[LON-CAPA-admin] Version 2.1.0 on SuSE 9.3

Guy Albertelli II guy at albertelli.com
Mon Jan 2 15:44:28 EST 2006

Hi All,

Looks like SuSE 9.2/9.3 minimal installs weren't installing unzip

2.1.0's install depends on unzip being installed.

So for people on SuSE (and possibly SLES)

You need to make sure unzip is installed.

# rpms -q -a | grep unzip

If it isn't installed you can get do
wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/suse/i386/9.3/suse/i586/unzip-5.51-3.i586.rpm
rpm -Uvh unzip-5.51-3.i586.rpm

And then ./UPDATE will run properly.

We will be releasing an update LONCAPA-prerequisites in the near
future to include this dependency.

guy at albertelli.com   0-7-1-8-27,137

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