[LON-CAPA-admin] New access server -- error messages

Phil Moore phil at cosm.sc.edu
Thu Aug 26 11:52:19 EDT 2004

Thanks Guy,

Restarting the services helped, but also corrected a
DNS problem which wasn't helping matters any.
All is working fine now.
-Phil Moore, phil at sc.edu

Guy Albertelli II wrote:
> Hi Phil,
>>I set up a new access server sca2, added it to
>>domain.tab on all local machines.
> Just to doublecheck. You need 
> 1) add the entry to hosts.tab on all local machines
> 2) reload httpd on all local machines
> 3) restart loncontrol on all local machines
>>[Tue Aug 24 11:40:37 2004] [error] access to 
>>failed for loncapa4.psc.sc.edu, reason: Invalid request for file 
>>transfer from loncapa4.psc.sc.edu
> Can you check for any associated error messages in 
> /home/httpd/perl/logs/lond.log
> on the library machine?

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