[LON-CAPA-admin] Porting Construction Space contents from one server to another

Amos Lee lee at math.usask.ca
Wed May 25 18:53:24 EDT 2011


Our current work-horse is running version 2.5.0-2007081514 of Lon Capa 
which has been working fine for our purposes for the past four years. We 
have just installed version 2.9.1-2010112008 of Lon Capa on a new server.

    We need some tips and pointers on how to port our existing Construction 
Space contents (where our "question banks" reside) from the old server to 
the new one.  Is there some documentation that details which directories 
needed to be copied from one server to the other?


Amos Lee
Math & Stats
Univ of Sask

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