[LON-CAPA-admin] Userless Role Selection

Stuart Raeburn raeburn at msu.edu
Thu Apr 16 17:56:58 EDT 2015

Hi Lee,

> - - [14/Apr/2015:19:35:24 -0500] "GET /adm/roles HTTP/1.1"

What was the Apache response code, i.e., what comes after 'HTTP/1.1" '  
in the line you copied from your server's Apache access log file?

Stuart Raeburn
LON-CAPA Academic Consortium

Quoting "Bynum, Lee Hamilton" <leebynum at illinois.edu>:

> Good Morning,
> Have people encountered userless role selection before?  That is,   
> get requests on /adm/roles without a user name associated with it.    
> It was my impression that /adm/roles/ was only accessed by users   
> that are already logged in.
> - - [14/Apr/2015:19:35:24 -0500] "GET /adm/roles HTTP/1.1"
> This message was generated without any related activity from the   
> associated ip address.  It was generated a lot of times in a couple   
> of minutes, so it could also be a part of our ghost request bug, but  
>  I would love to eliminate the possibility of it being normal   
> behavior first.
> Thanks,
> Lee

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