[LON-CAPA-admin] Odd User Management

Stefan Bisitz st.bisitz at fh-wolfenbuettel.de
Thu Aug 30 08:13:35 EDT 2007


The User Management behaves quite odd.

User ABC with home server domain "nds" is an author and wants to grant
the role "Co-Author" to a user on the server with domain "fhwf".

I configured the directory search on server "fhwf":
- Login as DC
- "Set domain configuration"
- "Directory search available?" -> Yes
- "Search latitude" -> "Contains is a match"
- "Users allowed to search (fhwf)" -> check/uncheck "all users" (no
different behaviour)
- "Supported search methods" -> check all ("username", "last name",
"last name, first name")

- Login as user ABC on nds (no other role than Author is granted to this
- "Create a user or modify the roles and privileges of a user"
- "username" "contains" "bisitz" "in institutional directory"
- "Domain/institution to search:" -> "fhwf"
- Click "Search"

-> Message "No match found for this username (bisitz) in your
institution's directory."
and the button 'Make new user "bisitz"' appears

This causes many questions:

1) Roles screen says: "Author and Co-Author roles are not available on
servers other than their respective home servers." Does this mean that I
should not be able to grant the role "Co-Author" to a user which has an
account an other server? If so, it isn't true anymore. I clearly
remember that I granted role "Co-Author" for my account on our server to
Guy's account at msu many months ago.

2) The user "bisitz" exisits on fhwf. Why does the search doesn't find it?

2) User "bisitz" exists on nds and fhwf. I shouldn't be offered to
CREATE this user as a NEW user. By the way, after clicking on this
button, I can change the privilegs for the already existing user
"bisitz" on nds.

3) Do I really want to create a user on my HOME server if I can't find
the user on ANOTHER server? -> Why the button "Make new user ..." at all?

4) Since when and why are authors allowed to create LON-CAPA users?

5) Click on "Select User" works but the "Showing users with a name
starting with" is broken. There seems to be one "not" too less/much.
This search displays the users whose user names do NOT start with the
content of the text box.

6) "Users allowed to search (fhwf)": Who is "not all users"? Means:
Which users are allowed to execute the directory search if option "all
users" is unchecked?

Last but not least:
7) How is it finally possible to grant "Co-Author" privileges to a user
on another domain?

Any help appreciated, thanks!

Stefan Bisitz

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