[LON-CAPA-admin] Print problems

Todd Ruskell truskell at mines.edu
Tue Sep 4 17:53:31 EDT 2007

We have an access server (lc2) that we just brought back up.
Unfortunately, when doing a prt, we go all the way through the process,
and then it hangs on the "Creating PDF" page.  As a student I get the
"return to last resource" link, but nothing else.  As cc, it appears
that no pdf files get generated.  So clearly something must be missing,
I'm just not sure which component.  ps2pdf is present, as is convert.
Any other ideas?


Dr. Todd Ruskell
Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics       Office:  Meyer Hall 326
Colorado School of Mines                     Phone: 303-384-2080
1523 Illinois Street                         Fax: 303-273-3919
Golden, CO 80401

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