[LON-CAPA-admin] Missing Dependency: perl(Params::Validate) >= 0.76

Paul Omernik paul.omernik at ndsu.edu
Thu May 27 21:26:06 EDT 2010


I am getting these issues after a fresh install of CentOS 5.5 on our library
server (ouch) (I backed up /home and /etc, no need for /etc on cross-grade
though, it seems).

    1:perl-DateTime-0.4304-1.0.centos5.lc.x86_64 from
> loncapa-updates-basearch has depsolving problems
>       --> Missing Dependency: perl(Params::Validate) >= 0.76 is needed by
> package 1:perl-DateTime-0.4304-1.0.centos5.lc.x86_64
> (loncapa-updates-basearch)
>     1:perl-DateTime-0.4304-1.0.centos5.lc.x86_64 from
> loncapa-updates-basearch has depsolving problems
>       --> Missing Dependency: perl(Params::Validate) is needed by package
> 1:perl-DateTime-0.4304-1.0.centos5.lc.x86_64 (loncapa-updates-basearch)
>     Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Params::Validate) is needed by package
> 1:perl-DateTime-0.4304-1.0.centos5.lc.x86_64 (loncapa-updates-basearch)
>     Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Params::Validate) >= 0.76 is needed by
> package 1:perl-DateTime-0.4304-1.0.centos5.lc.x86_64
> (loncapa-updates-basearch)

I've probably been staring at config files way too long to make sense of
anything any more.  Am I right in guessing that
perl-Params-Util-0.35-1.0.centos5.lc.x86_64 has nothing to do with the
perl-Params-Validate package that seems to not exist anywhere?

Everything seems to go fine until attempting the install of
LONCAPA-prerequisites.  Server is up-to-date, and, again, a fresh install
off a netinst image, which is the same process I used on the two access
servers some time ago.

The good news is that this seems to be the only issue, as the issues that
stem from forcing and/or ignoring the dependency all seem to point back to
this package.

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