[LON-CAPA-admin] lonmemcached_errors

Stuart Raeburn raeburn at msu.edu
Fri Feb 20 17:42:14 EST 2015


> However, I used memcached-tool to monitor some stats about the   
> connection ...

For monitoring of memcached you might want to look at:

> ...  My ulimit is set to 1024?

Yes, the default is a max of 1024 simultaneous connections. On Ubuntu  
you can modify that by editing /etc/memcached.conf. (On CentOS/Red  
Hat/Scientific Linux) you would edit /etc/sysconfig/memcached).

In the msu domain I typically see about 30 connections in use at any time.

When loncontrol starts /home/httpd/perl/lonmemcached, the two  
arguments passed to memcached (which will override defaults for the  
corresponding args) are -m 400 and -v.

Stuart Raeburn
LON-CAPA Academic Consortium

Quoting "Abdel Messeh, Maged" <mmesseh at illinois.edu>:

> Hi Stuart,
> I have used your script to and managed to dump lots of information   
> from memcache.  I am not sure though what to look for?
> However, I used memcached-tool to monitor some stats about the   
> connection as I am wondering if the system is putting an upper limit  
>  on the number of open sockets.  My ulimit is set to 1024?
> I am currently collecting:
> Memcached Current Connections
> Memcached Evictions
> Memcached Get_misses
> Memcached Get_hits
> Memcached Total Connections
> So I can see how they behave when/if the problem happens again.
> Thanks much,
> Maged
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lon-capa-admin-bounces at mail.lon-capa.org   
> [mailto:lon-capa-admin-bounces at mail.lon-capa.org] On Behalf Of   
> Stuart Raeburn
> Sent: Monday, February 9, 2015 8:38 AM
> To: lon-capa-admin at mail.lon-capa.org
> Subject: Re: [LON-CAPA-admin] lonmemcached_errors
> Hi Maged,
>> Failed to write, and not due to blocking: Broken pipe
> I have not encountered that error myself.
> Looking at the source code for memcached from:
> https://github.com/memcached/memcached
> it appears that the error you saw originates in the function:
> enum transmit_result transmit()
> in memcached.c, and occurs when sendmsg() used to send a message on a
> socket returns 0 or -1, i.e.,no characters sent were successfully sent.
> In this instance the result is "TRANSMIT_HARD_ERROR" and the
> connection state is set to "conn_closing".
>  From the command line:
> ps aux |grep memcached |grep -v grep
> will display information about the memcached process.
> netstat |grep localhost:memcache
> will show information about connections to memcache.
> If memcached is not running (but other LON-CAPA daemons are running)
> it can be started using /etc/init.d/loncontrol start
> The global memcache configuration is in:
> /etc/sysconfig/memcached
> The command line script: memcached-tool can be used to will display
> statistics from a running memcached instance. See: man memcached-tool.
> e.g.,
> memcached-tool display
> memcached-tool stats
> There is also: memcached-tool dump
> which makes a partial dump of the cache. However, a custom script is
> probably a better way to dump the current contents of memcached. (see
> below).
> LON-CAPA itself uses the Cache:Memcached perl module, see:
> http://search.cpan.org/~dormando/Cache-Memcached-1.30/lib/Cache/Memcached.pm
> According to the Cache:Memcached documentation the connect_timeout
> defaults to .25 second, and the select_timeout defaults to 1 second.
> The constructor used by LON-CAPA in /home/httpd/lib/perl/Apache/lonnet.pm is:
> $memcache=new Cache::Memcached({'servers'           => [''],
>                                  'compress_threshold'=> 20_000,
>                                  });
> Ubuntu 12.04 LTS includes libcache-memcached-perl 1.29-1, and as you
> noted, version 1.4.13-0ubuntu2.1 of memcached itself.
> The  perl script below uses Cache::Memcached and Data::Dumper to dump
> memcached's currently stored keys and values. However, if your
> server/VM is experienceing load problems, running this will script
> will likely exacerbate that.
> I recommend sending the output from this script to a file, e.g.,
> perl memcached_dump.pl > memcache_snapshot.txt
> ******
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use Cache::Memcached;
> use Data::Dumper;
> # memcached_dump.pl
> # February 9, 2015
> use strict;
> my $instance = "";
> my $memd = new Cache::Memcached {
>      'servers' => [ $instance],
>      'debug' => 0,
> };
> my %containers;
> my $stats = $memd->stats('items');
> my $items = $stats->{hosts}->{$instance}->{items};
> foreach my $line (split(/\r\n/,$items)) {
>      $line =~ s/^.*:(.*):.*$/$1/ig;
>      $containers{$line} = 1;
> }
> foreach my $container (sort(keys(%containers))) {
>       my $result = $memd->stats("cachedump $container 0");
>       my $contents = $result->{hosts}->{$instance}->{"cachedump   
> $container 0"};
>       foreach my $item (split(/\r\n/,$contents)) {
>           my ($name,$size) = ($item =~ /^ITEM\s+(\S+)\s+\[([^;]+)/);
>           $item =~ s/^ITEM (.*) \[.*$/$1/ig;
>           my $val = $memd->get($item);
>           print "$name $size ".Dumper($val)."\n";
>       }
> }
> $memd->disconnect_all;
> *****
> Stuart Raeburn
> LON-CAPA Academic Consortium
> Quoting "Abdel Messeh, Maged" <mmesseh at illinois.edu>:
>> Hi All,
>> Recently I have seen an error showing in lonmemcached_errors, the
>> error message which repeats itself:
>> Failed to write, and not due to blocking: Broken pipe
>> At the same time I see a very high disk IO, and increased number of
>> apache processes.  This happened on 2 of my access nodes.
>> This also was associated with many instances of Code Ran Too Long.
>> I am currently running Ubuntu 12 with memcached 1.4.13.  My access
>> nodes have 6G of memory, during this time the free amount was around
>>  0.5G-1G
>> Any thoughts on why I am seeing this? And what I can do about it?
>> Many thanks,
>> Maged
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