[LON-CAPA-admin] Ubuntu 10.04.2 Installation Issues - GPG Key

Stuart Raeburn raeburn at msu.edu
Thu Jun 9 00:20:56 EDT 2011


> I have clean installed an Ubuntu LAMP 10.04.2 server, and am hoping to get
> them up and running with LON-CAPA here shortly.

LAMP is usually an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, although the  
'P' might also mean perl.  Historically, running both mod_perl and  
mod_php as shared objects with Apache (1) was sometimes problematic.

That said, the expectation for servers in the LON-CAPA network has  
always been that the server (or VM) would be used exclusively for  
LON-CAPA, and since LON-CAPA does not make use of PHP, no benefit  
accrues currently from installing PHP.

Installation instructions for LON-CAPA for all supported distros call  
for a minimal (or base set) installation.  When the  
LONCAPA-prerequisites package is installed, additional packages needed  
by LON-CAPA, beyond those available in the base set, are installed as  

I have now had an opportunity to complete LON-CAPA installation  
instructions for Ubuntu 8 LTS and 10 LTS and have added them to:


> ... need the GPG key, which I found, but upon install I run into this:
> sudo apt-key add Release.gpg
> gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.

The steps required for installation of the GPG key for the Ubuntu repo  
found at:

http://install.loncapa.org/ubuntu repo


wget http://install.loncapa.org/versions/ubuntu/APT-GPG-KEY-loncapa.asc
sudo apt-key add APT-GPG-KEY-loncapa.asc

Installation of LON-CAPA 2.10.0 on an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS system with  
only a base set of packages, (augmented by those included in  
loncapa-prerequisites) has been found to be successful for both 32 bit  
and 64 bit architectures.

Out of curiosity I also tested LON-CAPA on an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS system  
where the LAMP software collection had been included during the  
installation, and did not encounter problems (both mod_perl and  
mod_php were enabled Apache modules).  However, the recommendation for  
Ubuntu, as for other flavors of Linux on which LON-CAPA is supported,  
would be to install LON-CAPA on a base system, and not include  
additional software collections during Linux installation.

Stuart Raeburn

Quoting Paul Omernik <paul.omernik at ndsu.edu>:

> Greetings Gerd, Stuart, and gang,
> I have clean installed an Ubuntu LAMP 10.04.2 server, and am hoping to get
> them up and running with LON-CAPA here shortly. Upon installing and running
> updates I discovered I could not apt-cache search loncapa anything, so I
> decided to apt-add-repository install.loncapa.org for lucid/main. I then
> need the GPG key, which I found, but upon install I run into this:
> sudo apt-key add Release.gpg
> gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Paul

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