[LON-CAPA-admin] {Disarmed} Clicker ID Column

Jana C Avery/FS/VCU jcavery at vcu.edu
Mon Sep 19 11:07:08 EDT 2011


We want to switch it off because the clickers our campus uses are not 
supported by LonCapa. (We use eInstruction clickers.)  With this column 
suddenly being visible, it will cause confusion and we'll start getting 
support calls from our faculty. 


[LON-CAPA-admin] Clicker ID Column
Gerd Kortemeyer korte at lite.msu.edu 
Mon Sep 19 09:43:16 EDT 2011 
Previous message: [LON-CAPA-admin] Clicker ID Column 
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No, there is no way to switch this off. It could be coupled to whether or 
not any clickers are registered in a particular course.

Why do you need it switched off?

- Gerd.

On Sep 19, 2011, at 9:36 AM, Jana C Avery/FS/VCU wrote:

> After upgrading to LonCapa 2.10.0 we now see a column for "Show clicker 
id" when viewing users in a course (as course coordinator).  Is this new 
to version 2.10.0?  Does anyone know how to disable this at the domain 
level, to prevent it from appearing in any courses?  I haven't found any 
obvious setting for this or any information in the LonCapa documentation. 
> Thanks,
> Jana Avery
> Learning Systems, Technology Services
> Virginia Commonwealth University
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