[LON-CAPA-admin] editing problems on the server

Moore, Nathan T nmoore at winona.edu
Mon Jan 7 13:07:47 EST 2019

I'm currently coding in problems from OpenStax University Physics.  I've been using the web interface to author, which is fine.  I was wondering today if I could just directly compose (or copy problems over to)  the "/home/httpd/html/res" directory, as this is where the problems seem to reside?

Is this the only place my library of problems lives?

This is the contents of a chapter, showing the problems, .meta, and the .subscription files, which look like track changes...

root at LonCappa:/home/httpd/html/res/winona/NMoore/openstax-university-physics-1/ch1# ls
p46b.1.problem                    p46.problem.meta               p48.problem.meta
p46b.1.problem.meta               p46.problem.meta.subscription  p48.problem.meta.subscription
p46b.1.problem.meta.subscription  p46.problem.subscription       p48.problem.subscription
p46b.problem                      p47.problem                    p50.problem
p46b.problem.meta                 p47.problem.meta               p50.problem.meta
p46b.problem.meta.subscription    p47.problem.meta.subscription  p50.problem.meta.subscription
p46b.problem.subscription         p47.problem.subscription
p46.problem                       p48.problem

root at LonCappa:/home/httpd/html/res/winona/NMoore/openstax-university-physics-1/ch1# ls -l p46b.problem*
-rw-r--r-- 1 www www  487 Jan 17  2017 p46b.problem
-rw-r--r-- 1 www www 1337 Jan 17  2017 p46b.problem.meta
-rw-r--r-- 1 www www  188 Oct 28 10:58 p46b.problem.meta.subscription
-rw-r--r-- 1 www www  122 Aug 20 17:24 p46b.problem.subscription

Is this working too close to the edge?  I assume I'd need to work (or chmod the problems) as the www user.  Is there an additional database that would need to be updated?


--- --- --- ---
Nathan Moore, PhD
Physics, Winona State University

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