[LON-CAPA-admin] Auto enroll timeout

Guy Albertelli II guy at albertelli.com
Thu May 4 11:25:29 EDT 2006

Hi Hon-Kie,

> I checked both lonsql.log and lonsql_errors. In the first log, 
> immediately after I click on the Update Roster Now, the following 
> lines appears in lonsql.log. Nothing shows up in lonsql_errors - even 
> after the system timed out.
> Thu May  4 07:59:20 2006 (2453): <font color='red'>CRITICAL: 
> ---------- Starting ----------</font>
> Thu May  4 07:59:41 2006 (2453): Child 2454 died
> The above message seems to suggest that the child process never live 
> very long. Is this normal? 

This is saying
- lonsql Process Id 2453 starts
- lonsql 2453 starts a seperate child (likely some other program in a
system call)
- This other progam exited, and the lonsql 2453 notices this other
child 2454 exiting

Does your fetch enrollement do any system calls or `` ?

> Also, I inserted a few print STDERR in the 
> localenroll::fetch_enrollment and nothing got printed out. This 
> suggests that the routine was never called 

Can you call the &main::logthis() sub instead that should add the
message to the lonsql.log file

Additionaly I would uncomment the 

	        # &logthis("QUERY: $query - $arg1 - $arg2 - $arg3");
in lonsql
and add &logthis() calls bracketting the
$locresult = &localenroll::fetch_enrollment($dom,\%affiliates,\%replies);

To make sure it is getting called.

guy at albertelli.com   0-7-1-8-27,137

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