[LON-CAPA-admin] Ubuntu 10.04 and Mimetex

Michael Stern michael.stern at fh-stralsund.de
Thu Mar 22 08:09:25 EDT 2012


our installation of LON-CAPA 2.10.1-2011113023 on Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS (64bit)
has a problem rendering formulas with mimetex 1.70.
The expression
https://lc.fh-stralsund.de/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?$a+b\mbox{~~,~}c$ does not
work as expected.
On various CentOS systems with the same mimetex version we got the correct
result, but I found the same behavior on
(probably another Ubuntu installation).

The error occurs only with {~~,~} and {~,~~}.

Are there any known problems related to Lon-Capa under Ubuntu in this
Michael Stern

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