[LON-CAPA-admin] New access server -- error messages

Phil Moore phil at cosm.sc.edu
Tue Aug 24 12:04:51 EDT 2004

I set up a new access server sca2, added it to
domain.tab on all local machines.

The homework problems are not tranferring.
The library server /etc/httpd/logs/error_log shows lines like:

[Tue Aug 24 11:40:37 2004] [error] access to 
failed for loncapa4.psc.sc.edu, reason: Invalid request for file 
transfer from loncapa4.psc.sc.edu

Library server and first access server is RH 7.3  Loncapa 1.1.3
New access server is Fedora Core 2, Loncapa 1.1.3.

Any help is appreciated.

-Phil Moore, phil at sc.edu, 803-777-2708

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