[LON-CAPA-admin] course could not be initialized at this time

Guy Albertelli II guy at albertelli.com
Wed Jan 18 15:38:29 EST 2006

Hi Nathan,

> Yep, that default.sequence file is totally empty.  I was able to find  
> a backup of that default.sequence file and everything appears to be  
> operating correctly.
> How that default.sequence file was blanked is another matter...I  
> don't know if it's worth the forensic study or not, but Dr. Sawicki  
> (the CC) maintains he did not delete the file from DOCS.

This would have occured because of the out of disk space issue.

Unfortunately, lon-capa hasn't had alot of testing under 'no available
disk space' conditions, at it's very likely that something acts
incorrectly under this condition.

I'll take a look...
guy at albertelli.com   0-7-1-8-27,137

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