[LON-CAPA-admin] Initial Setup of lon-capa library

Gerd Kortemeyer korte at lite.msu.edu
Mon Dec 15 19:40:20 EST 2003

Hi Gabriel,

Something is fishy (firewalled, IP-translated?) with the DNS setup of  
that machine, since this is what I get on s10:

[Mon Dec 15 19:28:26 2003] [error] access to  
/raw/msu/mmp/lbs271.sequence failed for, reason: Spoof  
request from

Looks like the reverse DNS lookup does fail.

# traceroute lon-capa.phy.cmich.edu
traceroute to lon-capa.phy.cmich.edu (, 30 hops max, 38  
byte packets
  1  cc-rtr-ve21.net.msu.edu (  0.204 ms  0.119 ms  0.120 ms
  2  cc2-rtr-ge13.net.msu.edu (  0.202 ms  0.124 ms  0.121 ms
  3  ge0-2-0.msu5.mich.net (  6.218 ms  0.663 ms  0.580 ms
  4  ge-1-3-0x23.nl-chi3.mich.net (  45.977 ms  44.499 ms  
  46.236 ms
  5  atm2-1-0x3.cmu2.mich.net (  30.883 ms  30.316 ms   
30.385 ms
  6 (  30.508 ms  30.432 ms  30.497 ms
  7  fo027-r1.snmp.cmich.edu (  31.169 ms  31.271 ms  31.352  
  8 (  30.965 ms  31.168 ms  31.277 ms
  9 (  31.085 ms  31.257 ms  30.734 ms

Somewhere around fo027-r1.snmp.cmich.edu, the hostnames get dropped.  
Does not happen with other boxes, see for example

# traceroute neptune.physics.ndsu.nodak.edu
traceroute to neptune.physics.ndsu.nodak.edu (, 30 hops  
max, 38 byte packets
  1  cc-rtr-ve21.net.msu.edu (  0.177 ms  0.127 ms  0.123 ms
  2  cc2-rtr-ge13.net.msu.edu (  0.178 ms  0.183 ms  0.127 ms
  3  ge0-2-0.msu5.mich.net (  7.315 ms  0.671 ms  0.624 ms
  4  at-0-3-0x8.aa1.mich.net (  17.024 ms  17.143 ms   
16.954 ms
  5  abilene-iplsng.mich.net (  27.828 ms  28.265 ms   
27.963 ms
  6  mn-abilene.northernlights.gigapop.net (  48.651 ms   
48.660 ms  48.816 ms
  7  ndsu-i2r.northernlights.gigapop.net (  56.226 ms   
56.095 ms  56.271 ms
  8  vlan-107.cc.ndsu.NoDak.edu (  56.319 ms  56.161 ms   
56.266 ms
  9  neptune.physics.ndsu.NoDak.edu (  55.903 ms  56.200  
ms  56.183 ms

- I am not network-savvy enough to understand what's going on, but  
something is different - maybe your network coordinator on campus can  
look into this? Anybody else any ideas?

- Gerd.

On Dec 15, 2003, at 6:40 PM, Gabriel Friedmann wrote:

> Greetings all.
> I seem to be well on my way to having an up and running LON-CAPA
> installation.  Indeed, it is up and seems to be running perfectly
> for all local content.
> But i am having an issue with accessing remote content. :-/
> I have verified that my domain (cmich) can publish resources:
> /res/cmich/beta/index.html
> and that is accessible from other servers such as s10.lite.msu.edu
> My status page tells me that my connection to msul1 is OK.
> I am able to browse around the resource list for different
> servers, but when i attempt to access the resource or its
> metadata, I get a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
> /etc/httpd/logs/error_log reports
> ---------
> [Mon Dec 15 18:27:19 2003] [error] access to
> /res/msu/psyclib/Graphics/GType-tobefiled/distsCT.gif failed for
>, reason: Replication failed for
> beta_1071527474_cmich_cmichl1
> ---------
> lonnet.log:
> ---------
> Mon Dec 15 18:27:19 2003 (1080): <font color=blue>WARNING: LWP
> get: 403 Forbidden:
> /home/httpd/html/res/msu/psyclib/Graphics/GType-tobefiled/ 
> distsCT.gif</font>
> ---------
> relevant process?:
> www       1111  1107  0 17:55 ?        00:00:02 lonc: msul1
> Connection count: 2 Retries remaining: 2 Mon Dec 15 18:36:24 2003
> www       1169  1100  0 17:56 ?        00:00:00 lond: Listening to
> msul1 Mon Dec 15 17:56:19 2003
> Any assistance on getting this installation up and running would
> be greatly appreciated.... I'm still trying to figure out what is
> wrong with my setup.
> -- Gabriel
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