[LON-CAPA-admin] port 40914

lucasm at ohiou.edu lucasm at ohiou.edu
Wed Sep 29 18:54:55 EDT 2004

It's not clear. My guess is that they block everything but a few.
The word from Tom is that they take the 'if it can't get through, it can't 
hurt us' attitude with a lot of the system management in the school 
systems. It makes their work easier - or at least closer to manageable.


On Wed, 29 Sep 2004, Guy Albertelli II wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> > Our only problem has been that the local high school blocks port 8080.
> Did they block 8080 specifically?
> Or do they block everything but a specific port?
> I'm trying to figure out if I need to do something else by default.
> The performance gains gotten by having the seperate sever for the
> little images is nice, but I am seeing more problems with people not
> getting them.
> > I only found out last week that they all use the remote without the 
> > buttons!
> Arrgh.
> -- 
> guy at albertelli.com  LON-CAPA Developer  0-7-3-2-
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Mark Lucas					email: lucasm at ohiou.edu
252D Clippinger Lab  				phone: (740)597-2984
Department of Physics and Astronomy             fax:   (740)593-0433
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701

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