[LON-CAPA-admin] LON-CAPA Version 2.8.0

Stuart Raeburn raeburn at msu.edu
Sun Jan 18 21:08:18 EST 2009


The srpm for perl-DateTime-0.4304 for Fedora 9 has been available here  
for a while:

http://mail.lon-capa.org/pipermail/lon-capa-dev/2007-November/001852.html for  
information about the "testing" repositories.

I can also copy it to the "usual place" for SRPMS for Fedora 9 production:

Stuart Raeburn

Quoting JAC LON-CAPA Administrator <loncapa_admin at johnabbott.qc.ca>:

> Hi, sorry for the repeat message if the other one gets through
> (sent the first from the wrong mail account).
> I'm just finalizing the installation of 2.8.0 on our Fedora-9 ppc64
> servers
> (getting ready to request joining to the cluster).  Since ppc64
> doesn't seem
> to be a supported architechture, I've been building the lon-capa
> specific
> rpms from source.
> I was looking for the source RPM for the new perl-Date-Time for Fedora
> 9,
> and it doesn't seem to be in the usual place:
> http://install.lon-capa.org/fedora/linux/loncapa/9/SRPMS/
> Could this be made available as soon as practical.
> Many thanks,
> Michael Dugdale
> Department of Physics,
> John Abbott College
> On 16-Jan-09, at 12:51 PM, Stuart Raeburn wrote:
>> Lars,
>> perl-DateTime-0.4304-1.0.<distro><version>.lc.<arch>.rpm rpms have
>> been built for all distros on which LON-CAPA is supported (and added
>> to the corresponding LON-CAPA repository on install.loncapa.org), in
>> cases where the distro's core repository either contains a version
>> that is too old or, alternatively, does not contain this particular rpm.
>> This includes SuSE 10.2.
>> You will need to update the perl-DateTime rpm installed on your
>> system.  How this is done depends on the distro.  In the case of SuSE
>> you should use yast.
>> 1. yast -> Software -> Installation Source
>> 2. Select the listed YAST repository:   
>> "http://install.loncapa.org/suse/10.2/"
>> 3. Source Settings -> Refresh Now
>> 4  Finish
>> 5. Software -> Software Management
>> 6. Search perl-DateTime
>> 7. Confirm that the "Avail. Vers." listed is 0.4304.
>> 8. Toggle the -i- > to update, and use Accept.
>> If you cannot get this to work you could fetch the rpm directly:
>> wget
>> http://install.loncapa.org/suse/10.2/RPMS/i586/perl-DateTime-0.4304-1.0.suse10.2.lc.i586.rpm
>> As perl-DateTime has a dependency on perl-List-MoreUtils you'll also
>> need that:
>> wget
>> http://install.loncapa.org/suse/10.2/RPMS/i386/perl-List-MoreUtils-0.22-1.0.suse10.2.lc.i386.rpm
>> and then do:
>> rpm -ivh perl-List-MoreUtils-0.22-1.0.suse10.2.lc.i386.rpm
>> followed by
>> rpm -Uvh perl-DateTime-0.4304-1.0.suse10.2.lc.i586.rpm
>> If you use yast, the perl-List-MoreUtils dependency will be handled
>> automatically.
>> Stuart Raeburn
>> MSU LON-CAPA group
>> Quoting Lars Jensen <ljensen at tmcc.edu>:
>>> Hi Stuart,
>>> We're running opensuse 10.2, which is not being updated anymore. The
>>> version we have installed of perl-Datetime is
>>> perl-DateTime-0.41-1.0.suse10.2.lc. I assume this won't work with
>>> loncapa 2.8. Do you know where I can find a perl-Datetime rpm for suse
>>> 10.2? Or do I have to build the module? If so, are there any
>>> dependencies that must be satisfied?
>>> Lars.
>>> Stuart Raeburn wrote:
>>>> New Version 2.8.0 Released
>>>> Notable Changes from 2.7.1:
>>>> Authoring Resources
>>>> - Publication is possible for problems that do not include any
>>>> response items, but include imported libraries.
>>>> - When viewed in "Show Answer" status, Organic Material Response
>>>> items display a "Show Your Last Answer" button if a JME string for
>>>> display as the computer's answer was omitted. (In 2.7.0, but
>>>> eliminated in 2.7.1 when the pencil icon replaced the "Draw
>>>> Molecule" button).
>>>> Student Interface
>>>> - Users with a single role/course no longer have this role selected
>>>> automatically.
>>>> Instead the courses/roles page will be displayed for all users   
>>>> after log-in.
>>>> - A "Re-initialize/Re-select" course button is shown on the
>>>> roles/courses screen for all course users when in course context.
>>>> - The WYSIWYG editor used for composing HTML in text areas has   
>>>> been updated
>>>> - The mimeTeX utility used to create bitmap images for display of
>>>> mathematical typesetting has been updated.  Inline images now
>>>> display in vertical alignment with any surrounding text.
>>>> - For inline navigation (set to icons or icons/text) the
>>>> annotations to a resource icon will change if a user has already
>>>> annotated the resource.
>>>> - The starting day of the week used in the calendar is determined  
>>>>  by Locale.
>>>> - Files uploaded by students for submission to assignments (e.g.,
>>>> via a Drop Box) are subject to a size restriction.
>>>> - The assigned quota and the amount of disk space currently in use
>>>> for the user's Portfolio are displayed.
>>>> Communications
>>>> - System-generated text in a notification e-mail is localized
>>>> according to the recipient's language preference (or course
>>>> language preference, if message sent in course context).
>>>> - Each recipient receives a single notification e-mail if
>>>> notification e-mail and permanent e-mail addresses are the same,
>>>> and e-mail should go to both.
>>>> - The sender's e-mail address is omitted from notification e-mail
>>>> headers if the original LON-CAPA message did not permit replies.
>>>> The text of the e-mail also warns that replies will not be received
>>>> by the sender.
>>>> - The recipient type - either To: or Cc: - is preserved when
>>>> displaying a message.
>>>> Selections from both To: or Cc: recipients can be made when replying.
>>>> -  A pop-up window can be launched to show a list of recipients
>>>> when displaying a message broadcast to multiple course participants.
>>>> - Group members sending a broadcast message to active group members
>>>> can elect to designate recipients as either Cc: or Bcc:.
>>>> - Ccs set in the "Contact Helpdesk" web form only apply if the form
>>>> is accessed by a logged-in user.
>>>> Course Management
>>>> - The default maximum for the cumulative size of files a user can
>>>> submit to a particular question is 10 MB.   Max. file size is a
>>>> parameter which can be set at a course, folder or resource level
>>>> for all users or specific users.
>>>> - Storage of information about file uploads in a course's activity
>>>> log has been streamlined.
>>>> - A file uploaded to a Drop Box is not overwritten by later
>>>> submission of a similarly named file by the same user to a
>>>> different assignment.
>>>> - The naming scheme for page/sequence files which record
>>>> folder/composite page contents is more succinct where the
>>>> folder/page is a copy of an existing course item.
>>>> - If a course timezone has been defined, this will be applied to
>>>> all dates/times shown when using the "Student Activity" utility to
>>>> display recent activity in a course.
>>>> Grading
>>>> - Formularesponse items will not accept a comma in an individual
>>>> submission  - either as a scalar answer or within a single
>>>> component in a vector answer (vector answers still use a comma as
>>>> separator between components).
>>>> - If timeouts or internal errors prevent grading of a submission, a
>>>> student will not be charged a try, and will be able to submit the
>>>> same answer again.
>>>> - When grading bubble sheet exams, an optional verification can
>>>> check for inconsistencies between bubbled letters/numbers and
>>>> stored submissions.  A scan line with anomalies receives a second
>>>> grading pass, and a warning is displayed if they persist.
>>>> - The zip file which can be generated of all files submitted by
>>>> selected students to a particular assignment now includes files
>>>> uploaded directly as well as files selected from students'
>>>> portfolios.
>>>> Domain Coordination/Domain Settings
>>>> - Default Locale can be set for a domain or for a course.
>>>> - User Tools (Personal Home Page, Blogs and User Portfolio) can be
>>>> enabled/disabled for users in a domain based on affiliation (e.g.,
>>>> Faculty, Staff, Student etc.).  Any domain-wide access controls can
>>>> be overridden for individual users by a Domain Coordinator.  The
>>>> default is for all three tools to be enabled for all users.
>>>> - The lightweight webserver run on port 8080 (lonhttpd) formerly
>>>> used to serve icons has been eliminated because of issues with
>>>> institutional firewalls.  The standard web server on port 80 (or
>>>> 443 for SSL) is now used.
>>>> - Display of a banner and/or main logo on the log-in page (either
>>>> custom or default) can be disabled.
>>>> _ A Domain Coordinator's Main Menu includes a "Domain Status" item
>>>> which links to a number of utilities which provide server status
>>>> information.
>>>> _ Access to server status pages can be configured for specific
>>>> users, or from specific IP addresses.  Domain Coordinators
>>>> automatically have access for servers in their domain.  This
>>>> replaces the previously used Apache Basic Auth access control.
>>>> Printing
>>>> - Generation of printouts is faster (and postscript files are
>>>> smaller) as a result of minimizing the incidence of missing fonts
>>>> (which must be generated).
>>>> - The HTML paragraph tag is disabled when printing tables to
>>>> prevent hung print jobs.
>>>> Localization
>>>> - New translations and improvements were made for the German interface.
>>>> Appearance
>>>> - More interface standardization using the following display elements:
>>>> - Data tables with rows of alternating light/dark background
>>>> colors, and a colored header.
>>>> - Two column data tables with a colored left column, and light
>>>> gray right column.
>>>> - Boxes with a thin border used to group similar items together.
>>>> Installation Notes:
>>>> To use this release you need to have version 1-12 of LONCAPA-prerequisites
>>>> installed (this is the same version as used with LON-CAPA 2.7). You
>>>> will need to update the version of perl-DateTime installed on your
>>>> server to perl-DateTime-0.4304-1.
>>>> To install this update:
>>>> 1) You will need to be running Fedora Core 6, 7, 8, or 9, RHEL
>>>> (AS|ES) 4 or 5, SUSE 10.1 10.2 or 10.3, SLES 9 or 10, CentOS 5,
>>>> Scientific Linux 5 .(Fedora Core 5 should continue to work but is
>>>> deprecated.)
>>>> 2) Update perl-DateTime to 0.4304.
>>>> (a) Fedora
>>>> yum update
>>>> (b) RedHat Enterprise 4
>>>> up2date -u perl-DateTime
>>>> (c) Red Hat 5/Centos 5/Scientific Linux 5
>>>> yum update
>>>> (d) SuSE/SLES
>>>> Use yast-> Installation Source to refresh the LON-CAPA repository
>>>> Use yast->Software Management->Search to update perl-DateTime
>>>> On all distributions, it is recommended that you check that you have
>>>> the correct versions of LONCAPA-prerequisites and perl-DateTime
>>>> installed before proceeding.
>>>> rpm -q LONCAPA-prerequisites
>>>> should report:
>>>> LONCAPA-prerequisites-1-12.X
>>>> rpm -q perl-DateTime
>>>> should report:
>>>> perl-DateTime-0.4304-1.X
>>>> (where X is a distro identifier e.g., fc7.lc)
>>>> 3) Download the new LON-CAPA tarball from
>>>> wget http://install.lon-capa.org/versions/loncapa-2.8.0.tar.gz
>>>> and untar it
>>>> tar xzvf loncapa-2.8.0.tar.gz
>>>> 4) stop the LON-CAPA system services
>>>> /etc/rc.d/init.d/loncontrol stop
>>>> 5) stop the webserver:
>>>> Fedora/RHEL/Centos/Scientific Linux
>>>> /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop
>>>> SLES 9:
>>>> /etc/init.d/apache stop
>>>> SUSE 10.1,2,3/SLES 10:
>>>> /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
>>>> 6) Run the UPDATE script as root
>>>> cd loncapa-2.8.0
>>>> su
>>>> ./UPDATE
>>>> 7) restart the LON-CAPA system services
>>>> /etc/rc.d/init.d/loncontrol start
>>>> 8) restart the webserver:
>>>> Fedora/RHEL/Centos/Scientific Linux
>>>> /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start
>>>> SLES 9:
>>>> /etc/init.d/apache start
>>>> SUSE 10.1,2,3/SLES 10:
>>>> /etc/init.d/apache2 start
>>>> ----NOTES
>>>> 1) Many questions are answered at http://help.lon-capa.org
>>>> 2) Defects reports, and enhancements requests can be entered at
>>>>   http://bugs.lon-capa.org
>>>> 3) Mailing lists can be joined and left at http://mail.lon-capa.org
>>>> Stuart Raeburn
>>>> MSU LON-CAPA group

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