[LON-CAPA-admin] Path mismatch on /home/httpd/perl/checkforupdates.pl

Martin Diedrich diedrich at rz.tu-clausthal.de
Thu Jul 3 04:42:54 EDT 2014


I updated LON-CAPA on tuesday on a test machine running Ubuntu 10.04 
LTS. The update to 2.11.0 ran without noteworthy problems and I will try 
upgrading the OS to 12.04 LTS too by these days.

The script /home/httpd/perl/checkforupdates.pl is being started as 
described in the help file at 4:10 am and sends me an email noticing the 
following (system running in german):

=== snip ===
The following 2 local files appear to be missing:
/etc/httpd/conf/loncapa_apache.conf (erwartete Vers.:
/etc/httpd/conf/startup.pl (erwartete Vers.:
Die 3 folgenden Dateien werden für das installierte Release nicht 
/etc/apache2/loncapa_apache.conf (lokale Vers.:
/etc/apache2/startup.pl (lokale Vers.:
=== snap ===

I guess it's just a path issue with the check script as we have our 
local apache2 configuration installed in /etc/apache2 and not in 
/etc/httpd - but the daily mail is just nagging a bit as we gate it 
through an OTRS ticket system. Any suggestions what to do :)?

Thanks for your reply and a nice day to you all
Martin Diedrich
| Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Martin Diedrich | Mail: diedrich at rz.tu-clausthal.de |
| Rechenzentrum TU Clausthal     | Telefon: +49 5323 72 2522           |
| Erzstrasse 51                | Jabber: ifmdi at jabber.tu-clausthal.de  |
| 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld | WWW: http://www.rz.tu-clausthal.de/     |

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