[LON-CAPA-admin] assistant co-author

Guy Albertelli II guy at albertelli.com
Wed Aug 31 14:30:38 EDT 2005

Hi Hon-Kie,

> I am curious as to why the assistant co-author role has such limited 
> capabilities within the construction space. 

It was a passive rather than active removal of these abilities.

> For example:
> 1. The link at the top to the various sub-directories is disabled.
> 2. Unable to print a directory in construction space yet can edit the 
> problems in that directory.

Both of these are controlled by the 'adv' attribute right now, we
would need to fine grain them out in to seperate priveledges.

> It would seems that the above functions do not compromise other resources 
> and should be enabled.

Sounds good to me, could you file taht?

guy at albertelli.com   0-7-2-1-27,137

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