[LON-CAPA-admin] Daylight Savings Time?

Todd Ruskell truskell at mines.edu
Fri Oct 26 00:11:45 EDT 2007

Guy Albertelli II wrote:
> Hi Todd,
> More details about exactly what you set and what you saw could make it
> easier for me to analyze this.. but barring that a diatribe on DST and
> how we try to handle things follows. :-)

In PPRM, I'll click on, for example, the "Due Date" link for a resource.
 In the box that pops up, I select a date, for example:
"Wed Oct 31 2007 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (MDT)"  is what shows up in the date
selection box.

However, when I submit that date, the PPRM screen now reports it as
"Wed Oct 31 17:00:00 2007 (MST)"

 > Thus LON-CAPA gets DST as correct as the info on the system allows it to.

> If you see a Oct. date/time that is is showing as MST I'd suspect you
> are missing a SuSE update to correct the timezone info.

 Thanks, we'll see what we can find.

Dr. Todd Ruskell
Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics       Office:  Meyer Hall 326
Colorado School of Mines                     Phone: 303-384-2080
1523 Illinois Street                         Fax: 303-273-3919
Golden, CO 80401

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