[LON-CAPA-admin] Repeated Refreshing

Bynum, Lee Hamilton leebynum at illinois.edu
Wed Sep 2 14:15:25 EDT 2015

Hello List,

At least a couple of our users have encountered an odd behavior while using Lon-Capa.  It looks as though their browsers are refreshing very frequently without prompting.  The traffic generated by this is managed by the servers, but the behavior is odd enough that I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this with Lon-Capa.

In one case, this manifested in a login redirect loop.  We initially thought the SSO interface of our school was responsible, but the second occurrence puts that in doubt.  A student left their browser open overnight and came back to it constantly refreshing on a Lon-Capa page.  Ignoring a matching number of requests to javascript and css resources, it looks like the requests are almost entirely to resources of the type /enc/39/* with 403 statuses.

There are a number of possible explanations for what happened, but I'd love to hear if anyone else has come across similar behavior. 


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