Moore, Nathan T <nmoore at winona.edu> wrote:
> Ok, so I read the docs and now understand that I shouldn't delete courses. https://loncapa.msu.edu/adm/help/Course_Deleting.hlp#Course_Deleting
> I also discovered the "Hotlist" button on the main login page. This seams like a reasonable way to pay attention to only my current courses in Lon Capa.
> I also see that a course I taught in May now has no students, so their (student) roles have properly expired. That course still appears on the first page after I login to Lon Capa though. If there's a way to make old (expired) classes disappear from the login screen, I'd be happy to learn it.
> Nathan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: LON-CAPA-admin <lon-capa-admin-bounces at mail.lon-capa.org> On Behalf Of Moore, Nathan T
> Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2020 8:44 AM
> To: list about administration and system updating <lon-capa-admin at mail.lon-capa.org>
> Subject: [LON-CAPA-admin] How to delete a class?
> What is the accepted procedure for deleting a class?
> Or, what is the procedure for removing a class from the initial set of choices in the "Roles" page?
> Case 1, I made a class for a colleague 2 years ago, never used.
> Case 2, I made a class in 2014 and don't need it any more.
> Nathan
> --- --- ---
> Nathan Moore
> Professor and Chairperson, Physics
> Winona State University
> Winona, MN
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Mark Lucas email: lucasm at ohio.edu
252D Clippinger Lab phone: (740)597-2984
Department of Physics and Astronomy fax: (740)593-0433
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701
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