[LON-CAPA-admin] kerberos authentication

Guy Albertelli II guy at albertelli.com
Wed Jun 9 15:11:30 EDT 2004

Hi Nathan,

> I just got information from someone on campus about our kerberos system:
> >Our primary and backup
> >kdc's are:
> >
> >    kdc1.ndsu.nodak.edu (port 88)
> >    kdc2.ndsu.nodak.edu (port 88)
> >
> >The administrative kerberos server is:
> >
> >    kdc1.ndsu.nodak.edu (port 749)
> Would I need additional information, or is this sufficient?

Is it kerberos 4 or 5 (sounds like 5 to me)

and what is the kerberos domain.

Mark Lucas would likely be able to chime in here if I am wrong or

guy at albertelli.com  LON-CAPA Developer  0-7-4-3-

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